Haiti in Disarray of Looting after Storm In the wake of the storm called Jeanne, efforts to provide relief in Haiti are frustrated by looting and logistical difficulties. With a growing threat of epidemics, looting of stores and humanitarian aid convoys complicate the distribution of food and water. Hear NPR's Jennifer Ludden and reporter Nancy Roc.

Haiti in Disarray of Looting after Storm

Haiti in Disarray of Looting after Storm

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In the wake of the storm called Jeanne, efforts to provide relief in Haiti are frustrated by looting and logistical difficulties. With a growing threat of epidemics, looting of stores and humanitarian aid convoys complicate the distribution of food and water. Hear NPR's Jennifer Ludden and reporter Nancy Roc.

Correction Sept. 27, 2004

The audio of this feature should have made clear that Jeanne was a tropical storm when it struck Haiti.