The National Association of Attorneys General was founded in 1907 initially to create a forum for state attorneys general to discuss a common approach to antitrust issues related to the Standard Oil Company. Since then, antitrust efforts have consistently been a core aspect of the attorney general’s role.

Antitrust laws are based on the proposition that strong competition among different firms is best for the economy as a whole and results in the best prices and quality for consumers. In addition to federal statutes, including the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 and the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914, almost every state has similar laws that prohibit price-fixing and monopolization. Attorneys general have the ability to enforce both federal and state antitrust laws on behalf of the state and its citizens, both individually and as part of a multistate group.

Visit the following pages to learn more about:

In addition to attorneys general, the following entities also enforce antitrust laws and cooperate with attorneys general on various cases:

For more information, contact:

Emily Myers
NAAG Antitrust Counsel
[email protected]

State Antitrust Litigation and Settlement Database

NAAG has created the State Antitrust Litigation Database to provide a single source for all antitrust cases brought by state attorneys general, to give a complete view of the state attorney general role in antitrust enforcement, and provide factual background and empirical evidence about how state attorneys general enforce state and federal antitrust laws.

Courses and Trainings

Policy Letters

  • Antitrust

NAAG Endorses State Antitrust Enforcement Venue Act of 2021

State attorneys general around the country are actively pursuing significant antitrust enforcement actions on behalf of consumers in their respective states.

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  • Antitrust

NAAG Asks Congress to Support State Antitrust Efforts

As Congress once again considers antitrust reform measures that will have significant impacts on our citizens and business communities for years to come, we encourage you to enhance the antitrust enforcement capabilities of the states, in addition to federal agencies. We thank you for your leadership on this important matter.

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