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PACEY submits evidence to Red Tape Review

PACEY has submitted evidence to the Better Regulation Executive’s ‘Cutting Red Tape Review’. The review invited early years providers to submit evidence on what the current burdens associated with the free entitlement are and how they can be minimised. 

The review asked providers to provide evidence of where unnecessary regulatory burdens hold back childcare providers as businesses and discourage new entrants to the sector, or prevent existing providers from expanding their business, or contribute to existing providers leaving the sector.

In our response, we point out those regulations that we think are vital to the high quality care of children and therefore no not pose an unreasonable burden on childcare providers, and we also highlight the key areas which we believe do pose unnecessary burdens on providers. The main regulatory burdens that threaten the sustainability of childcare providers include problems with funding and delays in payment, administrative and additional requirements specified by some local authorities (“basket of measures”), DBS delays and planning restrictions.

PACEY is in regular contact with the Better Regulation Executive and we are working on a number of other opportunities to ensure that the voices of PACEY members contribute to the Red Tape review, including webinar and face to face meetings.

If you have any queries or comments about our response, please contact us on [email protected]