Book club reads

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. If you know me, you know I love a good book. I don’t just read any book though; life’s too short for bad books. Before I begin a new book, I visit Goodreads and do a little research. A book needs a rating of 4 (out of 5) or better for me to begin. Because my criteria is high, I’ve read some OUTSTANDING books this year. It was hard to choose just TEN for my TOP TEN of ’22. But here they are. . The Top Ten Books I Read in 2022: . 1. I Guess I Haven’t Learned that Yet by Shauna Niequist…

Need some book club ideas for what to read next? As a book blogger (and book club member), I’m always keeping tabs on the latest and greatest new book releases. Below, I’m highlighting some of my most-anticipated picks for the best discussion-worthy book club books in 2024! Ideas, Reading, Best Book Club Books, Book Club Reads, Book Club Recommendations, Recommended Books To Read, Book Club Books, Book Worth Reading, Books New Releases

Need some book club ideas for what to read next? As a book blogger (and book club member), I’m always keeping tabs on the latest and greatest new book releases. Below, I’m highlighting some of my most-anticipated picks for the best discussion-worthy book club books in 2024!

Kacia Kaul