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Joe Biden and the Israel-Gaza War

ImageA photo of a man waving to a woman amid destroyed buildings.
Credit...Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

To the Editor:

Re “How Joe Biden Lost His Way in Gaza,” by Nicholas Kristof (column, April 21):

The masterful, balanced and well-reasoned column by Mr. Kristof, written not in anger but in deep sorrow, should serve as a warning to President Biden.

In standing by Israel’s atrocious conduct of the war and letting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu poke a finger in America’s eye, Mr. Biden not only cedes his moral standing but also risks destroying the unity of the Democratic Party; the possibility of a turbulent convention; and the loss of Michigan and the election to Donald Trump.

One only hopes that he adopts a course that reduces the chance of any of these outcomes.

Masood Haider
Princeton Junction, N.J.

To the Editor:

The war started by Hamas is a test of whether a civilized world will accept Hamas’s barbaric tactics — including its atrocities on Oct. 7 and hiding its terrorists, arms and Israeli captives among and beneath a dense civilian population.

President Biden has not lost his way at all. The truth is the opposite: He has shown the courage to help Israel fight evil and prove that barbarism doesn’t win and should not be tried by others.

Tod Cooperman
Scarsdale, N.Y.

To the Editor:

Nicholas Kristof’s powerful cri de coeur rightly portrays President Biden as a tragic figure, a good and decent man whose limitations have led to unspeakable horrors in Gaza.

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