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The Symptoms: I don’t answer when spoken to Dinner is late or nonexistent The house is a mess and I don’t even realize it And oh yah, was I supposed to be somewhere? The Cause: An un-put-down-able book For me, an un-put-down-able book is one where the story grips me from the very beginning. It will have relatable characters, strong plot lines and will either expose me to something new or make me look at something in a new way. Each of the following books had those qualities. They were not…

Erin Frost-Elshami
How to Be Alone: If You Want To, and Even If You Don't, a book that will make you feel, well, a hell of a lot less alone. Reading Lists, Humour, Reading, Book Lists, Self Help Books, Self Help, Book Worth Reading, Worth Reading, Books To Read

No matter what brand of loneliness you're dealing with — because everyone deals with *some* — How to Be Alone will make you feel a little less alone, and a lot less broken. Though it's not exactly a ~self-help~ book, it's invaluable for all the ways that it tells you it's okay: it's okay to be lonely, it's okay to yearn for better relationships, it's okay to hate the holidays, it's okay to cut ties with people who are unsafe for you, it's okay to feel anxious, it's okay not to be okay…

Jezzie K
Reading, Books To Read Before You Die, Inspirational Books To Read, Best Books To Read, Best Non Fiction Books, Books You Should Read, Top Books To Read, Books To Read, Recommended Books To Read

. If you know me, you know I love a good book. I don’t just read any book though; life’s too short for bad books. Before I begin a new book, I visit Goodreads and do a little research. A book needs a rating of 4 (out of 5) or better for me to begin. Because my criteria is high, I’ve read some OUTSTANDING books this year. It was hard to choose just TEN for my TOP TEN of ’22. But here they are. . The Top Ten Books I Read in 2022: . 1. I Guess I Haven’t Learned that Yet by Shauna Niequist…
