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BOther finance, insurance, 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7!F and real estate~ !6#�@~ !6&�"~ !6Դ@~ !6�*~ !6ϱ@~ !6���~ !6��@~ !6-�@! 7#"EExploited exempt activities~ "6 v@~ "6��@~ "6 v@~ "6`&�@~ "6pu@~ "6����~ "6@d@~ "6��@" 7#E Not allocable~ #6�@~ #6��@~ #6�@~ #6C�@~ #6P�@~ #6���~ #6@x@~ #6�@# 7$:$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$;$ <r%Cj* Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number of sample returns on which it is based.%H%H%H%H%H%H%H%H�&C�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from&H&H&H&H&H&H&H&H�'C�sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages,'H'H'H'H'H'H'H'Hw(Coand certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations, cost of sales and services was $1.4 billion.(H(H(H(H(H(H(H(H�)C�[2] "Total deductions" includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on attached schedules.)H)H)H)H)H)H)H)Hf*C^[3] Excludes returns with unrelated business taxable income (UBTI) less deficit equal to zero.*H*H*H*H*H*H*H*H�+C�[4] Total income tax is the regular unrelated business income tax after reduction by any tax credits (foreign tax credit, general business credit, prior-year minimum tax credit, and other +H+H+H+H+H+H+H+H�,C�allowable credits), plus taxes from recapture of certain prior-year credits, the "alternative minimum tax," and the environmental tax.,H,H,H,H,H,H,H,H@-C8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-HV.CNSOURCE: Internal Revenue Service, SOI Bulletin, Publication 1136 (Rev. 5-96). = h��#�> ����?�?�?�?m� 2���r�w ��V̻�� ��V���s2��ɼ�*0�ɼ2��2���*0�*0��<��)2��H 2���(0��� 2�(0H 2$���$�H��(�i�ijPjXj�j$�qq     ��" �������������������������������