'We, Le Monde journalists...'

From our archives. More than 460 journalists at Le Monde are asking their owners to guarantee their editorial independence by granting them a right of approval for new controlling shareholders.

Published on March 15, 2022, at 3:35 pm (Paris), updated on March 27, 2022, at 7:58 pm 4 min read

This article was originally published on September 10, 2019.

Le Monde is at a crossroads. For the first time in its history, it could be forced to admit a new shareholder in its capital without its journalists being consulted. Our editorial freedom is at stake.

For the past year, it is with extreme concern that we have witnessed the first important change in our group's capital since its acquisition in 2010 by a group of private investors (Pierre Bergé, Xavier Niel and Matthieu Pigasse). In October 2018 we learned that 49% of Matthieu Pigasse's shares were to be sold to the industrialist Daniel Kretinsky. Le Monde's Independence Group, a minority shareholder that includes the association of journalists, the staff, the readers and the founders, was not informed of this operation.

This announcement caused concerns. Subsequently, on October 25th 2018, Matthieu Pigasse and Xavier Niel, the two main shareholders since the death of Pierre Bergé in 2017, agreed in writing to grant the Independence Group a right of approval. Such a clause would allow the Independency Group the right to approve or disapprove of the entry of any new shareholder with controlling rights. They also committed not to carry out any movement of capital until this right of approval had been formalized.

After a year of intense negotiations, this right has still not been signed in. Last summer, our concern increased with the opening of exclusive negotiations by Mr. Pigasse and Mr. Kretinsky to buy the shares of the Spanish group, Prisa, another non-controlling shareholder of Le Monde.

On Tuesday, September 3, the Independence Group therefore requested that Xavier Niel and Matthieu Pigasse fulfill their promise to guarantee our independence and to sign this right of approval before September 17. Xavier Niel did so on September 9.

Moral promises

We, journalists, expect Matthieu Pigasse to do the same. We also ask his new associate, Daniel Kretinsky, to co-sign this agreement. In keeping with the moral promises made by Pierre Bergé to Le Monde during his lifetime, which he never compromised, we also ask Pierre Bergé's heir, Madison Cox, to add his signature.

This right of approval for new controlling shareholders is an essential document to complete and reinforce the fragile mechanism protecting our work. Without this legal safeguard, Le Monde's unique situation in the French press could be threatened: Our capital could be bought by a new shareholder who might trample the checks and balances between the editorial staff and the owners, set up over the past ten years.

This approach is simple: It's about giving legal form to the spirit of the relationship established in 2010, when the newspaper was purchased, with Mr Bergé, Niel and Pigasse, whom we chose by vote.

Since then, there has been no exception to this rule of separation between capital and journalists. This "trio" of shareholders respected its commitments. They provided the means of our development while respecting the editorial independence of the various publications of our group (Le Monde, Télérama, Courrier International, La Vie).

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Instead of giving into the temptation of poor quality news and cutting staff numbers, the editorial staff of Le Monde has neither lost soul nor substance. The news has never been considered a mere product or source of profit. Over the past 10 years, the number of journalists has risen to 450 people.

When we lost economic control of our business in 2010, we journalists did not abandon our culture of independence, forged over 75 years of a very eventful history. We did not surrender our capacity to collectively defend our principles and values. We have retained full control of our texts and images. This freedom, protected from any form of intervention or influence, has enabled us to publish stories and investigations which challenged political and economic powers in France and abroad.

Our most valuable asset

This is our most valuable asset. Any substantial change in our capital that is not approved by staff would jeopardize the relationship built over the past 10 years with our shareholders. It would cast a shadow over the value of journalism at Le Monde and would deteriorate our readers' trust.

In contrast, the granting of a right of approval for new controlling shareholders would strengthen our independence. Now that Xavier Niel has proved his commitment, we expect Matthieu Pigasse and Daniel Kretinsky to do the same.

This is an opportunity for Mr Kretinsky to match words with deeds and to demonstrate his "desire to support traditional journalism" and "uphold democracy," as he stated in Paris on September 5.

The signature of the right of approval is a prerequisite for the opening of discussions to discover the real intentions of Mr Kretinsky. It would also be a first indication that the industrialist understands the specific identity of the group.

We, Le Monde journalists, are determined to defend our independence and thus preserve our relationship of trust with our readers.

More than 460 signatures
Laurence Abrault · Thouria Adouani · Chloé Aeberhardt · Francine Aizicovici · Eric Albert · Grégoire Allix · Claire Ané · Florence Aubenas · Jean-Marie Audin · William Audureau · Simon Auffret · Christophe Ayad · Roxana Azimi · Raphaëlle Bacqué · Asia Ballufier · Rémi Barroux · Benjamin Barthe · Pierre Barthélémy · Elise Barthet · Jérémie Baruch · Mattea Battaglia · Marie-Béatrice Baudet · Maryline Baumard · François Béguin · Hélène Bekmezian · Elisa Bellanger · Harry Bellet · Laure Belot · Sarah Belouezzane · Michelle Benaïm · Hélène Bénard · Paul Benkimoun · Cyril Bensimon · Laetitia Béraud · Philippe Bernard · Sandrine Berthaud-Clair · Elisabeth Berthou · Raphaëlle Besse Desmoulières · Marc Bettinelli · Alain Beuve-Mery · Jean-Michel Bezat · Eric Béziat · Marc-Olivier Bherer · Julie Bienvenu · Stéphanie Binet · Jean Birnbaum · Patrice Birot · Grégoire Biseau · Bertrand Bissuel · Sandrine Blanchard · Samuel Blumenfeld · Frédéric Bobin · Alexandra Bogaert · Béatrice Boisserie · Bastien Bonnefous · Yves Bordenave · Camille Bordenet · Laurent Borredon · François Bostnavaron · Cécile Bouanchaud · Yann Bouchez · Julien Bouissou · Nicolas Bourcier · Hugues Bourgeois · Pierre Bouvier · Marianne Boyer · Charlotte Bozonnet · Nathalie Brafman · Mirel Bran · Pierre Breteau · Luc Bronner · Philippe Broussard · Dominique Buffier · Sandrine Cabut · Corinne Callebaut · Julie Campanaud · Elvire Camus · Juliette Camuzard · Catherine Capdeville · Laurence Caramel · Laurent Carpentier · Arthur Carpentier · Mirabelle Carré · Julie Carriat · Claudine Carroué · Sandrine Cassini · Véronique Cauhapé · Frédéric Cazenave · Emeline Cazi · Luc Cédelle · Charlotte Chabas · Zeliha Chaffin · Florence de Changy · Cécile Chambraud · Isabelle Chaperon · Nicolas Chapuis · Marie Charrel · Jean-Baptiste Chastand · Christophe Chatelot · Sylvie Chayette · Anne Chemin · Ariane Chemin · Emmanuelle Chevallereau · Véronique Chocron · Nadir Chougar · Olivier Clairouin · Julie Clarini · Laetitia Clavreul · Annick Cojean · Aurélie Collas · Eric Collier · Franck Colombani · Alain Constant · Lucy Conticello · Solène Cordier · Denis Cosnard · Mathilde Costil · Gabriel Coutagne · Cécile Coutureau Merino · Louise Couvelaire · Pauline Croquet · Sophie Cureau · Amaury Da Cunha · Philippe Da Silva · Philippe Dagen · Gary Dagorn · Agathe Dahyot · Mathilde Damge · Fabienne Darge · Stéphane Davet · Gérard Davet · Emmanuel Davidenkoff · Lorraine De Foucher · Jean-Baptiste De Montvalon · Solenn De Royer · Marie De Vergès · Eric Dedier · Romain Del Bello · Charles Delaere · Martine Delahaye · Alexis Delcambre · Marie Delcas · Corine Descacq-Missengué · Thomas Doustaly · Marion Doutreligne · Zineb Dryef · Cécile Ducourtieux · Eugénie Dumas · Olivier Dumons · Clémence Duneau · Gaëlle Dupont · Anne-Aël Durand · Marlène Duretz · Guy Dutheil · Alexis Duval · Pauline Eiferman · Karim El Hadj · Mouna El Mokhtari · Philippe Escande · Philippe Euzen · Anne Eveno · Florence Evin · Clarisse Fabre · Vincent Fagot · Francesca Fattori · Moïna Fauchier Delavigne · Anne Favalier · Jean-Luc Favreau · Olivier Faye · Jérôme Fenoglio · Maxime Ferrer · Benoît Floc’h · Colin Folliot · Jacques Follorou · Stéphane Foucart · Audrey Fournier · Alain Frachon · Guillaume Fraissard · Françoise Fressoz · Pascal Galinier · Dominique Gallois · Juliette Garnier · Audrey Garric · Claire Gatinois · Jérôme Gautheret · Agnès Gautheron · Patricia Gauthier · Nelly Gbaka · Romain Geoffroy · Clara Georges · Florent Georgesco · Mathilde Gérard · Clément Ghys · Muriel Gilbert · Claire Gilly · Baptiste Giovenco · Jean-Pierre Giovenco (former journalist at Le Monde) · Laurence Girard · Rachida Gmiz · Matthieu Goar · Maxime Goldbaum · Ghazal Golshiri · Jessica Gourdon · Emilie Grangeray · Sandra Grangeray · Séverin Graveleau · Stéphanie Grin · Charles-Henry Groult · Magali Gruet · Fabienne Grünfeld · Claire Guélaud · Michel Guerrin · Nathalie Guibert · Angèle Guicharnaud · Anne Guillard · Claire Guillot · Clément Guillou · Julien Guintard · Béatrice Gurrey · Anne Hazard · Chloé Hecketsweiler · Coralie Heintz · Victor Heitz · Cécile Hennion · Anthony Hernandez · Marion Hérold · Olivier Herviaux · Nathaniel Herzberg · Charlotte Herzog · Anne-Francoise Hivert · Flavie Holzinger · Benoît Hopquin · Stéphane Horel · Romain Imbach · Louis Imbert · Léa Iribarnegaray · Jakub Iwaniuk · Philippe Jacqué · Jean-Baptiste Jacquin · Aymeric Janier · Emmanuelle Jardonnet · Pierre Jaxel-Truer · Lucien Jedwab · Béatrice Jérôme · Nicolas Jimenez · Franck Johannès · Patricia Jolly · Lucile Jouvin · Pierre Jullien · Annie Kahn · Coumba Kane · Sylvie Kauffmann · Allan Kaval · Sylvie Kerviel · Mustapha Kessous · Fiona Khalifa · Pascale Krémer · Solène L’Henoret · Patrick Labesse · Xemartin Laborde · Jade Labrunye · Brice Laemle · Olivier Laffargue · Christelle Laffitte · Audrey Lagadec · Christine Laget · Laurence Lagrange · Antonin Laisné · Jérémie Lamothe · Corentin Lamy · Sophie Landrin · Marie-Pierre Lannelongue · Bruno Lantéri · Emmanuel Laparra · Julien Laroche-Joubert · Jean-Jacques Larochelle · David Larousserie · Aude Lasjaunias · Stéphane Lauer · Guy Lauraine · Samuel Laurent · Stéphanie Le Bars · Philippe Le Coeur · Gwennoline Le Cornec · Luc Le Digabel · Erwan Le Duc · Adrien Le Gal · Pierre Le Hir · Soazig Le Nevé · Gilles Le Nozahic · Natalie Lebreton · Aline Leclerc · Nathalie Lecomte · Pierre Lecornu · Sabine Ledoux · Michel Lefebvre · Christine Legrand · Claire Legros · Marie Lelievre · Damien Leloup · Julien Lemaignen · Frédéric Lemaître · Alexandre Lemarié · Nicolas Lepeltier · Pierre Lepidi · Valérie Lépine · Simon Lesage · Corine Lesnes · Bruno Lesprit · Raphaëlle Leyris · Fabrice Lhomme · Eric Lloret · Franck Lonjaret · Joséfa Lopez · Manuel Lucbert (former journalist at Le Monde) · Assma Maad · Renaud Machart · Mathieu Macheret · Matteo Maillard · Maxime Mainguet · Véronique Malécot · Virginie Malingre · Stéphane Mandard · Jacques Mandelbaum · Isabelle Mandraud · Cristina Marino · Francis Marmande · Clément Martel · Christian Massol · Brune Mauger · Stéphanie Maupas · Isabelle Mériel · Abel Mestre · Thibaud Métais · Anne Michel · Marine Miller · Gaïdz Minassian · Bernard Monasterolo · Caroline Monnot · Angeline Montoya · Céline Mordant · Anna Moreau · Sandrine Morel · Violaine Morin · Samuel Morin · Hervé Morin · Joël Morio · Laura Motet · Olivier Mougeot · Perrine Mouterde · Isabelle Mudry · Ophélie Neiman · Matthieu Nicol · Anne-Cécile Nguyen-Thanh · Michel Noblecourt · Florence Noiville · Jean-Michel Normand · Franck Nouchi · Eric Nunes · Enora Ollivier · Rémy Ourdan · Cyril Ouzoulias · Catherine Pacary · Laurence Paix · Aris Papathéodorou · Chrystèle Pape · Delphine Papin · Clémence Parente · Jonathan Parienté · Gilles Paris · Julia Pascual · Adrien Pécout · Brice Pedroletti · Sylvain Peirani · Michèle Pessin · Edouard Pflimlin · Bruno Philip · Floriane Picard · Simon Piel · Cédric Pietralunga · Elisabeth Pineau · Alexandre Piquard · Jean Plantu · Yann Plougastel · Mathieu Polak · Eléa Pommiers · Anne Porquet · Frédéric Potet · Alexandre Pouchard · Sylvie Pourrias-Gittus · Cécile Prieur · Cécile Prudhomme · Etienne Rancourt · Agnès Rastouil · Paula Ravaux · Audrey Ravelli · Olivier Razemon · Audrey Rebmann · Isabelle Regnier · François Régnier · Diane Regny · Jean-Philippe Rémy · Raphaëlle Rérolle · Manon Rescan · Antoine Reverchon · Isabelle Rey-Lefebvre · Florian Reynaud · Philippe Ricard · Gabriel Richalot · Philippe Ridet · Anita Rind (former journalist at Le Monde) · Rafaele Rivais · Pascale Robert-Diard · Anne Rodier · Patrick Roger · Simon Roger · Catherine Rollot · Yves Rospert · Delphine Roucaute · Christine Rousseau · Ingrid Rousseau · Caroline Rousseau · Marie-Aude Roux · Nadège Royer · Pierre Rubenach · Antonin Sabot · Frédéric Saliba · Brigitte Salino · Alain Salles · Hélène Sallon · Martine Sampieri · Léa Sanchez · Pascale Santi · Jean-Guillaume Santi · Nicolas Santolaria · Laureline Savoye · Vanessa Schneider · Henri Seckel · Soren Seelow · Camille Seeuws · Serguei · Marc Semo · Adrien Sénécat · Macha Séry · Sylvain Siclier · Michel Sikora · Martine Silber (former journalist at Le Monde) · Nicolas Six · Marie Slavicek · Piotr Smolar · Thomas Sotinel · Isabelle Souchard · Lucie Soullier · Sylvie Standley · Laure Stephan · Zdenka Stimac · Camille Stromboni · Jean-Pierre Stroobants · Yoanna Sultan · Marie Sumalla · Michaël Szadkowski · Laurent Telo · Harold Thibault · Joan Tilouine · Aureliano Tonet · Audrey Tonnelier · Françoise Tovo · Pierre Trouvé · Nicolas Truong · Morgane Tual · Martin Untersinger · Martine Valo · Laetitia Van Eeckhout · Marielle Vandamme · Gilles Van Kote · Maxime Vaudano · Anna Villechenon · Faustine Vincent · Catherine Vincent · Elise Vincent · Luc Vinogradoff · Benoît Vitkine · Elvire Von Bardeleben · Nicole Vulser · Nabil Wakim · Donald Walther · Nicolas Weill · Thomas Wieder · Tatiana Weimer · Emeline Wuilbercq · Sylvia Zappi · Melina Zerbib · Madjid Zerrouky ·

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