Car design

150 Pins
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Mechanic military

34 Pins
an artistic red piece of art with dripping paint
Up in the air 1:1200 - Steampunk skyships, pirates, et c - upd 27/9/13, Big ship and Porco Rosso - Forum
a red kite flying in the sky with its wings spread out and it's head sticking out
three different shapes and sizes of an object
an image of a sci - fi space ship flying in the sky with red and orange background
Gravity Empire - book cover, sparth
an artist's rendering of a space shuttle in flight
Saturnian Deception
an artistic drawing of a space ship with blue and yellow paint on it's hulls
SDF-2 Megaroad-01
Another ship from the macross series. This ship being the SDF-1 Macross.