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Grouping, Tax Year 1996!!!!!!!! !_-W[All figures are estimates based on samples--money amounts are in thousands of dollars]!!! ! !!! !  !$%%%%%%%% %#!!!!!!!! !$%%%%%%%% %0 0Gross 1Total21 Net income13 1Total 2/Number/ unrelated5deductions [1,2]65(less deficit)575income tax [4] 6+ .#Primary unrelated business activity /of /business 8 9 8 9 /Deficit 8 9 Ior industrial grouping /returns /income /Number / /Number / / /Number / .  / /(UBI) /of /Amount /of /Amount / /of /Amount / / /returns / / returns [3] / / /returns / : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;<~ =�?~ =@~ =@~ =@~ =@~ =@~ =@~ = @~  ="@ >$PAll activities and groupings~ O���@~ O�8�~ O ��@~ O�~ O`�@~ R�~ O@��@~  O�A @+J#Agriculture, forestry, and fishing~ N�x@~ N@��@~ N�x@~ N��@~ Nt@~ S ���~ N@���~ N�^@~  N�~@ CJMining~ Na@~ N�1�@~ Na@~ N@?�@~ N�`@~ Sn��~ N!��~ N�]@~  Nh�@ CJ Construction Q*39N*4,368 N*39N*10,304 N*39S*-5,936Q*5,952 N*37  N*2 CJ Manufacturing~ NP�@~ N�A~ N(�@~ N-A~ N�@~ S����~ N���~ N@l@~  N�@ E G+J#Transportation and public utilities~ Np�@~ N�O�@~ Np�@~ N �A~ N`�@~ S����~ N�C��~ N@o@~  N`�@ EJWholesale trade~ N�U@~ N�@~ N�U@~ N�@~ N�U@~ S ��~ ND��~ N.@~  N�l@ EJ Retail trade~ N.�@~ N��%~ N�@~ N��(A~ N��@~ S��~ N�L�~ Nԗ@~  N��@ C2J*Finance, insurance, and real estate, total~ N,�@~ N~��~ N �@~ N�՟~ N��@~ S��A~ N(��~ N�@~  N�;A C+K#Unrelated debt-financed activities,NNNNNSNN N C,L$ except rental of real estate~ N`�@~ N�^ A~ N�@~ N�A~ N�@~ S@��@~ N���~ NЅ@~  N@2�@ C-K%Investment activities of Code sectionNNNNNSNN N C6L. 501(c)(7), (9), and (17) organizations~ NԬ@~ N@�,A~ N~�@~ N� A~ N��@~ S�A~ N����~ N̥@~  N�fA C'L Rental of personal property~ N��@~ N�=�@~ N��@~ N�1�@~ N��@~ S�L��~ N@���~ N@o@~  NЎ@ C&KPassive income activities withNNNNNSNN N C(L controlled organizations~ N�y@~ N�p�@~ NPy@~ N��@~ N y@~ S���~ N����~ N�u@~  Nb�@ C5L- Other finance, insurance, and real estate~ NB�@~ N�%p~ N��@~ N�n~ N�W�@~ S���@~ Nt��~ N�@~  N�C�@ C @�F! ��D" ��H# ��%$ ���)% ���)& ���)' ���)( ���)) ���)* �N�)�+ ���), ���)- ���). ���)/ �D�)0�U�) JServices~ Nb�@~ N�+�~ N:�@~ N��~ N��@~ S�T��~ N& ��~ NA�@~ N ��@ E#!MExploited exempt activities~ !N w@~ !N ��@~ !N w@~ !Nt�@~ !N�n@~ !S�'��~ !NJ��~ !N`i@~ ! N�@! B"J Not allocable~ "N x@~ "N ��@~ "Nx@~ "N�|�@~ "Nx@~ "S.�@~ "Nm��~ "N�c@~ " N��@" C#&~ #' x@~ #' ��@~ #'x@~ #'�|�@~ #'x@~ #'.�@~ #'m��~ #'�c@~ # '��@# (r$+j* Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number of sample returns on which it is based.$ *�%+�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from% *�&+�sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages,�'+�and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $1.9 billion.�(+z[2] Includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on attached schedules.J)+B[3] Excludes returns with net income (less deficit) equal to zero.�*+�[4] Total income tax is the regular unrelated business income tax after reduction by any tax credits (foreign tax credit, general business credit, prior-year minimum tax credit, and�++�other allowable credits), plus taxes from recapture of certain prior-year credits, the "alternative minimum tax," and the "proxy" tax on nondeductible lobbying and political �,+�expenditures. The proxy tax was reported on Form 990-T and was included in total income tax; however, it had no connection to the tax on unrelated business income or an �-+�organization's involvement in unrelated business activities. For exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, total proxy tax was $1.8 million.@.,8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.Q/TISOURCE: IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin, Publication 1136, Spring 2000.0U� �@F� �@D� �@H� �@%� �@)� �@)� �@)� �@)� �@)� �@)� �@)�� �@)� �@)� �@)� �@)= X/�"> ����?�?�?�?m�}����wD��V��BD��V��\XT0����|0T���0��\XT���|0�|0��ax\XT0L�}����w0��$�}�w0L�}X���X���Uw����qq     ��"