new video loaded: Mass Whale Stranding in Western Australia



Mass Whale Stranding in Western Australia

160 pilot whales were stranded across a wide swath of beach at the Toby Inlet near the town of Dunsborough in Western Australia, wildlife officials said.

“There’s a variety of reasons, particularly with this species, the long-finned pilot whales, so sometimes it might be a member of the pod is ill and the others follow. Sometimes it might be some kind of noise disturbance. Disease can be a factor, so it’s very varied. We’re taking a number of samples, particularly the priorities to exclude infectious diseases.” “So we’ve got vessels out on the water and we’ve also got spotter plane up in the air that’s doing searches over every couple of hours just to see where they are. And so far, so good. They haven’t made it back to shore. But we will keep monitoring them.”

Mass Whale Stranding in Western Australia

By Reuters, The Associated Press and Parks And Wildlife Service, Western AustraliaApril 25, 2024

160 pilot whales were stranded across a wide swath of beach at the Toby Inlet near the town of Dunsborough in Western Australia, wildlife officials said.

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