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several different types of electronic devices are shown in this graphic art work, including the keyboard and
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
May I have this phone please? // 개인적으로 핸드폰이 굳이 네모난 필요가 있을까 하는 생각이 든다. 원석을 닮아 아름다운. 굉장히 마음에 드는 디자인
an ear with a black and blue ring on it
7 Incognito Wearables You'd Never Guess Were Gadgets
The Dash Headphones. FINALLY somebody is developing wireless headphones. I've been waiting for these for a while!
a woman sitting on top of a motorcycle in the middle of a street with buildings behind her
CNET: Product reviews, advice, how-tos and the latest news
JOJO POST TECH GATE: Single-wheel electric scooter Watch these video here:
an electronic device is on display in a white stand with blue light coming from it
For The Apple Geek Of The Day! - Yanko Design
Charge while you learn!. The Docking and Storage Base for iMac, iPod, iPhone & iPad by Yaser Alhamyari » Yanko Design
a woman is sitting in a futuristic chair
Toyota i-Real is a personal sofa on wheels
Toyota i-Real is a personal sofa on wheels - The Toyota i-Real electric personal vehicle was recently unveiled to the masses at the 2012 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition, and there was no release date nor more importantly, a price point attached to it as at press time.
a woman sitting on top of a green couch next to a pair of headphones
Brain-Sensor Wearable Headbands De-Stress You in Minutes
The Muse is a brain-sensing headband that pairs with your phone to help you de-stress.
an image of a man on a skateboard with two wheels and one wheel attached to the board
Why not turn your feet into wheels? The Orbitwheel from Inventist Inc. is a stellar concept that takes two-wheeled transportation to the next level! #productdesign
several different types of futuristic vehicles are shown in this graphic art work, including the vehicle's interior and exterior
very cool gadgets
an image of a robot with wheels on it's back and yellow trims
Video: Meet Hasbro's Ampbot, the mother of all Rollys
Video: Meet Hasbro's Ampbot, the mother of all Rollys #futuretech #futuristic #technology
two pictures show the different types of power cords and plugs in their respective positions
Multi-Recharger for iPod, iPad, iPhone, etc. Need this iThing gadget! #product_design
an ipod wristband with earphones attached to it
The Greatest 72 Running Tips Of All Time —
amazing wrist player an micro ear phone gadget by creative electronics ...
two pictures showing how to fix an iphone's camera lens with scissors and wires
Trending Products
Bondic is a liquid plastic welder that can be used to bond, fill in, or even build plastic, metal, and wood parts. Repair everything from toys to eyeglasses to jewelry.
four different views of cell phones being held by someone's hands with wristbands
First look at Simband, Samsung's health-tracking wearable of the future
First Look At Simband, Samsung's Health-Tracking Wearable Of The Future | The Simband, created by Samsung is intended to be used by those within the medical industry — startups and medical researchers alike to develop new applications for sensor technology. [Smart Watches & Wearable Electronics:]
the hands are holding an open cell phone
Samsung’s foldable smartphone is set to be released next year! - Funny
Samsung’s foldable smartphone is set to be released in January Next Year.
an advertisement for virtual reality is shown in three different pictures, including the man holding his phone
Trending Products
This virtual reality headset turns your smartphone into a virtual reality machine, making cutting edge technology affordable and accessible.