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However, data are included in the appropriate totals.|[1] For definitions of the sources of gross unrelated business income, see the Explanation of Terms section of this article.�[2] The gross unrelated business income (UBI) brackets of $1,000 under $10,001 and $10,001 under $100,000 reflect the different filing requirements for organizations�with gross UBI of $10,000 or less (only a "partial" return was required) and all other Form 990-T filers (a more detailed "complete" return was required).�[3] All organizations were required to report each income item, as shown in columns 3 through 26. However, only organizations with gross UBI over $10,000 were required to report �each deduction shown in columns 14 through 45, 48, 49, and 54 through 59 of Table 7. A total of gross UBI is shown separately for these larger organizations in order to #facilitate comparison with Table 7.�[4] Property other than capital assets generally included property of a business nature, in contrast to personal and investment property which were capital assets. N[5] Income from real property and personal property leased with real property.Z[6] Reported by Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(7), (9), and (17) organizations only..[7] Annuities, interest, rents, and royalties.8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.MSOURCE: Internal Revenue Service, SOI Bulletin, Publication 1136 (Rev. 4-97).�J; �j#��qqB����"��%� ���@ $��* 6�@�GHTI  d����MbP?_*+��%���*���&�?'�?(�?)\���(\�?M�\\SOI-THREE\LJ5A17 (bopper)�w� od����JAPD dTimes New RomanH �"d����?�?U} �} � } } �} � }  � � � �� �  � � �# i�# ��# ��# ��# ��# ��# ��# ��# ��# �� ��K ��H �� �� �� ��/ ��/ �/  � ��/ �� �� �� �� ��� 5�� 5�� 6� � � 6� //�\]]]]]]]]6� //� 7&� S�TTTTT�7&7&7&8� %&� !"� !R� %&� # � 9  &� %  &� %  &� %  &� # � *)%&%&%&� $ $� : :� : :� : :� $� $� $� $� $� $� $� $� $ $� $ $� $ $� $ $�)******$$;�6,�?,@,@,@,@,@C@C @� <�6=���@=��=[�@=���=��@=P>A=C@=@\�� F�*G�@G ��@G$�@G=�@G�e@G`�@� G� G� F�*G��@G�/GI�@G�ƀGPx@G�#A� G� G� E�*>�-�@>��A>I�@>p� A>�n@>�@� >� >� E�6>{�@>�W;><�@>PA>�U@>��@>"@><�� E�*>p�@>�hA>�z@>�N A>;@>��@� >� >� E�6>0�@>��G>�t@>�/ A>4@>���@>@>(�� E�6>�W@>[>�G@>��"A>&@>��@>>�?@@@@@@A� S�TTTTTUU�A%&%&%&%&A� %&� % &� %!&� %"&� # � %#&� %$&� %%&� %&&� # �%&%&%&%&A� ::� ::� ::� ::A� $� $� $� $� $� $� $� $�D� l$$:0jn(`p`DHXXXHXHH0jn(j �! ��" ��# ��-$ ��.% ��& ��' ��( ��) �� * �+ ��, ��/- ��. ��/ ��0 ��1 ��2 ��3 ��4 ��5 ��-6 ��.7 ��8 ��9 ��: ��; &� < �2= �O> ��O? ��O A� $ $� $ $� $ $� $ $!B�6!C"@C$@C&@C(@C*@C,@C.@C0@� "<�6"=�~@=��@=�@=�[�@=��@=@��@=B�@=�.A� #F� #G'� #G(�*#G��@G�@GD�@GŲ@G؆@G�@� $F�6$G }@G��@GЁ@G���@G��@G���@G�@G�A� %E�6%>�u@>ح@>�w@>U�@>�@>`H�@>��@>�;�@� &E�6&>Q@>0t�>@X@>d�@>�x@>@��@>Pz@>��@� 'E�6'>6@>���>�A@>��@>N@>��@>U@>�>�@� (E�6(>8@>0w@>�B@>���@>K@>@��@>@U@>��@� )E�6)[@[*�@[3@[���@[@[�@[6@[}A*^� *_)�*UUUUU�+A%&7&7&,A� ,%*,&� ,%+,&� ,%,�,& � -# � -%--&� -7.-&� -%/-&� .# �.%&'('(/A� /:/:� /$/$� /$/$0A� 0$� 0$� 0$� 0$� 0$� 0$1A� 1$1$� 1*1*� 1*1*2B�*2C1@C2@,3@,4@,5@,6@� 3<�*3=ѵ@=�7A= �@=��@=��@=���@� 4F�*4G^�@G{�@Gt@G(�@G�g@G��@� 5F�*5GD�@G�[AG�@G��@G؄@G`��@� 5 � 6E�*6>`�@>�@>}@>{�@> v@>Ժ@� 6 � 7E�*7>��@>�n�@>�b@>���@> j@>@[�@� 8E�*8>�X@>��@>?@>��@>E@>��@� 9E�*9>�C@>@�@>6@>2�@>L@>���@� :E�*:>&@>��@J"@J��@J@J�Z�@� ;011�*;J"@J��@J@J�Z�@W@@W��A�<�=6>Y� >`�>aaaZZ&&�?#7&7&�D� ljDHXHHHHHH,ZV$R^R8<<LL<<<<>0@��OA��OB��DC��DD�@E�@F1@G�@H�@I�@J��K��L��M��N��O��PP ��Q ��R �@S �@T �@U �@V �@W �@X �@Y �@Z �@[ �@\ �@] �@^ �@_ �@#� @70@&� @%1@&� A# � A72A&� A73A&� B# �B' '(C#� C$C$� C$C$D#� D$� D$� D$� D$E#� EVEV� E$E$�F)##)*G+�GC7@X8@,9@,:@� H<�H=ֻ@=^7=~�@=f�!� IF�IG��@Gn�@Gx�@G��@� JF�JGY�@GxA+AG �@GL� A� KE�K>�@>���@>0�@>�)�@� LE�L>ܒ@>��A>�@>0x�@� ME�M>@h@>�f�@> i@>�'�@� NE�N>�g@>�� A>d@>P�A� OI�OJ@@J��AJ?@J�A� PQ4�PLLLL� Q35�Q� R36� S37� T48� U49� V4:� W4;� XM<� YM=� ZM>� [M?� \4@� ]A^_N�D�l:> :B:,00000000 ( `�`N���@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@�",�������( � ���� � � �D�Ċ���@�A��@����Text 3��]Ċ�@�� ��<4< ����� � � �D�����@�A��@����Text 4��]����� ��<5< �� 1����� � � �D�d����@�A��@����Text 7��]d��<�� ��<}< .orma����� �  � �F������@�A��@����Text 12�  ��] ������ ��<7< ����� � � �F�����@�A��@����Text 15�(P�P�]����� ��<}< .orma����� � � �F�T����@�A��@����Text 17�-_��]T��@�� ��<4< >�@���?�?�?�?m�ب0p��l�x���|�t�H �����-�0�j01t�}��*0��}�1t�1t��*0�*0t����)1��D1X��(0t�L��(0D1��X������( �i0��k 0��Z ���qq     �� >>�7 �������Oh��+'��0�HPl� � � ���Cynthia BelmonteeCynthia BelmonteeMicrosoft Excel@�pA��3�@��3�@��S�3�����՜.��+,��0� PXx ���� � ��Statistics of Incomeets�  93eo06ub  Worksheets  !"#$%&'(����*+,-./0����2345678������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Root Entry�������� �F���W�3�����Workbook������������4QSummaryInformation(����)DocumentSummaryInformation8������������1