

How to Get The New York Times on Your Smart Speaker

From left, the Apple HomePod, Google Home and Amazon Echo.Credit...Jason Henry for The New York Times

If you have a smart speaker or another device with a voice assistant, you can start your day with a short audio briefing, listen to Times podcasts like “The Daily,” get tips for healthy living or do our guided workout, all by using your voice.

Here’s what’s available and how to get it using each digital assistant.

To get daily tips for living a healthier life, try My Well Minute, a Flash Briefing skill on Alexa created by the editors of Well, our personal health and wellness section. Each day, Well columnist Tara Parker-Pope will bring you a simple challenge to help you feel better — inside and out.

Alexa: Enable My Well Minute here or find it in the skills section of your Alexa app. Then say “Alexa, play my Flash Briefing” to hear a new episode each day. Or, to listen to recent episodes at any time, just say “Alexa, open the Well Minute.”

Google Podcasts: Subscribe and listen to each day’s episode here.

Start your weekdays with a three-minute rundown of the day’s top stories, hosted by Michael Barbaro of “The Daily.”

Alexa: Just say “Alexa, play The New York Times Briefing.”

Or, you can add it to your Flash Briefing, which brings you short audio updates from news publishers, by enabling it here or by saying “Alexa, enable The New York Times Briefing.” Then ask, “Alexa, what’s my Flash Briefing?”

Google Assistant: Say “Hey Google, play The New York Times Briefing.”

You can listen to The Times’s daily news podcast, available five days a week, on a smart speaker or through your preferred voice assistant.

Alexa: Say “Alexa, play The Daily.”

Google Assistant: Say “O.K. Google, play The Daily” or “O.K. Google, play the latest episode of The Daily.”

Homepod and Siri: Ask Siri to “play the latest episode of The Daily.”

Want a great workout, but short on time? Our 6-Minute Workout will get your heart pumping and your muscles toned while your coffee is brewing. If you have device with a screen, you can get a guided workout video. No screen? No problem. Our workout is designed to work for audio-only devices as well.

Alexa: Say “Alexa, start 6-Minute Workout.”

We’re always experimenting and looking for new ways to bring you our journalism. Have questions or feedback? Email us at [email protected].
