Alfred Hitchcock

Explore the iconic films and brilliant storytelling of Alfred Hitchcock, the master of suspense. Immerse yourself in the world of suspense and intrigue created by this legendary filmmaker.

Name: Alfred Joseph Hitchcock Essential DVDs: The 39 Steps (1935), The Lady Vanishes (1938), Rebecca (1940), Shadow Of A Doubt (1943), Notorious (1946),

What It Is: Psycho Screenshots   Why I Like It: It depicts prominant scenes within Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho' that suit the genre of 'suspense'. The camera shots used within the film made it stand out amongst other horror films, therefore making it unique and memorable. For example, extreme close ups are extensively used for effect. Films, Horror Films, Horror, Classic Horror Movies, Scary Movies, Cinematography, Hitchcock Film, Film Aesthetic, Film Inspiration

What It Is: Psycho Screenshots Why I Like It: It depicts prominant scenes within Alfred Hitchcock's 'Psycho' that suit the genre of 'suspense'. The camera shots used within the film made it stand out amongst other horror films, therefore making it unique and memorable. For example, extreme close ups are extensively used for effect.

Elkie Yates

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