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P!Q!R!r!P!Q "V$1,000 under $10,001 [3] "X-- "X-- "X-- "X-- "X-- "X-- "X-- "X-- " X--" s" Z" \" Z"["\"t"Z"["#u$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ #v��@~ #a��*A~ #a�^�@~ #a�)A~ #aX�@~ #a@ �@~ #aX�@~ #a�@~ # a�x@# w# Z# \# Z#[#\#t#Z#[$x$100,000 under $500,000~ $vj�@~ $a�;h~ $aµ@~ $a@�8A~ $aps@~ $a��@~ $a��@~ $a0�@~ $ ap{@$ s$ Z$ \$ Z$[$\$t$Z$[!%x$500,000 under $1,000,000~ %v(�@~ %a�y*A~ %a��@~ %a��0~ %aH@~ %a���@~ %aX@~ %a�i�@~ % a@S@% s% Z% \% Z%[%\%t%Z%[#&x$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ &v�@~ &a�U?A~ &a��@~ &a��u~ &a�G@~ &a���@~ &a@W@~ &a�X�@~ & aK@& s& Z& \& Z&[&\&t&Z&['y$5,000,000 or more~ 'z�j@~ 'en��~ 'e`i@~ 'eޖ�~ 'e&@~ 'e��@~ 'e4@~ 'e��@~ ' e5@' {' f' h' f'g'h'|'f'g('b(:ZOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) of $10,001 or more [3]--Continued(<(<(<(<(<(<(<( <( ,( +( -( -(-(-(-(-(-)'9):1Deductions directly connected with UBI--Continued)<)<)<)<)<)<)<) <) ,) +) -) -)-)-)-)-)-*'*1 Allocable to*2Allocable to income*+*2Allocable to exploited*+*2Direct*+*2Compensation of* +* '* }* }* }*}*}*}*+*++'Size of gross unrelated+1 investment+2from controlled+++2exempt activity income,+++2 advertising+++2officers, directors,+ ++ ,+ -+ -+ -+-+-+-+-+-,'business income (UBI),1 income [6,7],2organizations [6],+,2except advertising [6],+,2 costs [6],+,2 and trustees, +, ,, ~, ~, ~,~,~,~,-,--'- --Continued-2-+-2-+-2-+-2- +- ,- ~- ~- ~-~-~-~----.'.1..Number....Number....Number....Number. .. ,. ,. ,. ,.,.,.,.,.,/'/1Amount /5of/5Amount /5of/5Amount /5of/5Amount /5of/ 5Amount/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/,/,/,/,/,0'0105returns0505returns0505returns0505returns0 50 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0,0,0,0,0,1'11151515151515151 51 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1,1,1,1,1�2B2C2C2C2C2C2C2C2C2 C2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,2,2,2,2,2�3E~ 3F3@~ 3F4@~ 3F5@~ 3F6@~ 3F7@~ 3F8@~ 3F9@~ 3F:@~ 3 F;@3 I3 J3 J3 J3J3J3J3J3J 4LTotal~ 4M@��@~ 4N�}@~ 4N���@~ 4N؅@~ 4N���@~ 4Nb�@~ 4N~(6~ 4NN�@~ 4 N� �@4 O4 P4 P4 P4R4T4R4P4Q 5V$1,000 under $10,001 [3] 5W-- 5X-- 5X-- 5X-- 5X-- 5X-- 5X-- 5X-- 5 X--5 Y5 Z5 Z5 Z5\5^5\5Z5["6_$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ 6`�@~ 6apr@~ 6a@�@~ 6a�u@~ 6a���@~ 6a��@~ 6a��@~ 6ap�@~ 6 a� �@6 b6 Z6 Z6 Z6\6^6\6Z6[7V$100,000 under $500,000~ 7`�@~ 7a�^@~ 7a�4�@~ 7a�j@~ 7a���@~ 7a��@~ 7aP@A~ 7a�@~ 7 a���@7 Y7 Z7 Z7 Z7\7^7\7Z7[!8V$500,000 under $1,000,000~ 8`�@~ 8a2@~ 8a{�@~ 8aN@~ 8a�@~ 8a p@~ 8aP��@~ 8a�Y@~ 8 aޱ@8 Y8 Z8 Z8 Z8\8^8\8Z8[#9V$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ 9`C�@~ 9a@@~ 9a�@~ 9aO@~ 9a ��@~ 9a�k@~ 9aЭ A~ 9a�X@~ 9 a��@9 Y9 Z9 Z9 Z9\9^9\9Z9[:c$5,000,000 or more~ :d ��@~ :e$@~ :e@��@~ :e&@~ :e�$�@~ :eI@~ :e��A~ :e?@~ : e��@: Y: f: f: f:h:j:h:f:g;';'b;:ZOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) of $10,001 or more [3]--Continued;<;<;<;<;<;<; <; �; �; �; �;�;�;�;�;�<'<'9<:1Deductions directly connected with UBI--Continued<<<<<<<<<<<<< << �< �< �< �<�<�<�<�<�='='=�=+=�=}=�=+=�= += �= �= �= �=�=�=�=�=�>+Size of gross unrelated>+>2Salaries and wages>+>2Repairs>+>2 Bad debts>+>2Interest> +> �> �> �> �>�>�>�>�>�?+business income (UBI)?+?�?}?�?}?�?+?�? +? �? �? �? �?�?�?�?�?�@-,l�!A-,��!B-,��!C-,��!D-,��!E-,��KF-,��UG-,��!H-,��!I-,��!J-,��!K-,��!L-,��kM-,��kN-,��!O-,A�!P-,��!Q-,�! 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z ,Z�!{ ,��!| ,��!} ,Z�!~ ,��! ,{�!`V$100,000 under $500,000~ `���@~ `�'�@~ `���@~ `�`H�@ `�*7 `�*163~ `��q@~ `���@!aV$500,000 under $1,000,000~ a�0}@~ a����@~ a��y@~ a���@ a�** a�**~ a�@R@~ a���@#bV$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ b��v@~ b�@��@~ b��w@~ b���@ b�**4b�**1,030~ b�@P@~ b�ʣ@cY$5,000,000 or more~ c�X@~ c�@��@~ c�@U@~ c�@I�@~ c�@~ c���@~ c�*@~ c��@c kd�d�d�d�d�d�d�d�d�e'be:ZOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) of $10,001 or more [3]--Continuede<e<e<e<e<e+e<e !f'9f:1Deductions directly connected with UBI--Continuedf<f<f<f<f<f.f+g'g�g+g�g+g�g}g2Deductions not g+h'h� Contributionsh+h� Net operatingh+h1h+h2directly connectedh+i'Size of gross unrelatedi2 to employeei+ i2lossi+i2Other deductionsi+i2with UBIi+j'business income (UBI)j� benefit plansj+j� carryoverj+j�j}j:j<k'k�k+k�k+k�k} k�Totalk+l'l.Numberl.l.Numberl.l.Numberl.l.Numberl.m' m5of m5Amount m5of m5Amount m5of m5Amount m5of m5Amountn'n5returnsn5n5returnsn5n5returnsn5n5returnsn5o'o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o1o KpBpCpCpCpCpCpCpCpCp UqE~ qFF@~ qF�F@~ qFG@~ qF�G@~ qFH@~ qF�H@~ qFI@~ qF�I@q ! rLTotal~ r���@~ r�P� A~ r���@~ r��5;A~ r����@~ r���}~ r���@~ r���+ sV$1,000 under $10,001 [3] s�-- s�-- s�-- s�-- s�-- s�-- s�-- s�--"t_$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ t�$�@~ t���@~ t�9�@~ t�DA~ t����@~ t��A~ t�s�@~ t���@uV$100,000 under $500,000~ u��@~ u�@��@~ u���@~ u���A~ u�̯@~ u��&A~ u��@~ u��[�@!vV$500,000 under $1,000,000~ v��v@~ v���@~ v�Pv@~ v�Xm A~ v��@~ v�� A~ v�@�@~ v��5�@v k#wV$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ w��v@~ w����@~ w�`t@~ w��LA~ w�Ȃ@~ w��$~ w� z@~ w���@xY$5,000,000 or more~ x��T@~ x���A~ x�V@~ x�0LA~ x�@b@~ x�6�/~ x�]@~ x��aAx !y�y�y�y�y�y�y�y�y�z'bz:ZOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) of $10,001 or more [3]--Continuedz<z<z<z<z<z<z<{'={:5Deductions not directly connected with UBI--Continued{<{<{<{<{<{<{<|'|�|}|�|}|�|}|�|}}+Size of gross unrelated}2Specific deduction}+}2 Contributions}+}2Set-asides [7]}+}2 Excess exempt}+~+business income (UBI)~@~I~@~I~@~I~�expenses~�'.Number..Number..Number..Number.� ,l�!� ,��!� ,~�!� ,d�K� ,d�U� ,��!� ,��!� ,��!� ,��!� ,��!� ,��k� ,��k� ,��!� ,��K� ,�K� ,o�K�7, �K�7, �K�7,��K�7,��K�7,�K�7,�K�7,��K�7,��K�7,��K�7, �K�7,�K�7,��K�7,�K�7,��K�7,��U�7,&�!�' �5of �5Amount �5of �5Amount �5of �5Amount �5of �5Amount�'�5returns�5�5returns�5�5returns�5�5returns�5�'�5�5�5�5�5�5�5�5� K�B�C�C�C�C�C�C�C�C� U�E~ �FJ@~ �F�J@~ �FK@~ �F�K@~ �FL@~ �F�L@~ �FM@~ �F�M@� ! ��Total~ ��N�@~ ����@~ ����@~ ��@��@~ ��z@~ ����A~ ��آ@~ ��h�A �V$1,000 under $10,001 [3] ��-- ��-- ��-- ��-- ��-- ��-- ��-- ��--"�_$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ ����@~ ��ɼ@~ ��Ѝ@~ ����@~ ��l@~ ��C�@~ ��,�@~ �����@�V$100,000 under $500,000~ ����@~ ��j�@~ ���@~ ����@~ ���Z@~ �����@~ ��H�@~ ����@!�V$500,000 under $1,000,000~ ���y@~ ��`y@~ ��S@~ �����@~ ��D@~ ���V�@~ ���c@~ ���B�@� k#�V$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ ��Pr@~ ��@r@~ ���R@~ ����@~ ��@@~ ��`��@~ ���b@~ �����@�c$5,000,000 or more~ ���S@~ ���S@~ ��>@~ ��@�@~ ��*@~ ��\pA~ ���B@~ ��x�@� !r��j* Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number of sample returns on which it is based.����������������� K����**Not shown to avoid disclosure of information about specific taxpayers. However, the data are combined with data in an adjacent size class, as appropriate, and included in the ������������������appropriate totals.��������������������[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from��������������������sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages,��������������������and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $2.1 billion.�������������������|[2] Includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on supporting schedules.��������������������[3] Organizations with gross UBI between $1,000 (the filing threshold) and $10,000 were required to report only totals for expenses and deductions (except for the specific deduction��������������������and net operating loss carryover, which all organizations reported separately). Organizations with gross UBI over $10,000 were required to report each expense and deduction item ����������������Q��Iseparately, as shown in columns 14 through 45, 48, 49, and 54 through 59.��������������������[4] Excludes $40.1 million of cost of sales and services reported by organizations with gross UBI of $10,000 or less. See footnote 1 for explanation.��������������������[5] Excludes $2.0 billion of cost of sales and services reported by organizations with gross UBI over $10,000. See footnote 1 for explanation.��������������������[6] This deduction was required to be reported as a lump-sum total only and may have included component deductions that were of the same type shown elsewhere in this table. For��������������������example, if deductions "allocable to rental income" included depreciation, then that amount of depreciation would not be included in the separately reported item, "depreciation."����������������l��dTherefore, the total amount shown for some of the separately reported deductions may be understated.����������������� �b��Z[7] Reported by Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(7), (9), and (17) organizations only.��������� �� �� �� �������������������������������������� ��!��"��#��$��%��&��'��(��)��*��+��,�@��8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.��������a��YSOURCE: IRS, Statistics of Income Bulletin, Spring 2002, Publication 1136 (Revised 6-02).����������������� !������������������� !� !� !� !� !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!� 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