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Infinity quote Had a math teacher that told us nothing is important. It really is. Whether you have no siblings or no children or no money or no hope, nothing is important. Without nothing, we wouldn't have the ability to have everything. To have something to strive for, to dream about. Nothing gives us reason to believe. Not sure if she meant it that deep, but oh well. Math Quotes, Math Jokes, Kurt Vonnegut, Math Humor, Calculus, Quotable Quotes, Great Quotes, Beautiful Words, Inspirational Words

Infinity quote Had a math teacher that told us nothing is important. It really is. Whether you have no siblings or no children or no money or no hope, nothing is important. Without nothing, we wouldn't have the ability to have everything. To have something to strive for, to dream about. Nothing gives us reason to believe. Not sure if she meant it that deep, but oh well.

Lynette Groves