Guru Padmasambhava Buddha

435 Pins
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Vajrayogini Gold Mandalas, Yoga, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddha, Vajrayana Buddhism, Dharma, Tibetan Buddhist, Hindhu, Vajra
Vajrayogini Gold
an old painting of a man with two women
Food of Bodhisattvas: Buddhist Teachings on Abstaining from Meat
Himalayan Art
an intricately decorated painting with figures on it
Mandala of Vajravarahi
an image of a colorful painting on paper
Rainbow body
an image of the god sitting on top of a flowered tree in front of a green
(no title)
Padmasambhava and Dakini Mandarava
an image of a person sitting on top of a tiger
Guru Dorje Drolo, a wisdom form, an expression of the rainbow body emanated in the final days before Padmasambhava's departure from Tibet. Dorje Drolo made many prophecies and multiplied terma through his meditative powers, securing the commitment of local spirits to extend their protection across generations. Dorje Drolo is the Buddha oriented toward the welfare of practitioners in the future - our present degenerate age.
an old painting on the side of a building
Yeshe Tsogyal, consort of Padmasambhava
the building is built into the side of the mountain with red doors and windows on it
Кадры из фильма - в поисках Древнего Тибета (2010)
'Lotus Crystal Cave' — a famous pilgrimage site located at about four hours' trekking distance above Dzongsar Monastery. Yeshe Tsogyal meditation cave place.
an image of a person sitting in the middle of a room with red and gold wallpaper
an ornate painting with buddhas on it
The Legend of the Great Stupa & The Life Story of the Lotus-Born Guru — Two Termas from the Nyingma Tradition — by Padmasambhava & Yeshe Tsogyal , translated by Keith Dowman
a statue of buddha sitting on top of a table
Guru Rinpoche
an image of a buddha statue sitting on top of a hill
Guru Rinpoche
an image of buddha with many colors and patterns
Guru Rinpoche
an image of buddhas in the clouds
Buddhist spiritual painting (thangka) and ritual staff internet-shop
garab dorje: Dzogchen: Having understood the meaning of the complete identity of all phenomena (in terms of their essence which is emptiness), then when one enters into this (state of contemplation) without following them, this is the true meditation." Through the practice of Thekchod, one comes to understand and be totally familiar with the state of contemplation. John Myrdhin Reynolds. The Golden Letters (Kindle Locations 346-347). Kindle Edition.
an ornate painting on the side of a red wall with gold and black accents, depicting deities
Love Is All Around
Vajrayogini, Tibet, 15th Century. Lineages Sakya and Karma (Kagyu) Material Ground Mineral Pigment on Cotton, Collection Rubin Museum of Art,