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film / tv / substack / web / celeb

About Pajiba

Pajiba was established in 2004 as a small political blog that eventually found a larger audience, as well as a variety of voices from different backgrounds across the United States and Europe. We cover film, television, politics, and celebrity culture. Current and former staff members of Pajiba also write for a variety of other publications, including Vanity Fair, The NYTimes, Nerdist, Screenrant, Uproxx, The Mary Sue,, and SyFy, among others. For more about the origins of the name, read here.

For business inquiries, contact Dustin Rowles. Technical inquiries should be directed to Seth Freilich. For advertising inquiries, contact FreeStar.

Editorial Offices Business Offices
Scathing Websites LLC
950 4th Street, #303
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Scathing Websites LLC
950 4th Street, #303
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Are We Hiring?

Maybe! If you’d like to be considered, please send writing samples or pitch ideas to the Publisher, Dustin. But please don’t offer to write spam disguised as guest editorials.

The Pajiba Staff


Dustin Rowles, Publisher: Dustin is the founder and co-owner of Pajiba. Prior to that, he worked in legal publishing. He writes about politics and pop-culture. He firmly belives that Steven Avery did it, and that Denzel is the greatest actor on the planet. He also writes about TV for and appears weekly on the Podjiba podcast. He lives in Portland, Maine. You may email him here or follow him on Twitter.

Seth Freilich, Technical Development/Senior Editor: Seth Freilich co-owns this site and helps keep the lights on, the servers humming, and the ban hammer cocked and loaded. He's also a Senior Editor and sometime critic. Seth lives in L.A. and loves it, though a piece of his black heart will always reside in the home of the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles. You may email him here or follow him on Twitter.

Executive Producers

Tori Preston, Managing Editor: Tori Preston spent a decade working in film and television, then gave it all up to move to Vermont and complain about the cold and the bears. And now she's here, writing and Podjiba-ing! You can follow her on Twitter.

Kayleigh Donaldson, Features Editor: Kayleigh is a features writer and editor for Pajiba. She offers top-notch hot takes on pop culture, Hollywood shop talk, celebrity gossip & star studies. Currently studying for a Masters degree in film studies, she can mostly be found on Twitter posting gifs of attractive Scandinavian thespians. She's Scottish and yes, her accent is amazing. You can follow her on Twitter.

Kaleena Rivera, TV Editor: Kaleena writes about television and pens the occasional film essay for a little extra seasoning. She's Pajiba's resident Floridian and you're not allowed to hold that against her. You can follow her on Twitter.

Editor and Pajiba Love

Lainey Bobainey, Copy Editor & Linkmaster: Lainey spent a decade working in Human Resources, but realized she doesn't particularly care for humans or being a resource, so now she wears pajamas while working in her spacehouse. Technically, she lives in a Lustron along with her husband who creates games, and a Siamese cat that squeaks. She's pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, pro-BLM, and pro-Oxford Comma. She enjoys red-lining errors for business and for pleasure. You can Tweet at her on Twitter.

Series Regulars

Petr Navovy, Staff Contributor: Petr is a filthy socialist metalhead. He likes coffee, beer, and dogs. He may or may not own a toe knife. He writes about movies, politics, and climate change. Navovy lives in London.

Genevieve Burgess, Features Contributor: Genny has been complaining about what's on TV 5 nights a week for more than 10 years. She lives in Washington, D.C. You can follow Genevieve Burgess on Twitter.

Hannah Sole, Staff Contributor: Hannah Sole is a Staff Contributor for Pajiba. She writes about TV and pop culture, and was probably not named after a Star Wars character. Hannah lives in Suffolk, England, and spends her days in the classroom, teaching young'uns about Literature. You can follow her on Twitter.

Brian Richards, Staff Contributor: Brian Richards is a Staff Contributor for Pajiba and writes about film, television, pop culture, and social media. He lives somewhere in Brooklyn, where he spends his time dressed in all black like The Omen and coming up with creatively profane insults for anyone who gets on his last nerve. You can follow him on Twitter.

Dan Hamamura Comedy Editor and Podjiba Host: Dan writes primarily about television, comedy, and Asians, and is very happy that all three can now (occasionally) be discussed simultaneously. Dan lives in Los Angeles, which means he has done improv and has a podcast, but he swears he is not an actor. You can listen weekly on the Podjiba podcast, or find him on Twitter.

Mike Redmond, Staff Contributor: Mike lives in Pennsyltucky, and previously ran the gossip website, The Superficial. He covers religion, celebrity culture, and Meghan McCain. His work can also be found daily on Uproxx. You can follow him on Twitter.

Ciara Wardlow, Film Critic: Ciara writes about film, television, and occasionally science-y things. She lives in Harlem. Sometimes she tries to be funny on Twitter and you can email her here.

Andrew Sanford, Staff Contributor: Andrew is a Writer and Performer living in NYC. You can find him on twitter or listen to his comedy podcast Half White Son of a Black Man.

Nicole Edry, Staff Contributor: Nicole is a marketing, media and tech professional who somehow tricked her way from massive fan to Pajiba contributor. She's an east coast transplant blissfully living in the central coast of California, and is just waiting for the day she meets another Jewminican in the wild. You can follow her on Twitter.

James Field, Staff Contributor: James is a father, writer, photographer, and neurotic mess. He can be found on Twitter.

Jen Maravegias, Staff Contributor: Jen is excited to finally have an outlet for all of her random thoughts on the dumb movies and weird TV shows she spends way too much time watching. While a degree in Creative Writing sounded like a good idea at the time, now she wishes she had more of an interest in a field that offered a pension and a retirement plan, like HVAC repair, or plumbing. Her life is a poorly managed balancing act between a day job, writing, parenting, and owning three cats. You can follow her on Twitter if you want to know what that looks like.

Claude Weaver III, Staff Contributor: Claude Weaver III occasionally writes about television, film, RPGs, and whatever he actually manages to submit. Now that he's back in the contributor fold, he and others have formed the Make Dustin Watch Anime Brigade. He hates taking pictures and talking about himself, so this bio probably drained five years off his life. Thanks. He quietly shares people more eloquent than him on his Twitter.


Lord Castleton, Staff Contributor and Pajiba Store Operator: Lord Castleton is a screenwriter. He lives in Boston. You can follow him on Twitter.


TK Burton, Editorial Consultant: TK Burton stumbled into the Pajiba offices 10 years ago and drunkenly declared himself Executive Director, and no one ever bothered to tell him to leave. South Africa-born and Boston-raised, he enjoys whiskey, tacos, video games, and plotting Seth's murder. You may email him here or follow him on Twitter.

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