new video loaded: Retired Police Officer Is Questioned on George Floyd’s Prior Arrest



Retired Police Officer Is Questioned on George Floyd’s Prior Arrest

The defense questioned the former police officer Scott Creighton about a May 6, 2019, traffic stop during which a passenger, whom Mr. Creighton identified as Mr. Floyd, was not responsive to his commands. His testimony was limited to the physical effects of opioids on Mr. Floyd.

“You’re about to hear evidence of an occurrence involving George Floyd on May 6, 2019. This evidence is being admitted solely for the limited purpose of showing what effects the ingestion of opioids may or may not have had on the physical well-being of George Floyd. This evidence is not to be used as evidence of the character of George Floyd.” “Go ahead and undo your seatbelt.” “Please, I don’t want to be shot. “I don’t plan on shooting you. I’m just saying, let’s take it, take your time.” “I [inaudble] —” “OK, relax. Just under your seatbelt, let her take care of her guy. Just keep your hands up where I can see them. OK, put them up on the dash. Put them on the dash.” “Don’t shoot me, sir, please, don’t shoot me.” “I’m not going to shoot you. Put your hands on the dash.” “OK, OK, OK.” “Put your hands on the dash — last time I’m going to tell you that, it’s simple. He keeps moving his hands around. He won’t listen to what I have to say.” “Put your hands above your head.” “OK. Put them on your head.” “On your head.” “The passenger was unresponsive and noncompliant to my commands. I then had to physically reach in to — because I wanted to see his hands, because I couldn’t see his hands. I reached in finally and grabbed his hand to put it up on the dash. And then that individual was taken from the vehicle and handcuffed.” “OK, did you make any observations as to the passenger’s behavior?” “In my mind, his behavior was very nervous, anxious.” “Was he awake during this incident?” “Yes.” “He was conscious?” “Yes.” “He didn’t appear to be in medical distress to you when you were pulling him out of the car, is that right? “He was talking to you. He was standing up, is that right?” “I don’t know if it was specifically — sometimes he was talking, sometimes he was mumbling. He was incoherent in my mind a lot of the time during there.”

Retired Police Officer Is Questioned on George Floyd’s Prior Arrest

By ReutersApril 13, 2021

The defense questioned the former police officer Scott Creighton about a May 6, 2019, traffic stop during which a passenger, whom Mr. Creighton identified as Mr. Floyd, was not responsive to his commands. His testimony was limited to the physical effects of opioids on Mr. Floyd.

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