new video loaded: ‘Telling the Truth Shouldn’t Be Hard’: Officers Testify About Jan. 6 Riot



‘Telling the Truth Shouldn’t Be Hard’: Officers Testify About Jan. 6 Riot

Four officers who defended the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot testified to House lawmakers. The officers described in dramatic detail what they witnessed, and asked for a thorough investigation into what led to the attack.

“More than six months later, Jan. 6 still isn’t over for me. I’ve had to avail myself of multiple counseling sessions from the Capitol Police employee assistance program, and I’m now receiving private counseling therapy for the persistent emotional trauma of that day.” Lawmaker: “You hear former President Trump say, quote, ‘It was a loving crowd, there was a lot of love in the crowd.’ How does that make you feel?” “It’s upsetting, it’s a pathetic excuse for his behavior, for something that he himself helped to create.” “Telling the truth shouldn’t be hard. Fighting for — fighting on Jan. 6, that was hard. Showing up Jan. 7, that was hard. The 8th, the 9th, the 10th, all the way till today, that was hard.” “I just remember getting violently assaulted from every direction, and eventually found myself out — probably about 250, maybe 300 feet away from the mouth of the tunnel where the other officers were at.” “Once, we lost ground, I was unable to retreat. I was crushed up against the doorframe. And, and then my most vulnerable moments — the man in front of me took advantage and beat me in the head, ripped off my gas mask, straining my neck, skull.” “And normally in under any other circumstances, we just stay shut, we don’t talk about politics. We don’t talk about what happened to us. But this is bigger than that.” “That is what I am looking for, is an investigation into those actions and activities, which may have resulted in the events of Jan. 6, and also whether or not there was collaboration between those members, their staff and these terrorists.” “It was political. They literally were there to ‘stop the steal.’ So when people say it shouldn’t be political, it is, it was and it is — there’s no getting around that.” “You guys are the only ones we’ve got to deal with crimes that occur above us. I need you guys to address if anyone in power had a role in this.”

‘Telling the Truth Shouldn’t Be Hard’: Officers Testify About Jan. 6 Riot

By Taylor Turner and Maya BlackstoneJuly 27, 2021

Four officers who defended the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot testified to House lawmakers. The officers described in dramatic detail what they witnessed, and asked for a thorough investigation into what led to the attack.

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