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Nonprofit Organizations: Types of Deductions, by Size of Gross !!!!!!!! ! '0 (Unrelated Business Income, Tax Year 1996!!!!!!!! ! '_�W[All figures are estimates based on samples--money amounts are in thousands of dollars]!!!!!!!! ! �.******** * �/�All organizations�� 3Organizations with gross3333 3 4 3 9 999999/A;=!3unrelated business income3333 3 4 3 9 999999/6Total  1Total�$3(UBI) of $10,000 or less [3]3333 3 4 9 9 ::9999/Size of gross unrelated0number 7deductions [1,2]8 <Total<; Net operating=;Specific < 4 9 9 999999/business income (UBI) 0of78�deductions [2,4]35loss carryover>7 deduction ? 4 9 9 ::9999 / @returns ANumber � �Number A ANumber A ANumber A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 / B 0of  �Amount /of  0Amount 0of  0Amount 0of  0Amount 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 / B 0returns � /returns 0 0returns 0 0returns 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 / 0 0 � / 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C D D � C D D D D D 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4+~ F�?~ F@~ �@~ �@~ F@~ F@~ F@~ F @~  F"@ q � � ������ GTotal~ H���@~ H ��@~ ��~ ���@~ H�F�@~ J�@~ J���@~ H���@~  I���@ � � � ������ L$1,000 under $10,001 [3]~ M���@~ M��@~ ��F�@~ ���@~ M�F�@~ O�@~ O���@~ M���@~  N���@ Q � � ������"P$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ M���@~ M��@~ �p�(A~ �~ M~ O~ O~ M~  N � � � ������L$100,000 under $500,000~ M��@~ M��@~ � ]_~ �~ M~ O~ O~ M~  N Q � � ������!L$500,000 under $1,000,000~ M�@~ M��@~ ��'A~ �~ M~ O~ O~ M~  N Q � � ������#L$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ Mx�@~ Mp�@~ ��.r~ �~ M~ O~ O~ M~  N Q � � ������Q$5,000,000 or more~ R`e@~ R`e@~ ��n�~ �~ R~ T~ T~ R~  S Q � � ������UVVVVWVVW V _ � � �������XXQ?IOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) over $10,000 [3]????? ? 4 3 9 999999�33.5&Deductions directly connected with UBI????? ? 4 3 9 999999� 3Total36/1 Allocable to31Allocable to unrelated3 1 Allocable to / 3 3 33/333�Size of gross unrelated3deductions [2,5]3 1Total31rental31 debt-financed3 1 investment 4 9 9 9999�9�business income (UBI)33631 income [6]31 income [6]3 1 income [6,7] 4 9 9 99::�9�33631313 1 4 9 9 99::99��NumberAANumberAANumberAANumberA ANumber 4 4 4 444444� /of0Amount 0of0Amount 0of0Amount 0of0Amount  0of 4 4 4 444444�/returns00returns00returns00returns0 0returns 4 4 4 444444 l��!���"���"#����$����%����&����'����(����)���`*��`�+����,���-���".���/�0��0�'��1����2����3����4���5���6���"7����8����9����:����;����<����=���`>��` ?���� � / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4!�!C!D!D!D!D!D!D!D! D! 4! 4! 4! 4!4!4!4!4!4"�~ "�$@~ "F&@~ "F(@~ "F*@~ "F,@~ "F.@~ "F0@~ "F1@~ " F2@" q" �" �" �"�"�"�"�"� #�Total~ #�@��@~ #YbK�~ #Y�>�@~ #YbQ�~ #ZȐ@~ #Y0^�@~ #Y��@~ #Y�A~ # Z��@# �# �# �# �#�#�#�#�#� $L$1,000 under $10,001 [3]~ $�~ $[~ $[~ $[~ $\~ $[~ $[~ $[~ $ \$ �$ �$ �$ �$�$�$�$�$�"%P$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ %���@~ %[p�(A~ %[���@~ %[��.~ %\@�@~ %[���@~ %[�@~ %[`��@~ % \`}@% �% �% �% �%�%�%�%�%�&�$100,000 under $500,000~ &���@~ &[ ]_~ &[�@~ &[�[~ &\�p@~ &[n�@~ &[�|@~ &[�I�@~ & \v@& �& �& �& �&�&�&�&�&�!'�$500,000 under $1,000,000~ '���@~ '[�'A~ '[0�@~ '[.g,~ '\�D@~ '[V�@~ '[S@~ '[�n�@~ ' \�O@' �' �' �' �'�'�'�'�'�#(�$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ (�p�@~ ([�.r~ ([X�@~ ([�k~ (\�F@~ ([���@~ ([�W@~ ([+�@~ ( \J@( �( �( �( �(�(�(�(�(�)�$5,000,000 or more~ )�`e@~ )]�n�~ )]�c@~ )]�U�~ )^"@~ )]>�@~ )]4@~ )]`�A~ ) ^ @) _) �) �) �)�)�)�)�)�*a*U*W*b*c*W*V*V*V* V* _* �* �* �*�*�*�*�*�+/\+5TOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) over $10,000 [3]--Continued+?+?+?+?+?+?+?+ ?+ 4+ 3+ 9+ 9+9+9+9+9+9,/9,51Deductions directly connected with UBI--Continued,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?, 4, 3, 9, 9,9,9,9,9,9-/-6 Allocable to-1Allocable to income-3-1Allocable to exploited-3-1Direct-3-1Compensation of- 3- /- p- p- p-p-p-p-3-3./Size of gross unrelated.6 investment.1from controlled.3.1exempt activity income,.3.1 advertising.3.1officers, directors,. 3. 4. 9. 9. income (UBI)/6 income [6,7]/1organizations [6]/3/1except advertising [6]/3/1 costs [6]/3/1 and trustees/ 3/ 4/ d/ d/ d/d/d/d/9/90/0e --Continued010301030103010 30 40 d0 d0 d0d0d0d09091/161ANumber1A1ANumber1A1ANumber1A1ANumber1 A1 41 41 41 414141414142/26Amount 20of20Amount 20of20Amount 20of20Amount 20of2 0Amount2 42 42 42 424242424243/3630returns3030returns3030returns3030returns3 03 43 43 43 434343434344/46404040404040404 04 44 44 44 4444444444�5C5D5D5D5D5D5D5D5D5 D5 45 45 45 4545454545�6+~ 6F3@~ 6F4@~ 6F5@~ 6F6@~ 6F7@~ 6F8@~ 6F9@~ 6F:@~ 6 F;@6 q6 �6 �6 �6�6�6�6�6� 7GTotal~ 7f@�@~ 7g`{@~ 7H f�@~ 7g`�@~ 7H@��@~ 7JQ�@~ 7h��(A~ 7J��@~ 7 H���@7 �7 �7 �7 �7�7�7�7�7� 8L$1,000 under $10,001 [3]~ 8M~ 8i~ 8M~ 8i~ 8M~ 8O~ 8j~ 8O~ 8 M8 Q8 �8 �8 �8�8�8�8�8�"9P$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ 9Mn�@~ 9iPs@~ 9M��@~ 9i s@~ 9MZ�@~ 9O�@~ 9j@{�@~ 9O��@~ 9 M@H�@9 �9 �9 �9 �9�9�9�9�9�:L$100,000 under $500,000~ :M"�@~ :i�V@~ :M)�@~ :i�k@~ :M��@~ :Oȓ@~ :jzA~ :OH�@~ : M���@: Q: �: �: �:�:�:�:�:�!;L$500,000 under $1,000,000~ ;M��@~ ;i0@~ ;M �@~ ;i�O@~ ;M�D�@~ ;O`n@~ ;j0��@~ ;O^@~ ; M��@; Q; �; �; �;�;�;�;�;�#<L$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ <M=�@~ <i2@~ <M�G�@~ <iI@~ <M@��@~ <O�i@~ <j��A~ <O�Y@~ < Mt�@< Q< �< �< �<�<�<�<�<�=Q$5,000,000 or more~ =M�3�@~ =k@~ =R��@~ =k(@~ =R@y�@~ =T�F@~ =l��A~ =T9@~ = R.�@= Q= �= �= �=�=�=�=�=�>a>U >V.>V>V>V>V>V>V> V> _> �> �> �>�>�>�>�>�?/?/\?5TOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) over $10,000 [3]--Continued????????????? ?? �? m? m? n?m?m?m?m?m@�l��A��@�B��@"C� @�D��@�E��@�F��@�G�@�H��EI���!J���K�K��@�L��@�M��@"N��@�O��@�P7���-Q7��-R7����S7�B��T7�*��U7����V7��� W7�Z��X7����Y7����Z7�i��[7����\7����]7�z��^7����_7~��@/@/9@51Deductions directly connected with UBI--Continued@?@?@?@?@?@?@ ?@ �@ m@ m@ m@m@m@m@m@mA/A/A2A3AoApA2A3A2A 3A $A mA mA mAmAmAmAmAmB3Size of gross unrelatedB3B1Salaries and wagesB3B1RepairsB3B1 Bad debtsB3B1InterestB 3B $B mB mB mBmBmBmBmBmC3business income (UBI)C3CoCpCoCpC2C3C2C 3C $C mC mC mCmCmCmCmCmD/D/DANumberDADANumberDADANumberDADANumberD AD $D mD mD mDmDmDmDmDmE/E/ E0of E0Amount E0of E0Amount E0of E0Amount E0of E 0AmountE $E mE mE mEmEmEmEmEmF/F/F0returnsF0F0returnsF0F0returnsF0F0returnsF 0F $F mF mF mFmFmFmFmFmG/G/G0G0G0G0G0G0G0G 0G $G mG mG mGmGmGmGmGmHCHCHDHDHDHDHDHDHDH DH $H mH mH mHmHmHmHmHmI+Iq~ IF<@~ IF=@~ IF>@~ IF?@~ IF@@~ IF�@@~ IFA@~ I F�A@I $I mI mI mImImImImIm JrTotalJs~ JJ���@~ JZ.�@~ JJ��@~ JHЩ�@~ JgЇ@~ JH��@~ JJD�@~ J H���@J $J mJ mJ mJmJmJmJmJm KL$1,000 under $10,001 [3]Ku~ KO~ K\~ KO~ KM~ Ki~ KM~ KO~ K MK $K mK mK mKmKmKmKmKm"LP$10,001 under $100,000 [3]Lv~ LO�@~ L\:�@~ LO��@~ LM0�@~ LiPp@~ LM�f@~ LO��@~ L M-�@L $L mL mL mLmLmLmLmLmMt$100,000 under $500,000Mu~ MO�@~ M\\�A~ MO�@~ MM��@~ Mi�r@~ MM��@~ MO��@~ M M���@M $M mM mM mMmMmMmMmMm!Nt$500,000 under $1,000,000Nu~ NOh�@~ N\(A~ NO�u@~ NM��@~ Ni�R@~ NM�@~ NOc@~ N M0�@N $N mN mN mNmNmNmNmNm#Ot$1,000,000 under $5,000,000Ou~ OO�|@~ O\�wA~ OO�p@~ OM%�@~ Oi�X@~ OM���@~ OO_@~ O M���@O $O mO mO mOmOmOmOmOmPw$5,000,000 or morePx~ PT�T@~ P^H3A~ PTK@~ PR���@~ Pk>@~ PR�@~ PTA@~ P R���@P ,P yP yP yPyPyPyPyPyQ#QzQ{Q|Q{Q}Q~Q}Q{Q }Q ,Q yQ yQ yQyQyQyQyQy"R%Footnotes at end of table.RRRRRRRRR R $R mR mR mRmRmRmRmRmR�RmRmRmRmRmRmRmRmR�RmRmRmR mR!mR"mR#mR$mR%�R&mR'mR(mR)mR*�R+�R,mR-mR.�R/mR0mR1mR2mR3mR4mR5mR6mnS fTable 7.--Unrelated Business Income of Nonprofit Organizations: Types of Deductions, by Size of Gross S!S!S!S!S!S!S!S!S �S mS mS mS mSmSmSmSmS�SmSmSmSmSmSmSmSmS�SmSmSmSmS �S!�S"mS#mS$�S%mS&mS'mS(mS)mS*mS+mS,m;T 3Unrelated Business Income, Tax Year 1996--ContinuedT!T!T!T!T!T!T!T!T �T mT mT mT mTmTmTmTmT�TmTmTmTmTmTmTmTmT�TmTmTmTmT mT!mT"mT#mT$�T%mT&mT'mT(mT)mT*mT+mT,m_U�W[All figures are estimates based on samples--money amounts are in thousands of dollars]U!U!U!U!U!U!U!U!V.V*V*V*V*V*V*V*V*W/\W5TOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) over $10,000 [3]--ContinuedW?W?W?W?W?W?W?X/9X51Deductions directly connected with UBI--ContinuedX?X?X?X?X?X?X?Y/Y2Y3YoYpY2Y3Y2 ContributionsY3Z/Size of gross unrelated)Z1!Taxes and licenses paid deductionZ3Z1 DepreciationZ3Z1 DepletionZ3Z1 to deferredZ3[/business income (UBI)[2[3[o[p[2[3[2compensation plans[3\/\ANumber\A\ANumber\A\ANumber\A\ANumber\A]/ ]0of ]0Amount ]0of ]0Amount ]0of ]0Amount ]0of ]0Amount^/^0returns^0^0returns^0^0returns^0^0returns^0_/_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0` l��a �Z�"b �z��c ����d ����e ����f ����g ����h ���`i K��` j �Z���k ����l ����m �k��n ����o ����p ����q �a��r �z��s ����t ~�"u Z��v �Z��w �z��x ����y ����z ����{ ���`| ���`} ����~ ���  �Z��`C`D`D`D`D`D`D`D`Da+~ aFB@~ aF�B@~ aFC@~ aF�C@~ aFD@~ aF�D@~ aFE@~ aF�E@ bGTotal~ bg��@~ bH��A~ bg��@~ bJ(RA~ b�S@~ bg�@~ b�H�@~ b���@ cL$1,000 under $10,001 [3]~ ci~ cM~ ci~ cO~ c�~ ci~ c�~ c�"dP$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ di�@~ dM@��@~ di��@~ dO@�@~ d��I@~ di r@~ d��u@~ d��v@eL$100,000 under $500,000~ ei`�@~ eM��@~ ei�@~ eO��@~ e�3@~ eiЂ@~ e� q@~ e�`�@!fL$500,000 under $1,000,000~ fi|@~ fM��@~ fi0x@~ fO�6�@~ f�~ fi~ f�O@~ f�P�@#gL$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ gi�u@~ gM��@~ gi�t@~ gO���@~ g�@~ g�H�@~ g�H@~ g��@hQ$5,000,000 or more~ hk�Q@~ hR���@~ hk�R@~ hT@Y�@h�h�~ h�*@~ h�:�@iUiciViciViVici�iVj/\j5TOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) over $10,000 [3]--Continuedj?j?j?j?j?j3j?k/9k51Deductions directly connected with UBI--Continuedk?k?k?k?k?kAk3l/l2l3l2l3lolpl1Deductions not l3m/m2 Contributionsm3m2 Net operatingm3m6m3m1directly connectedm3n/Size of gross unrelatedn1 to employeen3 n1lossn3n1Other deductionsn3n1with UBIn3o/business income (UBI)o2 benefit planso3o2 carryovero3ooopo5o?p/p2p3p2p3popp p2Totalp3q/qANumberqAqANumberqAqANumberqAqANumberqAr/ r0of r0Amount r0of r0Amount r0of r0Amount r0of r0Amounts/s0returnss0s0returnss0s0returnss0s0returnss0t/t6t6t6t6t6t6t6t6uCuDuDuDuDuDuDuDuDv+~ vFF@~ vF�F@~ vFG@~ vF�G@~ vFH@~ vF�H@~ vFI@~ vF�I@ wGTotal~ wgH�@~ wJ�l�@~ wg��@~ wHT38A~ wJ��@~ wZ>H�~ wg���@~ wH��$ xL$1,000 under $10,001 [3]~ xi~ xO~ xi~ xM~ xO~ x\~ xi~ xM"yP$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ yi$�@~ yO%�@~ yi�@~ yMԎA~ yO��@~ y\�A~ yi[�@~ yM@A�@zL$100,000 under $500,000~ ziԗ@~ zO@��@~ zi\�@~ zM`�A~ zOԬ@~ z\��A~ zi �@~ zM��@!{L$500,000 under $1,000,000~ {i�t@~ {O�P�@~ {i�r@~ {M��A~ {OH�@~ {\@ZA~ {i�|@~ {M`%�@#|L$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ |i�s@~ |O@!�@~ |i�s@~ |M(,A~ |Oh�@~ |\Nm!~ |i0y@~ |M��@}Q$5,000,000 or more~ }k@P@~ }T���@~ }k�N@~ }R�+ A~ }T�\@~ }^�X~ }kX@~ }R�A~U~c~V~c~V~�~�~c~W/\5TOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) over $10,000 [3]--Continued???????� �l��� ����� �Z��� ����� �{��� �z��� ����� ~�"� Z��� �Z��� �z���� ����� ����� ����� ���`� ���`�-�����--����--Z���-�Z�!�-� �!�-� �!�-���!�-���!�-��!�-��!�-���!�-���!�-���!�-� �!�-��!�-���"�/=�55Deductions not directly connected with UBI--Continued�?�?�?�?�?�?�?�/���p���p���p���p�3Size of gross unrelated�1Specific deduction�3�1 Contributions�3�1Set-asides [7]�3�1 Excess exempt�3�3business income (UBI)�B�q�B�q�B�q��expenses���/�ANumber�A�ANumber�A�ANumber�A�ANumber�A�/ �0of �0Amount �0of �0Amount �0of �0Amount �0of �0Amount�/�0returns�0�0returns�0�0returns�0�0returns�0�/�0�0�0�0�0�0�0�0�C�D�D�D�D�D�D�D�D�+~ �FJ@~ �F�J@~ �FK@~ �F�K@~ �FL@~ �F�L@~ �FM@~ �F�M@ ��Total~ �g��@~ �J��@~ �gd�@~ �H�]�@~ �gx@~ �H�A~ �g^�@~ �H@�A �L$1,000 under $10,001 [3]~ �i~ �O~ �i~ �M~ �i~ �M~ �i~ �M"�P$10,001 under $100,000 [3]~ �i��@~ �Oz�@~ �iT�@~ �M˸@~ �i�l@~ �M;�@~ �i0�@~ �M���@�L$100,000 under $500,000~ �iF�@~ �O��@~ �i�w@~ �M �@~ �i�Q@~ �M��@~ �i�@~ �M�f�@!�L$500,000 under $1,000,000~ �i�u@~ �O�u@~ �i�N@~ �M��@~ �iB@~ �M�@~ �ic@~ �M@v�@#�L$1,000,000 under $5,000,000~ �i�q@~ �O`q@~ �i�I@~ �MЩ@~ �i�B@~ �M J�@~ �i@a@~ �Mp�@�Q$5,000,000 or more~ �k�O@~ �T�O@~ �k4@~ �R���@~ �k$@~ �R`�A~ �k�@@~ �R�@�������~�|���|�~�|�x������������������&�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from����������&�sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages,����������&�and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $1.9 billion.����������&z[2] Includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on attached schedules.����������&�[3] Organizations with gross UBI between $1,000 (the filing threshold) and $10,000 were required to report only totals for expenses and deductions (except for the specific deduction����������&�and net operating loss carryover, which all organizations reported separately). Organizations with gross UBI over $10,000 were required to report each expense and deduction item ��������Q�&Iseparately, as shown in columns 14 through 45, 48, 49, and 54 through 59.����������&�[4] Excludes $50.2 million of cost of sales and services reported by organizations with gross UBI of $10,000 or less. See footnote 1 for explanation.����������&�[5] Excludes $1.8 billion of cost of sales and services reported by organizations with gross UBI over $10,000. See footnote 1 for explanation.����������&�[6] This deduction was required to be reported as a lump-sum total only and may have included component deductions that were of the same type shown elsewhere in this table. For����������&�example, if deductions "allocable to rental income" included depreciation, then that amount of depreciation would not be included in the separately reported item, "depreciation."��������l�&dTherefore, the total amount shown for some of the separately reported deductions may be understated.��������b�&Z[7] Reported by Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(7), (9), and (17) organizations only.��������� )� � � � �����)���������)����� ��!��"�#�$)�%�&�'�(�)�*�+�,�A�l�#�A�`�!�A�U�K�A�&@��A� @��A� @��A�@��A�@"�A�@��A�E�A&@���A@��A�E�A�@��A�E�A��@`�A�@��A�@��A�@��A�@!�A�@!�A�@!�A�@!�A@!�A�E�A���!�A��K�A��@!�A�@!�A�@!�A�@!�A�@"@�&8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!� !� !� !� !� !�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!�!� !�!!�"!�#!�$!�%!�&!�'!�(!�)!�*!�+!�,!�-!�.!�/!�0!�1!�2!�3!�4!�5!�6!Q��ISOURCE: IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin, Publication 1136, Spring 2000.���(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�����(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�A��@#�A�E�A�@K�A@��A�E�A�@��A�E�A��@"�A�@��A�@E�A�@���A�@��A�@E�A�@��A�@E�A@`�A�E�A���!�A��K�A��@!�A�@!�A�@!�A�@!�A�@!�A�@E�A�E�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (� (� (� (� (�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(�(� (�!(�"(�#(�$(�%(�&(�'(�((�)(�*(�+(�,(�-(�.(�/(�0(�1(�2(�3(�4(�5(�6(�7(�8(�9(�:(�;(�<(�=(�>(�?(�@(]dP�f1h� �����} {{�) ]RR�fI�i ����� {�) = X/�"> ����?�?�?�?m ��h���wо�V���Bо�Vp�\XT0�����|0����0��\XT���|0�|0��ax\XT0���h����w0��h���w0�����h��� �Uw�4���qq     ��"