

Tell Us Your Stories About Retirement

If you have reinvented your life after retiring from a career, we want to hear how it’s going and any advice you have for others.

A man and a woman wearing aprons cook at a table.
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Have you retired? If you’ve left your full-time, traditional job and embarked on a new chapter, reduced your work hours or chosen a different later-in-life job, share your story below. For a special section on retirement and longevity to be published in June, The New York Times wants to hear from readers who have reinvented their lives.

Retirement can take on many different forms depending on a variety of factors. Maybe you moved. Maybe you started exercising. Maybe you started a new hobby or pursued a fresh passion for pay. Or maybe retirement means cutting back on the number of hours or days you work, or moving into a new line of work. We want to hear from people who used retirement as an opportunity to chart a new path.

Here are some prompts to help you tell your story:

  • What challenges did you have to overcome as you entered this phase — and how did you do it?

  • What joys — or disappointments — have you derived from this chapter that surprised you?

  • If you were making the move all over again, what would you change? And what advice do you have for others contemplating it: financial, emotional, social or lifestyle?

We would love your thoughts (in, say, 200 words or less). We will not publish any part of your submission without contacting you first. We will not share your contact information outside the Times newsroom, and we will use it only to reach out to you.

Life After Retirement
