new video loaded: ‘Green Book’ | Anatomy of a Scene



‘Green Book’ | Anatomy of a Scene

Peter Farrelly narrates a sequence from his film featuring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali.

“Hi. I’m Pete Farrelly, co-writer and director of “Green Book.” “Green Book” is the story of Don Shirley, a concert pianist played by Mahershala Ali, who, in 1962, had to go on a tour of the south. He hired a bouncer, Tony Lip, played by Viggo Mortensen here, to drive him. This is a scene early on in the movie when they stopped to get a pack of cigarettes. And Tony Lip gets out, finds a jade stone on the ground, but it’s next to where they’re selling gemstones. Obviously somebody dropped it there. He puts it in his pocket. Thinks, well, it’s on the ground. I can have it. And is accused of stealing it by the other band members. The point of this scene is — it’s a true story, by the way — that it’s something that Tony Lip told us — we had audiotapes of Tony Lip telling stories about Dr. Shirley trying to teach him. He said, you know, I love that man — Dr. Shirley — and the reason I do is because he was always trying to make me smart.” “Before we pull out, Tony, we need to have a talk.” “Eh?” “Oleg told me what you did.” “What’d I do?” “You stole a jade stone from the store.” “No, I didn’t.” “He watched you do it.” “I didn’t steal no stone.” “You picked it up and put it in your pocket.” “I picked up a rock off o’ the ground. I didn’t steal from a box.” “Now, why would you pick up a rock off the ground?” “I don’t know. Because it ain’t stealing. It’s just a regular rock.” “And why would you want a regular rock?” “To have. For luck, maybe.” “A lucky rock?” “Yeah.” “Let me see it.” “The thing that really comes through here is a parent-child relationship is forming. Dr. Shirley is educated. Tony Lip’s — sixth grade education, but really didn’t pay attention after third grade.” “Take it back and pay for it.” “And he’s being schooled by Dr. Shirley. Dr. Shirley — if he’s gonna be spending a couple of months with him, he’s trying to help him in the way he talks, the way he speaks, the way he treats people, the way he acts.” “Do not drive, Mr. Vallelonga.” “It helps that Dr. Shirley’s in control when he doesn’t get out. He doesn’t do anything. He sits there. And Tony has to turn to him, and Tony has to stretch around him, and he’s just such a child in this scene, the way he reacts to everything. It’s like if you caught a five-year-old stealing gum at the grocery store. That’s how he reacts. I liked Viggo having to turn toward him, and it just felt like he was at a disadvantage in that scene. And it helped empower Dr. Shirley that he could just sit back and control it.” “If you’d like, Tony, I’d happily buy you the stone.” “Don’t bother. You took all the fun out of it.”

‘Green Book’ | Anatomy of a Scene

By Mekado MurphyNovember 21, 2018

Peter Farrelly narrates a sequence from his film featuring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali.

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Film directors walk viewers through one scene of their movies, showing the magic, motives and the mistakes from behind the camera.
Film directors walk viewers through one scene of their movies, showing the magic, motives and the mistakes from behind the camera.
