Steve Forbes: 'How Capitalism Will Save Us' Steve Forbes, the publisher of Forbes magazine, has the cover story in this week's issue. Forbes — who ran twice for the Republican presidential nomination — is now a special economic adviser to John McCain. Forbes says the government must take emergency steps to save the economy, like buying up troubled mortgages and purchasing stock in financial firms.

Steve Forbes: 'How Capitalism Will Save Us'

Steve Forbes: 'How Capitalism Will Save Us'

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Steve Forbes, the publisher of Forbes magazine, has the cover story in this week's issue. Forbes — who ran twice for the Republican presidential nomination — is now a special economic adviser to John McCain. Forbes tells Renee Montagne that the government must take emergency steps to save the economy, like buying up troubled mortgages and purchasing stock in financial firms.

Correction Oct. 23, 2008

In some versions of this interview, a quotation was incorrectly attributed to James Madison. It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question."