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White House Press Secretary Grisham Scuffles With North Korean Security

Stephanie Grisham, the new White House press secretary, was jostled by North Korean security at the Demilitarized Zone. President Trump met Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader, on Sunday.

“U.S. pool!” [Crosstalk] “U.S. pool! It’s fine.” “Stop! No!” “Let go of me!” “I need help here!” “U.S. pool!” “U.S. pool!” “Stop!” [Crosstalk] “Please!” “Please!” “I can’t see!” [Crosstalk] “Excuse me!” [Crosstalk]

White House Press Secretary Grisham Scuffles With North Korean Security

By The Associated PressJune 30, 2019

Stephanie Grisham, the new White House press secretary, was jostled by North Korean security at the Demilitarized Zone. President Trump met Kim Jong-un, North Korea’s leader, on Sunday.

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