

Tell Us: What Questions About Climate Change Can We Answer?

Illustration of planet Earth, with a large yellow question mark and exclamation point on it, against a backdrop of tiny red text relating to climate issues.
Credit... The New York Times

What are the most important questions you would like us to answer about climate change?

Climate can be a complex issue — a mixture of sophisticated science, powerful economic forces, and important cultural expectations. We’d like to provide clear and concise explanations of how issues like these work, every chance we get.

So here’s your opportunity to tell us what you think.

What are your questions about climate change? What are the questions that you hear friends, relatives, neighbors, children asking? What points call for more clarity, or are particularly intriguing?

There’s no question too basic: How do we know what we know about climate change? What is the Paris accord, anyway?

And of course, there is no question too big to ask.

We’ll use your suggestions to help guide the Times’s coverage.

Tell us what you want to know
