Wattpad Quotes

72 Pins
Collection by

Pacific Heart

0 Pins

Heart of Tahiti

0 Pins

Tahiti Duology

0 Pins

Forbidden: Loving Asaim

29 Pins

Wild Flower: A Navajo Love Story

5 Pins

Short Story Quotes

2 Pins

The Hoodie Girl

4 Pins

The Bad Boy and the Tomboy

2 Pins

Silence is Golden

2 Pins
"I was raised to marry a monster." - from CRUEL BEAUTY (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/35813245?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=pinterest&utm_content=share_quote&wp_page=quote&wp_uname=TwilightRules2&wp_originator=hn5EzptEHDj7IC7O%2FWrAR1Q6%2FYX%2FvSUiGmgaVNVjTCXCY1CStFA%2FJxjkZQZdfZhZdvgenJ2EOLC%2FRar2P%2F%2FInNYYeQmbLLD0yI58mKoF6sFktSOfiu9Ba8Im1%2F6a%2Buk2 #quote #wattpad
"But there was no cure for the madness inflicted by demons.  And my future husband-the Gentle Lord-was the prince of demons." - from CRUEL BEAUTY (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/35813245?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=pinterest&utm_content=share_quote&wp_page=quote&wp_uname=TwilightRules2&wp_originator=aO0XLEE7wqfqN1UmTNsbTdFrfkUUNidumipct4dug2h6rikZjLtusPl8AjzwLUqrhAV%2FpetCHRSlSC3jSneejqexY1hpNiVDd%2FE9XCMfa0es3kzIvdaYeXDTvoSg3E0V #quote #wattpad

Cruel Beauty

2 Pins
Greysing (Wattpad)
seventhstar (Wattpad)

Wattpad Books

4 Pins
there is a lot of ugliness under this sky
a quote from william shakespeare on the subject of shakespeare's play, la tra es un venendo que una toma
the words are written in black and white on a dark background with stars above it
an image of a quote from lao that says, to ti thich nih nggn den trucc cua
a pink rose with a quote about the people we trust most hold the sharpest kokes sweetheart, never give people too much power or they will cause it
a cityscape with the words los selimentos son justo como las cartas de poquer hay que esconderios