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How to Clean Your Fan or Air Conditioner

A dirty fan next to a yellow bowl of soapy water and a towel
Photo: Alejandra Matos
Thom Dunn

By Thom Dunn

Thom Dunn is a writer focusing on home heating and cooling. He once blew up a power strip with a space heater and a Marshall half-stack.

A filthy fan or air conditioner is not only less efficient at cooling you down, it’s also a potential health risk, especially if you have sensitive lungs or allergies.



“If you don’t maintain them well, and everything you breathe is filtering through this gigantic sheet of dust, that’s not very helpful,” Dr. Richard Lebowitz, a rhinologist in New York City, told The New York Times in 2017.

So don’t wait to clean your fan or AC until next summer, when the sweltering heat is overbearing. Instead, clean it now, before you store your AC or fan for the cooler months. If you live in warm climates year-round, you should clean your AC or fan at least once a month.


  • Hot water: If your fan is really gross, you may want to have some vinegar and dish soap handy.
  • Rags or paper towels: We like the Utopia Towels Kitchen Bar Mops for wiping down big messes, including a dirty fan. These towels are cheap, so you don’t have to worry when they get stained or tattered. If you opt for paper towels, we like the Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels.
  • A toothbrush or sponge for scrubbing: Put that free toothbrush from the dentist to good use. If you use a sponge, we like the Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Scrub Sponges.
  • A flat-head screwdriver, butter knife, or something similar: This will make it easier to open the fan. Some models require a Phillips head screwdriver, so it may be helpful to have a multi-bit screwdriver.
  • A vacuum (optional)

Set aside half an hour, although time may vary depending on the kind of fan or AC you own. You may also need to add some extra time to allow the components to dry.


A dirty fan on sitting on top of a dining room table with a bottle of dishwashing liquid in the background
This fan had not been cleaned in more than two years. You should clean a fan at least once a month. Photo: Alejandra Matos

Remove the cover to access the blades

If you still have the instructions, they may offer you some guidance; here are the cleaning instructions (PDF) for our favorite room fan.

Examine the fan to locate the seams between the plastic parts. Remove any screws holding them together; then wedge your knife or flat-head screwdriver into the seam and gently pry the two halves apart. They should pop right open. Try to avoid touching the casing around the motor itself, so you don’t have to mess with any electronics.

Remove any dust that’s collected on the blades

A close up of slightly dusty fan blades
Use a vacuum to remove large amounts of buildup. Photo: Alejandra Matos

If there is a lot of buildup, you’ll need to use a vacuum to remove the thick layer of dust on the blades.

After you’ve taken care of the big, obvious stuff, scrub the blades using hot water. Depending on how gnarly they are, you may want to add vinegar or soap to the water. And you can really get at grime with a toothbrush or sponge. Otherwise, a wet rag should do the trick.

Once the fan blades are clean, repeat to remove any dust on the outer case or grille.

One thing to note: the PDF instructions for the Vornado 630 (our top pick) instructs readers to remove the fan blades from the motor shaft before cleaning. But several Wirecutter staffers found from personal experience that the blades wouldn’t budge. Instead of trying to remove the blades, you can simply clean the backs while they remain attached, just as we explain above, and it should be fine.

The outer case of a fan being cleaned a small amount of water and a toothbrush
Use a toothbrush to remove dust from the outer case. Photo: Alejandra Matos

Dry it all out

All the pieces need to dry out completely before you reassemble the fan. To be safe, let them dry for at least an hour. Afterward, put the fan back together.

A clean fan sitting on a dining room table
This is the fan after it’s been cleaned. Photo: Alejandra Matos

Note: Tower fans are notoriously difficult to take apart or clean, and this is a large part of why we don’t recommend them. In order to thoroughly clean our former Seville pick, you had to dismantle nearly every part of the fan and clean each tiny hole with a cotton swab.

A dirty AC unit in a wall with the leaves of a potted plant in the foreground
This AC unit’s reusable filter hasn’t been cleaned in a year. Photo: Alejandra Matos

Check the filter at least once a month

Every window or portable AC unit should have some kind of reusable filter These help block dust from getting into the important parts of the machine, not unlike the lint filter on a clothes dryer. These are typically easy to remove, often sliding right out from the front of the unit. And they need to be cleaned (or replaced) on a regular basis, “or it can lead to both poor performance and biological growth,” said Gary Woodruff, a former sales and marketing manager at HD Air.

A dirty AC filter placed on the floor
Vacuum the AC filter at least once a month. Photo: Alejandra Matos

Most air conditioners come with some specific instructions for how and how often to clean your filter, but generally speaking, once or twice a month is good practice.Most modern units (including all the models we tested) have a light that will remind you to do this after every 250 hours of use. Most WiFi-connected ACs will send you a cleaning reminder through the app as well.

Woodruff recommends vacuuming your filter, and then rinsing it off with hot water and leaving it to dry. “A mild detergent should be fine as well,” Woodruff added. “But I’d be cautious on something acidic like vinegar unless it was in the manufacturer’s instructions.”

Then, once it’s dry, just slide it back into place on the air conditioner, and you should be good to go.

A clean AC filter being held in front of the sunlight shining through a window
This is what the AC filter looks like after it has been cleaned. Photo: Alejandra Matos

Drain condensed water

While your filter is drying, empty the condensation from the base of your air conditioner (you may need someone to help you do this, especially with a Portable unit). Standing water attracts biological growths, and while anything that develops in the basepan of your AC should be separate from the actual air circulation system that cools your home, it’s still best to stop those things from growing in the first place. This is particularly important to do before you put your AC back into storage for the winter

Some ACs come with drainage plugs—window units typically have a hole on the bottom of the basepan, while portable units tend to have a spigot somewhere on the back. Depending on your AC, you may be able to connect a hose to this plug, allowing for regular drainage, or at least a more controlled flow of water when the time comes for cleaning. If your AC doesn’t have a dedicated drainage plug, not to worry: just tilt the unit toward the back and pour out the water. (You might need some help with this part, depending on your strength and the size of your AC.)

If your AC has a history of attracting funky stuff, you can try placing disinfectant tablets in the basepan, or spraying the AC down with liquid dish soap (making sure it’s all rinsed off before you turn the unit back on again). This will help discourage those microbial growths from getting too comfortable.



Replace your filter every one to three months

Most central air systems use 1-inch, medium-efficiency MERV filters, such as the Nordic Pure MERV 12. Depending on the specifics of your home (and pets), you should replace these every one to three months. This is the most important maintenance task for a central AC owner, according to the US Department of Energy. Woodrow from HD Air offered us some helpful guidance as well: “If the filter looks dirty, it is dirty,” he said. “The smallest particles get pulled into the filter, causing it to turn gray or brown, so it’s possible that it’s time to replace the filter even if it’s not covered with dust on the surface.”

If you want your filter to last a little longer, you could try vacuuming off any obvious debris (read: pet hair) that’s collected on the surface, but don’t try to push it. A dirty filter will make your system less efficient, which means it’ll cost more to run. So it’s worth spending the money for a regular replacement.

If you have a 4- to 6-inch-wide high-efficiency media air filter, you should check on it every six months, even though it could last up to a year. Check with your service person to figure out the specifics of your system. If you have a smart thermostat, some are able to remind you when it’s time for a replacement filter.

A person removing a filter from a central air system
Photo: Alejandra Matos

Double-check your new filters for the right size and alignment

When it comes time to install a new filter, you want to be absolutely certain that it fits your system, and that you’ve actually installed properly. This might sound obvious, but it’s an important step—and a surprisingly easy one to mess up. Even if the filter is the right width, it may not be the correct length, so you want to make sure the new one fits snugly into the slot.

Most filters are marked with a directional arrow that shows you which way the air should be flowing. Make sure this matches up with your equipment. Otherwise, all that dust and debris—and maybe even the filter itself—will get sucked into the system. “If air can get around the filter, so can dust and debris,” Woodruff explained. If this happens—or if your filter is loose for some other reason—you can try to seal the gaps with duct tape, or ask your HVAC service provider if they can add a cover to keep the system air-tight.

Throw out your old filter

Your old filter is going to be full of dust, so make sure you dispose of it right away. It’s a good idea to wrap it in its own plastic trash bag and tie it off immediately, so the dust doesn’t escape. Our favorite filters are made of recycled (and recyclable) beverage board paper, but check your local ordinances and the filter materials before you dispose of the filter.

Bring in a professional to look at your HVAC system as needed

Even if you keep up with your regular filter maintenance, you may still need to bring in a professional serviceperson every now and then for a routine checkup. This help ensure that your system is working at maximum efficiency, and it will catch any problems that might make things worse over time.

But how often do you actually need to pay someone for a housecall? That’s a complicated question. Many HVAC companies encourage annual service calls, even if it’s just for a routine condenser cleaning. But that may not be necessary. Generally speaking, newer systems will need less attention, while an older HVAC setup may require more regular TLC. The US Department of Energy has some basic guidance for other maintenance work you can do yourself, such as combing the coil fins, or draining the condensate. Otherwise, we recommend finding a local company you can trust, and letting it be your guide.

Meet your guide

Thom Dunn

Thom Dunn is a staff writer at Wirecutter reporting on heating, cooling, and other home-improvement topics. Sometimes his curiosity gets the best of him, such as when he plugged a space heater and a Marshall guitar amp into the same power strip. Pro tip: Don’t do that.

Further reading

