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Humour, Self Help, Self Help Books, Psychotherapist, Brutally Honest, Human Behavior, Self, Books To Read, Book Worth Reading

According to a recent study, the U.S. market for self-improvement is $9.9 billion. Despite that, many therapists think that self-help books are useless. Gregg Williams, for example, says that change is hard, improvements happen unevenly, involve many steps and take a lot of time. Nothing even remotely close to what the self-help reads are preaching. Luckily, Johan Deckmann has something that's way better. By day, Deckmann analyzes the human behavior; by night, he writes down his observations…

L Will
A list of classic books that are perfect to read during summer. These books will cool you down, make you fall in love, or keep it short enough that you can check a classic off your list and quickly move on to a romance! #summerreading #booklist Reading, Films, Must Read Classics, Best Books To Read, Book Worth Reading, Books To Read, Classic Novels To Read, Classics To Read, Classic Books For Teens

A list of classic books that are perfect to read during summer. These books will cool you down, make you fall in love, or keep it short enough that you can check a classic off your list and quickly move on to a romance! #summerreading #booklist

Never Enough Novels

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