

Anderson Alleges Surveillance of Many Blacks

Anderson Alleges Surveillance of Many Blacks
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June 28, 1972, Page 26Buy Reprints
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WASHINGTON, June 27—Jack Anderson, the syndicated columnist, turned over to the Congressional Black Caucus today a list, which he said came from the Secret Service, containing 5,500 names and aliases of black people on whom he said dossiers are maintained.

Mr. Anderson unfolded the yards‐long computer sheet in the hearing room and told the Representatives that blacks were the only group that the Secret Service classified separately. It is called, he said, the “black nationalist” list.

Jackie Robinson Listed

The Secret Service keeps a file on Jackie Robinson, the former second baseman for the Brooklyn Dodgers and a member of baseball's Hall of Fame, because he “visited a White House gate one day to inquire about the President's “black capitalism” program [and] the Secret Service was taking notes,” Mr. Anderson said.

Representative Ronald V. Dellums, the California Democrat who is chairman of hearings being held by the caucus this week on “governmental lawlessness,” announced to about 100 spectators in the hearing room that the caucus intended to file a lawsuit on behalf of the listed individuals, challenging the agency's authority to keep such records.

A spokesman In Mr. Dellums's office said later that the National Conference of Black Lawyers in New York had agreed to prepare the suit.

The Secret service refused any comment today on the alleged special list.

Mr. Anderson also attacked the investigatory activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He said that the agency had “spent more time investigating unorthodox ideology—subversives — than all other crimes combined.” The bureau's concept of unorthodox ideology, he said, includes viewpoints against the war or in favor of minority causes.

Mr. Anderson deplored what he termed a lack of “overseers” for the F.B.I.'s surveillance activities. He said that moderate blacks were investigated while “their white counterparts” who held comparable views were not. As examples, he said that the activities of Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr. and Floyd B. McKissick were closely watched while those of Sen ators Edwarrd M. Kennedy and George McGovern were not. The F.B.I. declined comment on these allegations.

Another witness accused the Department of Justice of evading enforcement of civil rights laws. Arthur Chotin, a lawyer who was employed in the department's Civil Rights Division until last month, told the caucus that when the Mississippi Legislature passed open primary bills in 1970 the Justice Department had the choice of filing an objection or not objecting.

The bills would have the effect, he said, of preventing black voters from winning an election. But he said that the department had made the determination “neither to object nor to non‐object.”

Unusual Move Conceded

The state interpreted this as allowing the bills to take effect, he said. But the action was subsequently taken to court, which ruled that the department had not carried out its responsibility and the bills were not valid.

A spokesman for the Justice Department said today that no determination had been made in the case “because we were getting conflicting statements as to the intent or effect of the legislation,” He acknowledged that the Mississippi incident marked the only time the agency had taken a “no determination” position.

State Senator George Brown of Colorado said that the Colorado State Employment Service “in effect took Federal funds earmarked for service to the poor and diverted them to other purposes.”

The Department of Labor helped to encourage this, Senator Brown said, by directing the state services to cease giving first priority to the hardcore unemployed.

A Labor bepartment official said that President Nixon had ordered last year that first priority be given to placement of veterans, as part of a six‐point national veterans program.
