We’ve provided a home for adventurous audiences to encounter the work of visionary artists for more than four decades. By including NYTW in your estate plans, you’ll ensure that this vibrant artistic community continues to thrive well into the future.

Gifts of all sizes make an impact and your legacy will be woven into the fabric of our community, supporting the next generation of theatre-makers and theatre-goers.

Depending on your personal financial goals, there are a number of different ways to make a planned gift which may offer tax advantages for you and your loved ones. From naming us as a beneficiary in your will or trust to creating a plan that is financially beneficial for you now, planned giving can include:

  • Bequests
  • Life insurance policies
  • Retirement accounts and IRA charitable rollovers
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Donor-advised funds

We’re happy to customize a gift structure that best fulfills your charitable goals. For more information, please contact Leah Cox at 646-957-9573 or [email protected].