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Pompeo Allays Fears After North Korea Summit

At a news conference in Seoul, South Korea, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the president’s recent comments about North Korea no longer being a nuclear threat were made with “eyes wide open.”

The first time an American leader sat down — a sitting American president — sat down with the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and had a blunt conversation about the changes that would need to be undertaken in order for North Korea to rejoin the community of nations. When he talked about the reduction in threat that followed from that, it was with eyes wide open. He said this in his press conference. It could be the case that our effort will not work. But we’re determined to set the conditions so that we can right this failure of decades and reset the conditions for North Koreans, for North Korea’s participation in the community of nations. We believe that Chairman Kim Jong-un understands the urgency of the timing of completing this denuclearization. That he understands that we must do this quickly and that sanctions relief — we should recall these are U.N. sanctions — the sanctions relief cannot take place until such time as we have demonstrated that North Korea has been completely denuclearized.

Pompeo Allays Fears After North Korea Summit

By The Associated PressJune 14, 2018

At a news conference in Seoul, South Korea, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the president’s recent comments about North Korea no longer being a nuclear threat were made with “eyes wide open.”

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