Discover how lifestyle medicine may improve early Alzheimer’s

Empowering you

With over 45 years of research, Ornish Lifestyle Medicine remains the only program scientifically proven in peer-reviewed randomized trials to prevent and often reverse the progression of heart disease. This may also include significantly improving cognition and function in many patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease.

  • 42%

    improved cognition & function

  • 90%

    reduction in reported angina by 9 weeks

  • 400%

    improvement in blood flow to the heart

  • Session 1

    Love More


  • 108

  • 113

  • Session 2

    Move More


  • Session 3

    Eat Well


  • 115

  • Session 1

    Love More


  • 108

  • 113

  • Session 2

    Move More


  • Session 3

    Eat Well


  • 115

  • Session 1

    Love More


  • 108

  • 113

  • Session 2

    Move More


  • Session 3

    Eat Well


  • 115

How it works

The 9-Week Program

Session 2

Stress Less



18 LIVE online classes: 4 hours twice per week for 9 weeks

  • Eat Well: Enjoy a plant-based way of eating with nourishing, delicious meals while discovering friendly ways to prepare them at home.

  • Move More: Only thirty minutes a day of moderate cardio activity and strength training is associated with more vitality while lessening anxiety and depression.

  • Stress Less: Feel empowered by learning a range of techniques to relax, release stress and react in healthier ways.

  • Love More: People with strong psychosocial support networks are more likely to have a higher quality of life over longer lifespans.

  • 128

  • 145

  • 120/84


Get set up for success

Get empowered with everything you’ll need to participate from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be, at no additional cost to you!

  • Tracking Sensors for your heart rate, weight and blood pressure.

  • An activity mat, props and practice videos to get fit, relax and restore your well-being.

Session 3

Eat Well



Ease-in with two weeks of meals & snacks

Delicious & nutritious meals, conveniently delivered to your doorstep twice each week, at no additional cost to you! Enjoy savoring your food while you learn friendly ways to shop cook and eat well at home and on the go!

  • Lose excess weight and gain heart health with a nourishing breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.

  • Stay energized and on track with two tasty snacks every day.

Session 4

Love More



Feel support and guidance at every step

Share your transformative lifestyle journey with a small steady group with whom you can feel safe, connected and supported

Your doctor will be kept apprised of your progress, and will continue to supervise all therapeutic decisions regarding your care

You will be guided at every step with ongoing support by a consistent multi-disciplinary team of specialists:

  • Physician

  • Nurse

  • Stress Management Specialist

  • Exercise Physiologist

  • Registered Dietitian

  • Clinical Psychologist

LIVE and OnDemand Classes

A robust practice library

Get empowered to optimize your lifestyle, whenever and wherever its most convenient for you! From yoga and meditation practices, to cardio and strength training workouts, you’ll find your zone!

Batch Cooking

Eat Well


Session 4

Eat Well



Batch Cooking

Eat Well


Strength Training

Move More


Session 2

Move More



Strength Training

Move More


Gentle Stretch

Stress Less


Session 3

Stress Less



Gentle Stretch

Stress Less


Resistance Training

Move More


Session 1

Move More



Resistance Training

Move More


Cooking Demo: Lasagna

Eat Well

60 min

Session 4

Eat Well



Cooking Demo: Lasagna

Eat Well

60 min


True stories. Inspiring results.

Meet our Alumni


A deep sense of identity is returning. I feel like I’m me again—an older but better version of me.

We have several small businesses, and I used to do all of the books for them, but then I stopped these past few years when it became too frustrating and confusing. However, this year, I could organize them all again, and I even took it a step further and reconciled all the spreadsheets. It was absolute jubilation, given it had been 4 or 5 years since I had been involved to that degree again. It's like a new lease on life.


The results were beyond my wildest imagination.

“I’ve seen a reduction in my A1c, so I’m no longer diabetic. I’ve also seen a reduction in my blood pressure and asthma, and I eliminated my acid reflux and COPD. I even lost close to 30 pounds!”


I've had tremendous results.

“I wouldn’t have been able to do it if it hadn’t been a virtual program from the comfort of my home. The first thing I noticed was that my blood pressure stabilized. For years I had a lot of pressure in my chest (angina), and yet ever since 3 or 4 weeks of starting the program, it has been completely alleviated; that was a huge thing!”


I felt like I had worth again.

I played a straight set of 8 tunes for an hour and a half parade; I could remember the order of the songs, and make the transitions from tune to tune without messing up or getting confused about what tune I was playing, which were all problems I had before which was so unpleasant I stopped playing music. Yet now, It just went like clockwork again. I’m crying because I’m so happy that I could do that again.

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Your journey to a healthier you begins today.

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine remains the only program scientifically proven in randomized controlled trials and published in leading peer-reviewed journals to often reverse the progression of coronary heart disease. It also may significantly improve cognition and function in many patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease without drugs or surgery.

Did you know?

Ornish Lifestyle Medicine has better outcomes and completion rates online (>90%) than standard cardiac rehabilitation.


Over 40 years of landmark research.

Preventive Medicine Research Institute full logo

Preventive Medicine Research Institute

Dean Ornish, M.D., and his colleagues at the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in collaboration with Harvard Medical School, the University of California, San Francisco and other leading academic institutions, have conducted a series of research studies scientifically proven in peer-reviewed randomized trials to prevent and often even reverse the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases such as heart disease. This may include significantly improving cognition and function in many patients with early-stage Alzheimer's disease.

Review the evidence

Joy of living is sustainable. Fear of dying is not.

Dean Ornish signature

Dean Ornish

Founder and CEO of Ornish Lifestyle Medicine

The Transformative Power of Ornish Lifestyle Medicine

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Your healthier, happier, empowered future awaits.

Get EMPOWERED to live your best life!

UnDo it!

Simple. Scientific. A National Best Seller.

Get the UnDo It! book

Learn how to reverse–undo–the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases.

Learn more about UnDo It!

As featured on

  • Good Morning America logo

    Good Morning America

  • Super Soul Sunday logo

    Super Soul Sunday

  • The Ellen Show logo

    The Ellen Show

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