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How to Help Prepare Your Home for the Threat of Wildfires

There are measures you can take to help protect your property from wildfires, including clearing gutters, trimming brush and adding fire-resistant plants to your garden.

Flames from the L.N.U. Lightning Complex Fire in Napa County on Aug. 18.
Credit...Noah Berger/Associated Press

Residents of the Western United States have been warned to prepare themselves, and their homes, for another punishing wildfire season.

A widespread drought has dried out the vegetation and land in several states, priming the region for increased wildfire activity, which typically begins in the summer months and can continue well into the fall.

“If your home is near a wildfire area, you should be concerned,” said Lynnette Round, a public information officer at Cal Fire, the firefighting agency in California, where 9,248 structures were destroyed by wildfires in 2020. “Wildfires can ignite at any moment, so residents need to be prepared now, ahead of time.”

Ms. Round says that Cal Fire recommends people begin preparing their homes as soon as early March.

Here’s a guide to making your home more resistant to wildfires.

By creating a defensible space, or “firescaping,” residents can carve a barrier between their home and flammable vegetation. A defensible space around the perimeter of the house should be well-irrigated and free of brush, vegetation and other materials that could fuel a fire. Adding fuel breaks such as gravel walkways or driveways can also help.

If you’ve got the space, Cal Fire recommends creating a buffer, of at least several hundred feet, with fire-resistant plants and noncombustible materials, like concrete or gravel. Homeowners should also move branches, firewood and garbage to other areas around the home.

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