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U.A.W. Announces Strike Expansion at Ford and General Motors

The U.A.W.’s president, Shawn Fain, called on an additional 7,000 workers at Ford and General Motors to go on strike until progress is made at the negotiating table for higher pay and benefits.

Sadly, despite our willingness to bargain, Ford and G.M. have refused to make meaningful progress at the table. That’s why at noon Eastern Time today, we will expand our strike to these two companies. To be clear, negotiations haven’t broke down. We’re still talking with all three companies, and I’m still very hopeful that we can reach a deal that reflects the incredible sacrifices and contributions our members have made over the last decade. But I also know that what we win at the bargaining table depends on the power we build on the job. It’s time to use that power. That’s why I’m calling on an additional 7,000 members across Ford and G.M. to go on strike starting at noon Eastern today. I’m calling on Ford’s Chicago assembly plant to stand up and go on strike. And I’m calling on G.M.’s Lansing Delta Township to stand up and go out on strike.

U.A.W. Announces Strike Expansion at Ford and General Motors

By The Associated PressSeptember 29, 2023

The U.A.W.’s president, Shawn Fain, called on an additional 7,000 workers at Ford and General Motors to go on strike until progress is made at the negotiating table for higher pay and benefits.

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