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What Is a VPN and What Can (and Can’t) It Do?

A closeup screenshot of our VPN pick, IVPN, displaying a dialog box: "blocking all traffic"
Photo: Kyle Fitzgerald

VPN (or virtual private network) services create a secure, encrypted connection between your computer and a VPN server at another location. That type of secure connection is a worthwhile investment for anyone who wants to wrap their data in an extra layer of privacy and security, especially when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. But a VPN is not a magic bullet for Internet security and won’t make you anonymous online.

For our guide to the best VPN services, we talked with Internet security experts, including the information security team at The New York Times. We found a common thread in their advice: Any performance or security feature is worthwhile only if the company that provides it is trustworthy—that’s the main criteria we used when considering which services to recommend. But before you sign up for a VPN, it’s worth understanding how a VPN works and considering if a VPN is even the right tool for the job.

Illustration: Sarah MacReading

Normally your connection—and the data carried over it—goes from your computer to your local Wi-Fi or network router, then bounces on through your ISP’s network and off to the destination server (like wirecutter.com), eventually returning with the requested data (like this webpage). At any stop along the way, someone could theoretically see the data and where it’s coming from and going to.

Illustration: Sarah MacReading

Connecting through a VPN, though, encrypts all of the Internet traffic between your computer and the VPN server, preventing anyone on your local network, or at connection points along the way, from monitoring or modifying your traffic. Beyond the VPN server (in other words, the rest of the way to whatever Internet server you’re connecting to), your traffic mixes with traffic from other people on the same VPN—someone monitoring the connection to the destination server could see that your traffic came from the VPN server, but wouldn’t be able to know it was destined for your computer or device. Though these extra steps and encryption layers slow down any Internet connection, the best VPN providers have connections that are speedy enough to keep browsing and online services snappy.

You don’t need to understand exactly how a VPN works to use one, but you do need to know what a VPN is good for—and what it’s not—before choosing whether or not to pay for one. We run through the most common uses, and how well a VPN works for each, below.

The best use of a VPN is to add security to your connection when you’re on public Wi-Fi from someone you don’t know—at cafés, hotels, airports and airlines, and even car dealerships while you’re waiting for your vehicle’s fuel-line recombobulator to be replaced. A bad actor or mischievous network owner can intercept and steal your personal data on these types of networks. (If you need anecdotes to be properly worried, this article follows as a hacker collects private information on dozens of people connecting to an Amsterdam café’s Wi-Fi.) Though network security has changed since 2014, a more recent vulnerability in 2017 shows that so too have the exploits and methods miscreants use to break it. A properly secured VPN can help deter this type of attack because it encrypts your connection starting with your computer, through the network, and out to the far-off VPN server.

You can use free browser extensions to prevent the most common ways that websites and ad networks track your browsing activity and gather information for marketing profiles. But if you’re trying to leave as few tracks as possible online, a VPN can add an extra layer of privacy by preventing tracking based on your IP address (the unique identifier for your computer or home network that makes it possible for websites and services to send information back to you).

Large sites and platforms that trade in personal information, such as Facebook, track your browsing across the web, even if you don’t have an account. Facebook collects, sells, and shares information, too, and that info can be used for purposes beyond marketing. By changing your IP address with a VPN, and mingling your activity with that of potentially dozens or hundreds of other people using the same VPN server, you make it harder for those sites to build a marketing profile based on your personal online behavior. Of course, if you’re signed in to your assorted online services, you’re out of luck regardless of VPNs or browser extensions. If you’re curious about how well major companies protect your data privacy from broad government data requests, check out the EFF’s annual “Who Has Your Back?” report.

Even with extra protection, unique features about your browser may be enough for other parties to collate data about you. For example, browser fingerprints—based on screen size, browser plugins, fonts, time zones, and more—can identify a single user even without cookies or IP addresses. (Check out the EFF’s Cover Your Tracks test tool to see if your browser’s fingerprint is unique and thus trackable. It probably is.)

ISPs (Internet service providers) have a much broader reach than any individual website when it comes to what behavior they can track and what types of information they technically and legally can collect. But few ISPs are transparent about how much information about their customers they store and for how long, instead relying on broad disclosures in their fine print. In theory, a VPN will prevent an ISP from monitoring or logging all the traffic to and from your home Internet connection, because your data is encrypted as it passes through your ISP—at best they’d see gibberish passing from your home to a VPN server.

However, if you do decide to connect through a VPN for most of your browsing, you’re handing that same power to the VPN service as the single centralized point through which all of your traffic will pass. If you use a reputable, trustworthy VPN that goes out of its way to avoid collecting data on you or your activities, it’s a good trade-off. But if your VPN is collecting data or doing a poor job securing its own network, it’s a pointless exchange.

At a minimum, your ISP keeps track of every IP address it assigned you, often for six to 18 months. ISPs mostly use these records to respond to specific law enforcement requests, often to catch truly awful criminals. But no protections are in place to guarantee that it’s the only way ISPs use these logs. In 2017, the US Department of Justice unsuccessfully demanded that a Web host hand over more than a million IP addresses, namely that of anyone who accessed a website that helped organize protests during the presidential inauguration. Compliance with that demand would have allowed the DOJ to in turn request identifying information from ISPs on anyone who visited the site—including journalists doing research, bored Twitter users clicking a link, or people against the protests who wanted a hate read. A good VPN would spare the innocent the trouble and the invasion of privacy in such a situation.

Note: Unless otherwise noted, most of the discussion here addresses ISPs and law enforcement in the United States; situations are different in other countries. For instance, the European Union has specific rules on collecting and protecting customer data.

Although the extent of the collection is unclear, you can be certain that your ISP will collect data on you, and that it will use that data to sell you things or to help advertising partners sell you things. (In 2017, Congress voted down proposed rules that would prevent ISPs from collecting or selling many types of information about customer activities.) For example, if your ISP is AT&T, it could collect data about your search for home security systems and aggressively promote its own offering to you. Or Comcast could use your online behavior to figure out how to get you to watch more Hulu, which Comcast co-owns, instead of competitors like Netflix. A VPN would prevent an ISP from easily collecting this type of data about you.

The other concern with huge troves of data being collected and locked away is how often they tend to be unlocked. Data breaches at huge companies are so common now that the headlines aren’t even shocking anymore. If a database of Internet histories, held by an ISP or sold to a marketing partner, were to be publicly released, there’s a good chance even anonymized data could be tied back to real people. If you were to use a VPN, those logs would show only a single, steady connection from your home to a VPN server, and nothing else.

Most VPN providers advertise some version of a “no-logging” policy, and many are quick to say that because privacy is their business, they adhere to that policy in every way technically feasible. But some companies that have proudly claimed a no-logging policy have seen that disproven in a courtroom. A bad actor like that could easily turn your VPN connection into a huge log of personal information, which is why we think it’s so important that a VPN be trustworthy.

VPNs are excellent for geographic-location shifting if, for example, you’re an expat looking to get news or search results localized to your original home—connecting to a VPN in your home country will make most websites think that you’re in that country. But if you’re outside the US wanting access to American Netflix, or sitting in Brazil wanting to stream the latest Doctor Who episode on the BBC, don’t count on a VPN to geo-shift you into binge-watching heaven.

If you’re trying to stream content over a VPN, expect to see errors like this more often than not.

For starters, using a VPN to geo-shift may violate a streaming service’s terms of service, and possibly even local laws. But legal issues aside, we also found that geo-shifting to access streaming services was unreliable at best. When we tested different VPN services for our guide, we couldn’t access Netflix through the US servers of any them. When we connected to UK servers, only four allowed us to access BBC content (and some of those had quality issues). Since Netflix began cracking down on this type of behavior in 2016, blocking VPNs has become a cat-and-mouse game for streaming services, with others like the BBC, Hulu, and Amazon following Netflix’s lead: Services and servers that work one day can be blocked the next, until VPN administrators find another workaround, and the cycle repeats.

Even though VPNs do theoretically allow you to location shift—and plenty of anecdotal evidence suggests that people use VPNs this way—we don’t recommend anyone sign up for a VPN service if their only reason is to access video content. It may end up being a waste of money.

Despite leaks and disclosures about government data-collection efforts in recent years, it’s hard to determine the exact reach of current operations and how vulnerable encryption technologies like VPNs are to those efforts. Given the more immediate threats to security and privacy from other avenues, none of the experts we interviewed highlighted government data collection as the foremost reason for most people to get a VPN. A VPN could help prevent some types of passive data collection—and a trustworthy VPN certainly can’t hurt—but there’s no guarantee against government tracking.

In our exchanges with security expert Alec Muffett, he suggested, “Some privacy activists expend great effort in ‘hiding from the man,’ where ‘the man’ really doesn’t care about them. So they just make excess work for themselves.” Bill McKinley, head of the information security team at The New York Times, went further, saying, “If you really feel that what you’re doing online is that valuable to government x, then you probably shouldn’t be leveraging the Internet.” We’re not saying it’s hopeless, but even if you seriously overhaul how you conduct your activities online, there are no guarantees you won’t get caught up in a database somewhere.

Revelations from information leaked by Edward Snowden, and related reporting, claim that even low-level analysts at the NSA have had access to massive databases of information. The NSA has also sought to weaken some security standards during their development and has found exploits of others, such as the initial exchange of encryption keys, that allow the security agency to analyze otherwise secure traffic. The NSA can also siphon off a huge amount of Internet traffic to be stored and later analyzed. This isn’t all done in shadows—for a more up-front example, GOP senators put forth a bill in 2020 that would have granted the government “backdoor” access to encryption in communication services.

In light of that information, when asked if even the best VPN services could secure communications against government intrusion into private traffic, Amul Kalia, an analyst for digital privacy and online advocacy group the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said, “If you mean the NSA, there are probably ways that the agency can get to you if they really want to. But if you’re interested in preventing passive snooping of your Internet traffic, then you’re probably fine using a secure VPN.”

That said, using a VPN service may help keep your data from being captured by some types of passive data collection, and in countries with less sophisticated and less well-funded intelligence agencies, a trustworthy VPN service is better than nothing. We asked Kalia if the standards that most VPNs use are secure against government intrusion. He outlined three ways that VPN traffic could be vulnerable:

  • Active attacks: Placing code or hardware on VPN servers in order to compromise traffic is the most resource-intensive method of attack. “[The] ability to attack VPNs and underlying protocols varies across governments, and even within agencies that are part of the same government. For instance, NSA is far more capable than the DEA or the local police.”
  • Legal demands: Warrants and subpoenas can be powerful tools to request details on VPN and ISP customers. Kalia said, “This is especially problematic if a VPN provider is logging user traffic and/or using inadequate encryption or said encryption is implement[ed] incorrectly.” We talk more about trusting a VPN’s claims in our full guide.
  • Mass surveillance and decryption: What’s less clear is how much traffic government agencies capture—encrypted or otherwise—with a broad, untargeted net. Kalia said, “If you take the ‘Upstream’ NSA program for instance, the government can just store all your VPN encrypted data and try to decrypt it later using various tools in its possession. Though the advantage of using a VPN in this scenario is that the government has to work for it and actively try to decrypt your data … AES-256, as far as [we] know, has not been broken by the NSA, let alone other governments. The problem is also that while AES-256 is unbroken, how it’s implemented in a particular software solution is what can create an attack.”

Because they can geo-shift your location, VPNs can be useful tools to at least temporarily circumvent certain kinds of government censorship. But they’re not foolproof.

In some countries, VPNs are sometimes the only way to access certain parts of the internet, including major sites like Facebook and WhatsApp. For example, in Myanmar, people turned to VPNs as the only way to access the news during a coup, as many people have long done to avoid China’s “Great Firewall” which blocks hundreds of sites, ranging from Google to Bandcamp.

Countries often play whack-a-mole with VPNs when people try to find ways around government censorship, as we’ve seen in Russia and China. This makes finding one that works in any given country difficult. Getting around access restrictions is also dependent on how the censorship technology works, and a VPN might not even be necessary. Other ways around these barriers include changing your DNS provider or using the Tor Browser.

None of these tools are useful in cases where a government leans on private companies to block or control content, and a government can still take action against people who use a VPN and then post on social media. VPNs are also not helpful in places that restrict free speech through laws, rather than by blocking websites.

If your ISP blocks BitTorrent, or throttles video streaming from a competing service, as some have been reported to do, it could also decide to throttle all traffic that looks like a VPN on the off chance that the VPN is being used to circumvent its restrictions. Since the FCC rolled back net neutrality rules, there’s nothing to stop ISPs from throttling or prioritizing different types of Internet traffic, as long as they disclose that they do so somewhere in their fine print. At the time of this writing, we don’t have evidence that such policies are widespread, but there’s no guarantee that VPNs, even when disguising their traffic, will be able to keep the spirit of net neutrality alive.

  1. Amul Kalia, analyst, Electronic Frontier Foundation, email interview, March 8, 2018

  2. Joseph Jerome, policy counsel, Center for Democracy & Technology, email interview, March 8, 2018

  3. Brian Krebs, Post-FCC Privacy Rules, Should You VPN?, Krebs on Security, March 30, 2017

Meet your guide

Mark Smirniotis

Mark Smirniotis was a senior editor at Wirecutter. He has written and edited at Wirecutter since 2015, covering a range of products with a focus on computers and consumer technology.

Further reading
