Ben Kredich's family hopes new law will prevent tragedy for other families

Meet some of the Tennessee suffragists who helped change history

Allie Clouse Corinne S Kennedy
Knoxville News Sentinel

A century ago, Tennessee legislators cast the decisive votes needed to ratify the 19th Amendment on Aug. 18, 1920. It was the culmination of decades of tireless work that finally gave women across the nation the right to vote.

Although male legislators cast the votes, women from all walks of life did the work that led to that pivotal day in Nashville.

Talented leaders across the suffrage movement in Tennessee used their teaching, writing, public speaking and law practice experiences to bring a movement once deemed a laughable fringe crusade into every living room across the state.

They used their connections in publishing to get their message in front of the eyes of every Tennessean. They used their political savvy and organizational know-how to coordinate grassroots, statewide efforts to lobby every member of the Tennessee General Assembly to vote in favor of ratification of the 19th Amendment. 

While the ratification of the 19th Amendment was a pivotal moment in American history, the suffrage movement was not always intersectional. Despite the decades of hard work contributed by Black suffragists, ratification benefited white women more than Black women, many of whom would still not be able to vote until more than four decades later. 

Meet some of the Tennessee women who spent decades fighting for their right to vote. 

Abby Crawford Milton

Abby Crawford Milton was a suffragist and president of the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association and was one of the leaders of the campaign in Tennessee to ratify the 19th Amendment in 1920. In 1934, she ran as a Democrat for state Senate.

Abby Crawford Milton was born and raised in Georgia but moved to Chattanooga when she married George Fort Milton, the publisher of the Chattanooga Free Press – now the Chattanooga Times Free Press. After moving to Tennessee, she studied for and received a law degree from the Chattanooga College of Law. While she never practiced law, she used her legal training as she spoke in support of women’s suffrage and organized suffrage leagues across the state. 

She was the last president of the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association and in 1920, in the months leading up to the vote on ratification of the 19th Amendment, worked with Anne Dallas Dudley and Catherine Talty Kenny in Nashville to lobby legislators on behalf of the women’s suffrage movement.

Milton also became the first president of the League of Women Voters in Tennessee when it was formed in 1920 and was praised by Carrie Chapman Catt, the national League of Women Voters president, for her lobbying work in Nashville -— one of the fiercest battlegrounds of the suffrage movement, Catt said. 

Throughout the campaign for women’s suffrage, Milton used the Chattanooga Free Press and her and her husband’s connections in the publishing world to help disseminate information about the suffrage movement and gather support among influential Tennesseans.

After the ratification of the 19th Amendment, Milton remained active in politics, launching an unsuccessful bid for State Senate, lobbying on behalf of the creation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and advocating for the takeover of local power companies by the Tennessee Valley Authority. She died in 1991 at the age of 110.

Amelia Terrett

Amelia Terrett's "Suffrage Salmagundi" column in The Tennesseean.

Amelia Terrett of Nashville co-founded and became president of the Nashville Woman Suffrage Association in 1894, though the group was dissolved not long afterward. Seventeen years later, she became one of the first women to join the Nashville Equal Suffrage League, founded by Anne Dallas Dudley. She and her mother often hosted suffragist meetings at her Nashville home, including gatherings of the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association and Nashville Political Study Club, which was also focused on women’s rights. 

She received undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Nashville. She moved away from Tennessee for several years but later returned to Nashville and taught at the university in the early 1900s while she penned articles for newspapers and periodicals about women’s rights. An award-winning essayist, she wrote articles for “The Tennessean” under the column of "Suffrage Salmagundi.”

Her writings frequently referenced the Golden Rule, asking men to give to women the rights they had decided to give themselves. 

Terrett did not get to exercise the right she spent decades advocating for. She developed pneumonia and died in 1920, five months before the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

Anne Dallas Dudley

Anne Dallas Dudley was one of the female leaders involved in Tennessee's ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920.

Anne Dallas Dudley was one of the most poised and influential suffragists in the state, so when the fight for the women’s vote came to Tennessee in 1920, she became integral to the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

Dudley’s involvement began in September 1911, when she founded the Nashville Equal Suffrage League and served as its president. She ignored the rules of her social standing and spoke in support of the suffrage movement. 

In November 1914, Dudley helped bring the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) convention to Nashville. She was elected to lead the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association a year later. During her three-year tenure, the number of local suffrage leagues across the state went from nine to 60. 

Dudley helped introduce a suffrage amendment to the state constitution, which didn’t succeed but launched her reputation for being politically savvy nationwide. 

NAWSA delegates elected Dudley as its vice president in 1917. She and President Carrie Chapman Catt created the campaign for women’s suffrage that finally succeeded when Tennessee became the 36th state to support ratification in 1920. 

Dudley’s legacy lives on through numerous honors. She is featured on the Tennessee Woman's Suffrage Memorial in Knoxville, pictured in the official state bicentennial portrait that hangs in the capitol and was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame. She died in 1955.

Catherine Talty Kenny

Catherine Talty Kenny

Catherine Talty Kenny was born and raised in Chattanooga and moved to Nashville, where most of her political and suffragist activism took place after she married.

In 1915, she and fellow Chattanooga native Abby Crawford Milton co-chaired the campaign committee for the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association, coordinating strategies and campaigns between suffragist groups across the state. Their organizing work helped ensure that by the time the 19th Amendment went to the states for ratification there was a suffrage organization in almost every county in Tennessee. 

Kenny organized suffrage marches and rallies, including the 1916 May Day rally in Nashville, the largest suffrage event in the city’s history. She became the chairman of the ratification committee for the Tennessee Equal Suffrage League and the Tennessee League of Women Voters in the months leading up to the ratification vote in 1920.

When the governor called for a special session of the legislature to vote on the constitutional amendment, Kenny ensured every legislator was personally lobbied by a member of her organization. 

After ratification, she became the president of the Tennessee League of Women Voters and held multiple positions within the Tennessee Democratic Party. In 1926, she moved from Nashville to New York City, where she died in 1950.

Febb Burn

Febb Burn in the 1930s

Phoebe "Febb" Ensminger Burn wasn’t a typical suffragist. 

Burn didn’t attend meetings or marches, but she quietly followed the movement from her family farm in the small East Tennessee town of Niota. Her son, Harry T. Burn, was the youngest member of the state legislature and in his first term in 1920.

She wrote her son a seven-page letter that arrived in Nashville on the day of the historic vote. The letter mentioned family affairs, Labor Day plans and his vote. 

"Hurrah and vote for Suffrage and don't keep them in doubt," Febb wrote. "Don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. 'Thomas Catt' with her 'Rats.'"

She was referring to national suffrage leader Carrie Chapman Catt and her "rats,” or those in favor of ratification.

Harry folded the letter and stashed it in his coat pocket. He pinned a red rose to his shirt, signifying he stood with the anti-suffragists and went to the capitol building. 

After voting to table ratification twice, Harry blurted out “aye,” breaking the 48-48 tie. His vote made Tennessee the 36th state to ratify the amendment and ended more than 70 years of campaigning. 

He was later quoted saying, “I know that a mother’s advice is always safest for a boy to follow… And my mother wanted me to vote for ratification.” She died in 1945. 

Hannah J. Price

A portrait of three women and a man in a car with a banner that says “Votes for Women”. It seems likely that this photo was taken during a suffrage rally. The name “Hannah Price” is written on the front and back of the photo, which suggests that one of the women in the car is Hannah Price, the president of the Morristown, TN, chapter of the State Equal Suffrage Association during 1911.

Less than two weeks after attending her first national suffrage convention in Louisville, Kentucky, Hannah Julia Price and her sister Anna “got up a crowd in a hall and had the various pastors of the churches to speak” on equal suffrage. At that meeting on Nov. 3, 1911, the Morristown Equal Suffrage League formed with Hannah Price as president. 

Price was a fierce advocate for the ratification of the 19th Amendment. She was engaged at the local, state and national levels of the movement throughout the early 1900s. She’s most known for her work as a state organizer for the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association.

Price was so influenced by the state conventions that she became an author. 

"After attending the annual state convention in Nashville on January 6, 1913, I was so impressed with the fact that we had no funds and no one ready to be sent over the state that I formed a resolution to do it myself somehow,” Price later wrote. “I was teaching but between lessons I wrote a suffrage novel (titled “The Closed Door”), published it at my own expense, traveled, sold copies to pay my expenses, and made speeches all through the state, often going into North Carolina and Virginia."

“The Closed Door” is based on Price’s suffrage activities. Like Price, Mary Porter, the main character in the novel, was a suffragist in East Tennessee, started a local league and was a statewide organizer.

Price ended the book with these words: "...I can truly say, I thank God I am a woman." She died in 1931.

Ida B. Wells

Ida B. Wells poses for a portrait in 1920.

The rights of Black women were often overlooked during the women’s suffrage movement, but Ida Bell Wells-Barnett wouldn’t let them be left behind. 

As an activist, journalist and suffragist, Wells used her talents and spirit to relentlessly fight racial and gender injustice.

She is widely known for her anti-lynching work in Memphis that forced her to flee to Chicago. There, she empowered women of color to become engaged in politics. 

In January 1913, Wells established the Alpha Suffrage Club, an organization created to inform, organize and support African-American women in the city. She soon learned that many Black women did not receive the education needed to participate in politics and the electoral process, so she enlisted the help of clubs across the country to uplift Black voices in politics. 

A couple months later, Wells attended the National American Woman Suffrage Association’s first suffrage parade in Washington D.C. Wells and 60 other Black women came to the march with the Illinois delegation but were told to march in the back to avoid upsetting the Southern delegates. 

Wells refused and said, “Either I go with you or not at all. I am not taking this stand because I personally wish for recognition. I am doing it for the future benefit of my whole race.” She went on to march beside her white co-suffragists at the front.

In June 1913, Wells helped pass the Presidential and Municipal Bill in Illinois, allowing women older than 21 to vote in some elections. 

Wells continued to pursue her advocacy after the ratification of the 19th Amendment by emboldening Black women across Illinois to register to vote and participate in politics. She died in 1931.

J. Frankie Pierce

J. Frankie Pierce / First Baptist Church Capitol Hill

Juno Frankie Pierce was a first-generation free Black woman. She grew up to be a progressive suffragist known for forging an alliance with white women to get the vote. 

Her advocacy efforts started when she returned to Nashville after her husband’s death in 1912. She immersed herself in numerous local women’s organizations to improve opportunities for Black communities in the city.

Pierce became president of the Negro Women’s Reconstruction League, founder of the Nashville Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs and committee member of the YWCA’s Blue Triangle League.

Her work connected her with Dr. Mattie Coleman, another Black suffragist. They registered more than 2,500 Black women to vote after a 1919 legislative act passed, granting partial suffrage no matter race.

Their efforts caught the attention of white suffragists, and they joined forces with the Tennessee League of Women Voters. Pierce was involved in the organization until ratification, but her work didn’t stop there.

At the time of Jim Crow, juvenile institutions and schools were segregated. If a Black child was considered “delinquent,” they would be held in local jails. In 1921, Pierce founded the Tennessee Vocational School for Colored Girls, a school for Black children, as an alternative.

She was the school’s first superintendent and remained in that position for the next 16 years. Pierce was active in social reform until she died in 1954. 

Lizzie Crozier French

Lizzie Crozier French, 1851-1926, was president of the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association Inc. and founder of the Knoxville Equal Suffrage Association.

Margaret Elizabeth Crozier French was born into privilege, but she made her own path in the women’s suffrage movement. 

She grew up around books, likely inspiring her passionate pursuit of educational opportunities for women. Her father was a well-known Knoxville lawyer and representative in the Tennessee House and the U.S. House of Representatives, granting her access to the best schooling and plenty of influence.

French was a talented public speaker and well-connected woman in the region, so she naturally fell into suffrage work. She started in women’s organizations within the community, advocating for women’s rights in the workplace, at universities and beyond.

She was the first woman to address the Knoxville City Council, where she urged councilmembers to appoint a female police guard for women offenders. She was also the first woman to speak in front of the Tennessee Bar Association, saying, "I wish I could say 'Fellow citizens', but since I am not accepted as a citizen by the government, I must say 'Citizens and Fellow Servants.'"

She was a member of the National Woman's Party, one-time chair of the Tennessee branch and organizer of the Knoxville Equal Suffrage Association. 

After the 19th Amendment was ratified, she continued the fight. She ran for Knoxville City Council in 1923. In May 1924, French was elected president of the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association. 

She is memorialized on Knoxville’s suffrage monument to honor her lifelong work to gain equal rights for women. She died in 1926.

Mabel Williams Hughes and Charl Williams

Charl Williams

Born and raised in Arlington, sisters Mabel Williams Hughes and Charl Williams worked together as educators and as suffragist activists in the Memphis area. Hughes served as superintendent of Shelby County Schools, retiring from the post in 1914 when she got married, with Williams replacing her as superintendent. 

Both took on behind-the-scenes roles in the Shelby County suffrage movement, working as local organizers, setting up local speaking engagements for activists and using their social connections to encourage wealthy women to support the movement. 

Williams became the first Tennessee woman to serve on the Democratic National Committee and was a delegate at the 1920 national convention. She worked with other members of the Shelby County delegation to drum up support within the party for women’s suffrage, both within Tennessee and across the country. She coordinated the ratification efforts of different suffragist groups from across Tennessee and stood next to Gov. Albert Roberts when he signed the bill.

Both women remained active in politics after the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Williams became the first Southern woman elected president of the National Education Association. Hughes later ran for office and was elected to the Tennessee Senate and served three consecutive terms starting in 1951.

Williams died in 1969. Hughes died in 1970.

Marion Scudder Griffin

Marion Scudder Griffin

Marion Scudder Griffin was the first female attorney to practice in Tennessee — though not the first woman admitted to the bar — and the first woman to serve in the Tennessee General Assembly.

She was born in Georgia and moved to Memphis as an adult. She worked as a stenographer for Judge Thomas M. Scruggs and began to study law. In 1890, she was certified by a circuit court judge for admission to the bar but was denied admittance by the state supreme twice because she was a woman. 

She earned a law degree from the University of Michigan in 1906, returned to Tennessee and successfully lobbied the legislature to pass a law giving women the right to practice. She was sworn in as a member of the bar on July 1, 1907, and practiced law for more than four decades. She became the first woman elected to the Tennessee House of Representatives in 1923. 

Griffin was an active member of the Memphis chapter of the League of Women Voters. She died in 1957.

Mary Church Terrell

Portrait of women's rights activist Mary Church Terrell.

March Church Terrell was born the daughter of former slaves in Memphis in 1863. Her father, Robert Reed Church, was a businessman and became one of the first Black millionaires in the south. The family’s affluence afforded Terrell the opportunity to seek a college education. She obtained an undergraduate and graduate degree from Oberlin College. 

After returning to Memphis from Washington, D.C., where Terrell worked as a teacher and met her husband, Terrell worked with fellow Black suffragist Ida B. Wells on anti-lynching campaigns. She helped form the National Association of Colored Women in 1896 and served as president of the organization until 1901 and in 1909 became one of the charter members of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. 

As part of her work with the NACW, she became a tireless advocate for women’s suffrage, which she believed was essential in order to elevate the voices of Black women and all Black people. She worked with white suffragists to organize speaking tours and co-author essays and newspaper pieces about women’s rights and she picketed the White House during Woodrow Wilson’s presidency with members of the National Woman’s Party.   

After the ratification of the 19th Amendment, she remained a political organizer and activist and was active in the broader Civil Rights Movement. She died in 1954.

Dr. Mattie E. Coleman

Although there is still much to learn about Mattie Elizabeth Howard Coleman's impact on the women’s suffrage movement, medical field and ministry, what is known illustrates an intelligent and renowned woman. 

Coleman graduated high school at 15 years old and continued her education at Central Tennessee College. Later, she attended Nashville's Meharry Medical College. When she graduated in 1906, she became the nation's first black female physician. 

She was also the first dean of women and a medical adviser at Lane College in Jackson, Tennessee. She worked 20 years as a medical examiner and then added another first to her career — becoming the first graduate of Meharry Medical College’s dentistry program. 

Coleman’s other passion was church. A reverend’s daughter, she often combined her medical practice with ministry. Through connections with the church, Coleman was introduced to suffragist J. Frankie Pierce. 

They registered more than 2,500 Black women to vote when partial suffrage passed in 1919. Their work was recognized by the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association, an organization mainly made up of white women. 

Coleman and Piece formed a biracial political alliance and worked with the group, Coleman serving as statewide chairman for the “Negro women's suffrage” branch. With their help, the 19th Amendment was ratified a year later. She died in 1943.

Sarah Barnwell Elliott

Sarah Barnwell Elliott

Sarah Barnwell Elliott was born in Georgia but lived much of her life in Sewanee, where her father helped found the University of the South. Elliott served as president of the Tennessee Equal Suffrage Association from 1912 to 1914 and authored a petition addressed to the lawmakers of the state regarding women’s suffrage in 1912, which was published in the Nashville Banner.

She became the first woman to give an address to the Tennessee legislature, speaking to lawmakers about the right to vote in 1912. 

Elliott also invited the National American Woman Suffrage Association to hold a convention in Tennessee and participated in the 1913 suffrage march in Washington, D.C. 

Elliott was a novelist and short-story writer, penning six novels that focused on life in Tennessee and racial and social issues in the south in the late 1800s. She also wrote a biography of Sam Houston, at least 30 short stories, multiple book reviews, travel essays and poetry. She used her writing skills and connections in the literary and publishing worlds to promote women’s suffrage and bring arguments in favor of the right to vote to a wider audience. 

She worked on behalf of the suffrage movement in both Tennessee and New York, where she lived and wrote from 1895 to 1902. Elliott died in 1928.