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Hong Kong Police Shot a Protester at Point-Blank Range. We Break Down What Happened.

In a major escalation of violence since protests began four months ago, the Hong Kong police fired a live round at a protester from point-blank range. We analyzed the footage to create a comprehensive picture of what exactly happened.

This is the moment a Hong Kong police officer shot an antigovernment protester. [gunshot] It marks a major escalation: The first time an officer fired a live round at a demonstrator since protests began almost four months ago. The scene was chaotic and captured on camera from various angles. We analyzed the footage to paint a comprehensive picture of what exactly happened. Let’s take a closer look: It’s China’s National Day. Hong Kong is engulfed in protests. In the Tsuen Wan neighborhood, a group of 15 protesters approach officers in riot gear. They start chasing and attacking one of the officers with umbrellas and what appear to be metal rods. The officer falls to the ground and protesters continue to beat him. We see one man swinging a hammer, and another person is holding a wrench. Police deploy tear gas. From this angle, we see an officer running up to the chaos with his revolver already drawn. A shot rings out. [gunshot] Here is the scene from another angle. We see the protester who’s about to get shot. He’s carrying a blue shield. The officer shoots him just as he’s swinging a metal rod at him. He stumbles and falls over the officer on the ground. The group scatters. One protester attempts to help the victim. He is tackled to the ground by another officer. A person dressed in black, who appears to be a protester, throws a Molotov cocktail at the officers from afar and then flees. We see at least two officers have their guns drawn. Another one holds a pepper-spray can threatening those nearby. Only now does the officer who shot the protester put his gun away. Note that he also carries nonlethal weapons. He’s holding a shotgun, which is likely loaded with rubber bullets, and has pepper spray in his holster. The protester who was shot remains on the ground, seemingly conscious. We don’t see any of the officers provide first aid at this point. According to U.N. basic principles, officers should only use firearms under imminent threat of death or serious injury, and they need to give a clear warning of their intent to use a gun. The officer in the video does not appear to warn the protesters that he is going to shoot. Police said that one protester had tried to stab the officer on the ground with a sharp object and that police had warned protesters to stop. They defended their officer’s decision to use live fire. Police said that the 18-year-old protester was shot near his left shoulder and was taken to the hospital. The incident marks a clear escalation in police response to the protests and is sure to fuel more unrest among the people of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Police Shot a Protester at Point-Blank Range. We Break Down What Happened.

By Haley Willis and Ainara TiefenthälerOctober 1, 2019

In a major escalation of violence since protests began four months ago, the Hong Kong police fired a live round at a protester from point-blank range. We analyzed the footage to create a comprehensive picture of what exactly happened.

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Watch The Times’s comprehensive coverage of the protests in Hong Kong.
Watch The Times’s comprehensive coverage of the protests in Hong Kong.
