Hug pictures

Browse through a collection of heartwarming hug pictures that will bring a smile to your face. Share the joy and warmth by sending these beautiful images to your loved ones.
Hey peepz! I'm new here. It's my first story. So Manik and Nandini… #generalfiction #General Fiction #amreading #books #wattpad Couple Photography, Couple Goals, Couple, Couple Pictures, Couple Aesthetic, Couples, Couple Photos, Couple Photography Poses, Fotos

Hey peepz! I'm new here. It's my first story. So Manik and Nandini's love inspires me alot. So I thought why not give it a shot by some other plot. So here it goes- "It's Ms.Singhania for you." "For fuck's sake stop calling me Mr.Malhotra. It's Manik for you." "She has suffered a lot!" "I feel a connection with you." "His past is no heaven!" "I cannot love him!" "I love her!" "I'm sorry Nandini. You can go I'll not stop you." "You don't call me Nandini. It's Princess for you. Your Princess!"…
