

Dayan, in Capital, Expected To Ask for New Weapons

Dayan, in Capital, Expected To Ask for New Weapons
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November 14, 1972, Page 1Buy Reprints
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WASHINGTON, Nov. 13 — Israel's Defense Minister, Moshe Dayan, will hold top‐level policy talks here tomorrow in which he is expected to press for new weapons and seek assurances of continued deliveries of jet fighters, wellplaced Administration officials said today.

Besides seeking assurances that Washington will not interfere with the current flow of F‐4 Phantom fighter‐bombers and A‐4 tactical bombers, Mr. Dayan is also expected to request authority to buy the Lance surface‐to‐surface missile, which has a 50‐mile range; the Cobra helicopter gunship; the Maverick television‐guided missile, and a laser‐guided bomb system, the officials said.

Mr. Dayan, who arrived here late today, is scheduled for separate conferences with Secretary of State William P. Rogers; Deputy Defense Secretary Kenneth Rush and Richard Helms, Director of Central Intelligence.

Apprehension Reported

Officials in various departments of Government said that the Israeli Government was apprehensive that after President Nixon's landslide re‐election victory last week, Mr. Nixon might be tempted to slow or cut off arms shipments to press Israel into a more flexible negotiating position toward Egypt.

Administration officials say efforts will be made any softening in Israel's position on a partial withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula, to urge restraint on future Israeli attacks on guerrilla bases in Arab countries, and to solicit Mr. Dayan's views’ on the implications of the Soviet Union's recent arms shipments to Egypt, Syria and Iraq.

Diplomatic sources say that Mr. Dayan had originally been scheduled to make speeches in New York and Chicago ?? support of the United Jewish Appeal's fund‐raising campaign for Israel. But his Government, they say, decided it would be useful for him to talk with Administration officials’ right after the election and lei it be known that he would be receptive to invitations from certain key officials. They were quickly forthcoming.

Late last year, President Nixon decided to grant Israel's request for long‐range delivery of 4. F‐4's and more than 80 A‐4's. The deliveries started in March of this year: and are now scheduled for completion by the end of next year, Pentagon sources say The E‐4's, the principal weapon in Israel's Air Force, are being delivered at a rate of two a month.

Usefilnesss of Lance

Mr. Dayan, diplomatic, sources said, may not only ask that this schedule be maintained but that Washington consider extending F‐4 deliveries beyond the 42 now planned.

Last year, Israel sought permission to buy, the Lance missile, arguing that with its long range and a special clusterbomblet warhead, Israel would more easily be able to withdraw 20 to 30 miles froth the eastern bank of the Suez Canal.

With the Lance, Israel would have a weapon that could neutralize Egyptian surface‐toair missiles that might be moved forward to protect movement of armored forces across the canal into Sinai.

The United States turned down the request for the Lance, insisting that its special highexplosive warhead had not yet been perfected. The Govemment also put a limit of 24 miles on the range of new weapons, other than aircraft, that would be considered for sale.

Officials report that Israel wants’ the Maverick air‐toSurface missile, which has just become operational in the United. States, because with pinpoint accuracy the weapon can be used against tanks, command bunkers and other targets that are difficult to destroy with standard bombs. A similar case is being made for laser‐guided bombs, which have proved ef‐, fective in raids on North, Vietnam.

The Cobra helicopter gunship, carries, antitank and antipersonnet weapons Its value, too, has: been proved in combat in Vietnam. Mr. Dayan is known to have long advocated a partial Israeli pullback from the canal, American officials say.

He is expected to argue that additional risks would be taken by Israel in such a move and that special weapons, of the kind now sought, would help minimize these risks and perhaps reduce opposition within Israel to a partial withdrawal.

Many Administration offi cials say privately that the time has never been more favorable for a sizable first step toward settling Egyptian‐Israeli differences.

With Soviet forces largely out of Egypt since July, the officials say, the security risks to Israel have been greatly diminished. If Israel balks at a more accommodating negotiating position now, they say, this may serve to force Cairo—in desperation—to invite a return of substantial numbers of Soviet military advisers and air defense crews.

As a possible straw in the wind, they take note of the recent Soviet shipment of 60 advanced low‐altitude surface to‐air missiles—SAM ??—to Egypt, accompanied by a few hundred additional technical advisers.

Only last week, they say, the Soviet Union provided two missile boats to Iraq and landed four large air transport planes, of the kind that often carry jet fighters and missiles, in Damascus, Syria.

Administration officials say they will urge caution in future Israeli air attacks against Lebanon and Syria. They fear a major battle could develop with Syria after possible future strikes and counterstrikes.

Officials ay they are particularly alarmed at reports that Israel is considering punitive raids against Libya, which has provided funds and refuge for Arab terrorists.
