Introducing First Class Trips! Unlock More Planning Power

We're thrilled to introduce an upgrade that takes your travel planning to the next level.
Suzie Palma
Co-Founder @ Let's Jetty

Planning a group trip should be as exciting as the adventure itself, but we know it can often turn into a chaotic whirlwind of texts, emails, and endless discussions. That's where Let's Jetty comes in – the app designed to make group travel planning smoother, easier, and more enjoyable. Now, we're thrilled to introduce an upgrade that takes your travel planning to the next level: First Class Trips.

What are First Class Trips?

First Class Trips are our premium upgrade that unlocks a suite of exclusive features designed to give you more control and flexibility in planning your group adventures. With First Class Trips, you'll enjoy enhanced tools and early access to new features, making your trip planning experience truly first class.

Premium Features That Transform Your Planning

1. Custom Invitations: Personalize Your Trip Invite

Say goodbye to underwhelming text invites. With First Class Trips, you can create beautiful, custom invitations that reflect the unique vibe of your upcoming adventure. Whether it's a bachelorette trip, a birthday trip, or a friends vacay, our custom invitations add a personal touch, making your friends feel excited about the journey ahead.

2. Unlimited Surveys: Gather Group Input Seamlessly

Planning a trip involves a lot of decisions, and getting everyone on the same page can be a challenge. Our unlimited surveys feature lets you ask your group all the necessary questions as plans come together. From deciding on the destination, selecting travel dates, to choosing activities – you can gather input effortlessly and ensure everyone’s preferences are considered.

3. Early Access to New Features: Stay Ahead of the Curve

As a First Class Trip member, you'll be the first to access new features as we continue to innovate and improve Let's Jetty. Stay ahead of the curve with the latest tools and enhancements designed to make your trip planning even better. Your feedback will also play a crucial role in shaping future updates, ensuring we continue to meet your needs.

Foster More Opportunities to Connect Offline

By upgrading to First Class, you're not just enhancing your travel planning experience – you're also helping Let's Jetty grow so we can continue to build and improve the app with more exciting features and better experiences. Your support helps in our mission to revolutionize group trip planning and create more opportunities for you to connect offline.

Ready to Level Up?

Upgrading to First Class is easy. Simply go to the Let's Jetty app, create a trip and tap Upgrade to First Class in the Trip Hub settings. Whether you're organizing a weekend getaway with friends or a big family reunion, First Class Trips gives you the tools to make it seamless and memorable.

Join the Let's Jetty community and start planning your next adventure with First Class Trips today. Because the planning journey should be as incredible as the destination.

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Let's Jetty is a group travel planning app that makes it easier, faster, and more enjoyable to plan group trips. With features like invitations, surveys, and an itinerary builder, planning a group trip has never been simpler.

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