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���? ���? ���? �Z�? �s�? �}�? ���? ���? ���? ���?@ ���?| tTable 4.--Unrelated Business Income of Nonprofit Organizations: Returns with Positive Net Income (Taxable Profit): !!!!!!!q iNumber of Returns, Gross Unrelated Business Income (UBI), Total Deductions, Net Income (Taxable Profit), !!!!!!!S Kand Total Tax, by Type of Organization and Size of Gross UBI, Tax Year 1997!!!!!!!_*W[All figures are estimates based on samples--money amounts are in thousands of dollars]!!!!! ! !$%%%%%%%#!!!!!!!$%%%%%%%- -Gross LTotalM .Total/ +Type of organization and,Number, unrelated1deductions [1,2]I +Net 1tax [3]2 +size of gross unrelated ,of ,business 3 J +income 3 4 +business income (UBI) ,returns ,income ,Number K 2 (taxable  ,Number , F , ,(UBI) ,of ,Amount ,profit) ,of ,Amount F , , ,returns , , ,returns , 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 67~ 8�?~ 8@~ 8@~ 8@~ 8@~ 8@~ 8@9GALL ORGANIZATIONSHHHHHHH9 ETotal~ B�V�@~ BOA~ B��@~ BjǤ~ B��S~ B���@~ B�hA; D$1,000 under $10,001 [4]~ C�O�@~ C@v�@~ C��@~ CL�@~ C���@~ C��@~ Cܪ@="D$10,001 under $100,000 [4]~ C+�@~ C�� A~ Cܹ@~ Cp�A~ C0l�@~ CŹ@~ C�1�@=D$100,000 under $500,000~ C�@~ C� ~ C��@~ C�WA~ CTA~ C��@~ C`��@=!D$500,000 under $1,000,000~ Cx@~ C�SA~ Cx@~ C��A~ C���@~ C�w@~ C@��@> @#D$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ Cpu@~ C-*~ C@u@~ CL A~ C� A~ CPu@~ C �@>D$5,000,000 or more~ CR@~ CZ��~ CR@~ C��7A~ C��&A~ C�Q@~ C�e A>DCCCCCCC>GTAX-EXEMPT CORPORATIONSCCCCCCC> ETotal~ B6�@~ B ;�~ B��@~ B���~ B� A~ B��@~ B0�A> D$1,000 under $10,001 [4]~ CE�@~ C���@~ C۱@~ CC�@~ C�$�@~ Cv�@~ C\�@>"D$10,001 under $100,000 [4]~ C��@~ C� A~ C̶@~ C0M�@~ C���@~ C��@~ C �@>D$100,000 under $500,000~ CH�@~ C2A~ C2�@~ C��A~ C���@~ C�@~ C���@>!D$500,000 under $1,000,000~ C0u@~ Cح A~ C u@~ Ch?A~ C���@~ C�t@~ C�&�@>#D$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ C�p@~ Cf� ~ C�p@~ C�[A~ C�OA~ C�p@~ C�R�@>D$5,000,000 or more~ CC@~ C<3A~ CC@~ C,�0A~ C� A~ C�B@~ C�<�@> ��?! �Z�?" �m�?# �}�?$ ���?% ���?& ���?' ���?( ���?) ���&* ���&�+ ���&, ���&- �1�(. ���(/ ���(0���(1���(2���(3�$�(4���(5���(6�B�(7�D@?8�e@?9�@?:�@? D C C C C C C C >!GTAX-EXEMPT TRUSTS!C!C!C!C!C!C!C!> "ETotal~ "B�@~ "B�tR~ "B��@~ "Bv& ~ "B@')A~ "Bż@~ "B0A"> #D$1,000 under $10,001 [4]~ #CZ�@~ #C�q�@~ #CF�@~ #C�@~ #C�h�@~ #CF�@~ #C\�@#>"$D$10,001 under $100,000 [4]~ $Cp�@~ $C�+�@~ $Cx�@~ $C��@~ $C��@~ $CЈ@~ $C��@$>%D$100,000 under $500,000~ %C�i@~ %C�~�@~ %Ch@~ %C �@~ %C@��@~ %C�i@~ %C���@%>!&D$500,000 under $1,000,000~ &CG@~ &C��@~ &CG@~ &C�@~ &C@�@~ &CG@~ &C� �@&>#'D$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ 'C�R@~ 'ChSA~ 'C@R@~ 'C� �@~ 'C ��@~ 'C�R@~ 'C���@'>(O$5,000,000 or more~ (QA@~ (QjxA~ (QA@~ (Q��A~ (Q�f"A~ (QA@~ (Q�VA(>�))�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from)'�*)�sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages,*'�+)�and certain other deductible items. For exempt organizations reporting net income (taxable profit), cost of sales and services was $742.6 million, all of which was attributable +'#,)to tax-exempt corporations.,'�-)|[2] Includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on supporting schedules.�.)�[3] Total tax is the regular unrelated business income tax after reduction by any tax credits (foreign tax credit, general business credit, prior-year minimum tax credit, and other �/)�allowable credits), plus taxes from recapture of certain prior-year credits, the "alternative minimum tax," and the "proxy" tax on nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures. �0)�The proxy tax was reported on Form 990-T and was included in total tax; however, it had no connection to the tax on unrelated business income or an organization's involvement �1)�in unrelated business activities. For exempt organizations reporting positive net income (taxable profit), total proxy tax was $2.0 million, all of which was attributable to  2)tax-exempt corporations.�3P�[4] The gross unrelated business income (UBI) brackets of "$1,000 under $10,001" and "$10,001 under $100,000" reflect the different filing requirements for organizations�4)�with gross UBI of $10,000 or less (only a "partial" return was required) and all other Form 990-T filers (a more detailed "complete" return was required). Organizations with gross >5)6UBI below $1,000 were not required to file Form 990-T.@6)8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.a7NYSOURCE: IRS, Statistics of Income Bulletin, Spring 2001, Publication 1136 (Revised 5-01).� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@?� �@&� �@&�� �@&� �@&� �@(� �@(= �%�> ����?�?�?�?mDr}ĺ��w,��V��B,��V̺\XT0���|0<���0�\XT��|0�|0�ax\XT0�}Ļ��w0��}�w0�}@�Ļ@�h�Uw��E�qq     ��"