new video loaded: My Favorite Song | Kim Gordon



My Favorite Song | Kim Gordon

The artist and musician reflects on her favorite Neil Young lyrics.

[MUSIC PLAYING] This is Kim Gordon, and one of my favorite songs is “On the Beach” by Neil Young. ”(SINGING) I need a crowd of people.” When I first heard the song, I was struck by the lyrics. ”(SINGING) But I can’t face them day-to-day.” How they talked about fame and his relationship, or an artist’s relationship, to fame. ‘I need a crowd of people,’ but I can’t face them day-to-day.’ I really relate to that in the way that I’m a relatively shy person, but when I’m on stage, I feel totally different. And I can sort of make myself vulnerable, but I’m not comfortable.

My Favorite Song | Kim Gordon

By Flora HanitijoOctober 9, 2019

The artist and musician reflects on her favorite Neil Young lyrics.

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