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Warning Text�?� � Warning Text ���%�X��TableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`� �990��-990-EZ��J990-PF� i�Codes��������8� �EINEmployer Identification NumberForm 990 HeaderNumtax_pd Tax periodsubseccdSubsection codes501c3or4947a1cdDescribed in 501(c)(3)?990 Core_Pt IV-1CharschdbindSchedule B required?990 Core_Pt IV-2politicalactvtscdPolitical activities?990 Core_Pt IV-3lbbyingactvtscdLobbying activities?990 Core_Pt IV-4 subjto6033cdSubject to proxy tax?990 Core_Pt IV-5dnradvisedfundscdDonor advised funds?990 Core_Pt IV-6prptyintrcvdcdConservation easements?990 Core_Pt IV-7maintwrkofartcdCollections of art?990 Core_Pt IV-8crcounselingqstncdCredit counseling?990 Core_Pt IV-9hldassetsintermpermcdTerm or permanent endowments?990 Core_Pt IV-10rptlndbldgeqptcd&Land buildings and equipment reported?990 Core_Pt IV-11arptinvstothsecd)Investments in other securities reported?990 Core_Pt IV-11brptinvstprgrelcd%Program related investments reported?990 Core_Pt IV-11c rptothasstcdOther assets reported?990 Core_Pt IV-11d rptothliabcdOther liabilities reported?990 Core_Pt IV-11esepcnsldtfinstmtcd)Separate consolidated financial statement990 Core_Pt IV - 11fsepindaudfinstmtcd$Separate audited financial statement990 Core_Pt IV - 12ainclinfinstmtcd990 Core_Pt IV - 12boperateschools170cdSchool?990 Core_Pt IV-13 frgnofficecdForeign office?990 Core_Pt IV-14afrgnrevexpnscdForeign activities, etc?990 Core_Pt IV-14b frgngrntscd1More than $5000 to organizations Part IX, line 3?990 Core_Pt IV-15frgnaggragrntscd/More than $5000 to individuals Part IX, line 3?990 Core_Pt IV-16rptprofndrsngfeescdProfessional fundraising?990 Core_Pt IV-17rptincfnndrsngcdFundraising activities?990 Core_Pt IV-18rptincgamingcdGaming?990 Core_Pt IV-19operatehosptlcd Hospital?990 Core_Pt IV-20ahospaudfinstmtcd.Hospital audited financial statement included?990 Core_Pt IV - 20brptgrntstogovtcdGrants to organizations?990 Core_Pt IV-21rptgrntstoindvcdGrants to individuals?990 Core_Pt IV-22rptyestocompnstncdSchedule J required?990 Core_Pt IV-23 txexmptbndcdTax exempt bonds?990 Core_Pt IV-24ainvstproceedscdInvestment income?990 Core_Pt IV-24bmaintescrwaccntcdEscrow account?990 Core_Pt IV-24c actonbehalfcdOn behalf of issuer?990 Core_Pt IV-24dengageexcessbnftcdExcess benefit transaction?990 Core_Pt IV-25aawarexcessbnftcd!Prior excess benefit transaction?990 Core_Pt IV-25bloantofficercdLoan to officer or DQP?990 Core_Pt IV-26grantoofficercdGrant to related person?990 Core_Pt IV-27dirbusnreltdcd(Business relationship with organization?990 Core_Pt IV-28afmlybusnreltdcd)Business relationship thru family member?990 Core_Pt IV-28bservasofficercd3Officer, etc. of entity with business relationship?990 Core_Pt IV-28c recvnoncashcd"Deductible non-cash contributions?990 Core_Pt IV-29 recvartcd%Deductible contributions of art, etc?990 Core_Pt IV-30ceaseoperationscd Terminated?990 Core_Pt IV-31 sellorexchcdPartial liquidation?990 Core_Pt IV-32 ownsepentcdDisregarded entity?990 Core_Pt IV-33 reltdorgcdRelated entity?990 Core_Pt IV-34 intincntrlcd)Related organization a controlled entity?990 Core_Pt IV-35 orgtrnsfrcd+Any transfers to exempt non-charitable org?990 Core_Pt IV-36conduct5percentcd&Activities conducted thru partnership?990 Core_Pt IV-37 compltschocdSchedule O completed?990 Core_Pt IV-38f1096cnt"Number forms transmitted with 1096990 Core_Pt V-1afw2gcntNumber W-2Gs included in 1a990 Core_Pt V-1bwthldngrulescd"Compliance with backup witholding?990 Core_Pt V-1cnoemplyeesw3cntNumber of employees990 Core_Pt V-2afilerqrdrtnscdEmployment tax returns filed?990 Core_Pt V-2b unrelbusinccdUnrelated business income?990 Core_Pt V-3a filedf990tcdForm 990-T filed?990 Core_Pt V-3b frgnacctcdForeign financial account?990 Core_Pt V-4aprohibtdtxshltrcd#Prohibited tax shelter transaction?990 Core_Pt V-5aprtynotifyorgcdTaxable party notification?990 Core_Pt V-5b filedf8886tcdForm 8886-T filed?990 Core_Pt V-5csolicitcntrbcdNon-deductible contributions?990 Core_Pt V-6a exprstmntcdNon-deduct. disclosure?990 Core_Pt V-6bprovidegoodscdQuid pro quo contributions?990 Core_Pt V-7a notfydnrvalcdQuid pro quo disclosure?990 Core_Pt V-7b filedf8282cdForm 8282 property disposed of?990 Core_Pt V-7cf8282cntNumber of 8282s filed990 Core_Pt V-7d fndsrcvdcdFunds to pay premiums?990 Core_Pt V-7epremiumspaidcdPremiums paid?990 Core_Pt V-7f filedf8899cdForm 8899 filed?990 Core_Pt V-7g filedf1098ccdForm 1098-C filed?990 Core_Pt V-7hexcbushldngscdExcess business holdings?990 Core_Pt V-8s4966distribcdTaxable distributions?990 Core_Pt V-9adistribtodonorcdDistribution to donor?990 Core_Pt V-9binitiationfeesInitiation fees amount990 Core_Pt V-10agrsrcptspublicuseGross receipts amount990 Core_Pt V-10b grsincmembersGross income from members990 Core_Pt V-11a grsincotherGross income from other sources990 Core_Pt V-11bfiledlieuf1041cdForm 990 in lieu of 1041?990 Core_Pt V-12a txexmptint#Tax exempt interest in lieu of 1041990 Core_Pt V-12b qualhlthplncd(Qualified health plan in multiple states990 Core_Pt V - 13aqualhlthreqmntn'Qualified health plan reserves required990 Core_Pt V - 13b qualhlthonhnd&Qualified health plan reserves on hand990 Core_Pt V - 13c rcvdpdtngcdPayments for indoor tanning990 Core_Pt V - 14a filedf720cdFiled Form 720 for tanning990 Core_Pt V - 14b totreprtabled)Reportable compensation from organization990 Core_Pt VII-A-1d(D)totcomprelatede)Reportable compensation from related orgs990 Core_Pt VII-A-1d(E) totestcompfOther compensation990 Core_Pt VII-A-1d(F)noindiv100kcnt%Number individuals greater than $100K990 Core_Pt VII-A-2nocontractor100kcnt(Number of contractors greater than $100K990 Core_Pt VII-B-2 totcntrbgftsTotal contributions990 Core_Pt VIII-1h(A)prgmservcode2acdProgram service revenue code 2a990 Core_Pt VIII-2a totrev2acola!Program service revenue amount 2a990 Core_Pt VIII-2a(A)prgmservcode2bcdProgram service revenue code 2b990 Core_Pt VIII-2b totrev2bcola!Program service revenue amount 2b990 Core_Pt VIII-2b(A)prgmservcode2ccdProgram service revenue code 2c990 Core_Pt VIII-2c totrev2ccola!Program service revenue amount 2c990 Core_Pt VIII-2c(A)prgmservcode2dcdProgram service revenue code 2d990 Core_Pt VIII-2d totrev2dcola!Program service revenue amount 2d990 Core_Pt VIII-2d(A)prgmservcode2ecdProgram service revenue code 2e990 Core_Pt VIII-2e totrev2ecola!Program service revenue amount 2e990 Core_Pt VIII-2e(A) totrev2fcola!Program service revenue amount 2f990 Core_Pt VIII-2f(A) totprgmrevnueProgram service revenue990 Core_Pt VIII-2g(A) invstmntincInvestment income990 Core_Pt VIII-3(A)txexmptbndsproceedsTax-exempt bond proceeds990 Core_Pt VIII-4(A) royaltsinc Royalties990 Core_Pt VIII-5(A) grsrntsrealGross rents -- Real estate990 Core_Pt VIII-6a(i) grsrntsprsnl Gross rents -- Personal property990 Core_Pt VIII-6a(ii) rntlexpnsrealRental expense -- Real estate990 Core_Pt VIII-6b(i)rntlexpnsprsnl#Rental expense -- Personal property990 Core_Pt VIII-6b(ii) rntlincrealNet rent -- Real estate990 Core_Pt VIII-6c(i) rntlincprsnlNet rent -- Personal property990 Core_Pt VIII-6c(ii) netrntlincNet rental income990 Core_Pt VIII-6d(A) grsalesecurGross sales -- Securities990 Core_Pt VIII-7a(i) grsalesothrGross sales -- Other assets990 Core_Pt VIII-7a(ii) cstbasisecurSales expense -- Securities990 Core_Pt VIII-7b(i) cstbasisothrSales expense -- Other assets990 Core_Pt VIII-7b(ii)gnlsecur!Net gain from< sales -- Securities990 Core_Pt VIII-7c(i)gnlsothr#Net gain from sales -- Other assets990 Core_Pt VIII-7c(ii)netgnlsSales of assets990 Core_Pt VIII-7d(A) grsincfndrsngGross fundraising990 Core_Pt VIII-8alessdirfndrsngFundraising expenses990 Core_Pt VIII-8b netincfndrsngFundraising income990 Core_Pt VIII-8c(A) grsincgamingGross income from gaming990 Core_Pt VIII-9a lessdirgamingGaming expenses990 Core_Pt VIII-9b netincgaming Gaming income990 Core_Pt VIII-9c(A) grsalesinventGross sales of inventory990 Core_Pt VIII-10alesscstofgoodsCost of goods sold (inventory)990 Core_Pt VIII-10b netincsalesIncome from sales of inventory990 Core_Pt VIII-10c(A) miscrev11acdOther revenue code 11a990 Core_Pt VIII-11a miscrevtotaOther revenue amount 11a990 Core_Pt VIII-11a(A) miscrev11bcdOther revenue code 11b990 Core_Pt VIII-11b miscrevtot11bOther revenue amount 11b990 Core_Pt VIII-11b(A) miscrev11ccdOther revenue code 11c990 Core_Pt VIII-11c miscrevtot11cOther revenue amount 11c990 Core_Pt VIII-11c(A) miscrevtot11dOther revenue amount 11d990 Core_Pt VIII-11d(A) miscrevtot11e Other revenue990 Core_Pt VIII-11e(A) totrevenue Total revenue990 Core_Pt VIII-12(A) grntstogovt$Grants to governments/orgs in the US990 Core_Pt IX-1(A) grnsttoindivGrants to individuals in the US990 Core_Pt IX-2(A)grntstofrgngovt-Grants to orgs and individuals outside the US990 Core_Pt IX-3(A)benifitsmembrsBenefits paid to or for members990 Core_Pt IX-4(A)compnsatncurrofcr1Compensation of current officers, directors, etc 990 Core_Pt IX-5(A)compnsatnandothr$Compensation of disqualified persons990 Core_Pt IX-6(A) othrsalwagesOther salaries and wages990 Core_Pt IX-7(A)pensionplancontrbPension plan contributions990 Core_Pt IX-8(A)othremplyeebenefOther employee benefits990 Core_Pt IX-9(A) payrolltx Payroll taxes990 Core_Pt IX-10(A)feesforsrvcmgmtManagement fees990 Core_Pt IX-11a(A) legalfees Legal fees990 Core_Pt IX-11b(A) accntingfeesAccounting fees990 Core_Pt IX-11c(A)feesforsrvclobby Lobbying fees990 Core_Pt IX-11d(A) profndraisingProfessional fundraising fees990 Core_Pt IX-11e(A)feesforsrvcinvstmgmtInvestment management feed990 Core_Pt IX-11f(A)feesforsrvcothr Other fees990 Core_Pt IX-11g(A) advrtpromoAdvertising and promotion990 Core_Pt IX-12(A) officexpnsOffice expenses990 Core_Pt IX-13(A)infotechInformation technology990 Core_Pt IX-14(A) royaltsexpns990 Core_Pt IX-15(A) occupancy Occupancy990 Core_Pt IX-16(A)travelTravel990 Core_Pt IX-17(A)travelofpublicoffcl1Travel/entertainment expenses to public officials990 Core_Pt IX-18(A)converconventmtng"Conferences, conventions, meetings990 Core_Pt IX-19(A) interestamtInterest expense990 Core_Pt IX20(A)pymtoaffiliatesPayments to affiliates990 Core_Pt IX-21(A)deprcatndepletn%Depreciation, depletion, amortization990 Core_Pt IX-22(A) insurance Insurance990 Core_Pt IX-23(A) othrexpnsaOther expenses 24a990 Core_Pt IX-24a(A) othrexpnsbOther expenses 24b990 Core_Pt IX-24b(A) othrexpnscOther expenses 24c990 Core_Pt IX-24c(A) othrexpnsdOther expenses 24d990 Core_Pt IX-24d(A) othrexpnseOther expenses 24e990 Core_Pt IX-24e(A) othrexpnsfOther expenses 24f990 Core_Pt IX-24f(A) totfuncexpnsTotal functional expenses990 Core_Pt IX-25(A) nonintcashend#Cash -- non-interest bearing -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-1(B)svngstempinvend-Savings and temporary cash investments -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-2(B)pldgegrntrcvblend$Pledges and grants receivable -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-3(B)accntsrcvblendAccounts receivable -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-4(B)currfrmrcvblend1Receivables from officers, directors, etc. -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-5(B)rcvbldisqualend,Receivables from disqualified persons -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-6(B)notesloansrcvblend"Notes and loans receivables -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-7(B)invntriesalesend"Inventories for sale or use -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-8(B)prepaidexpnsend+Prepaid expenses or deferred charges -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-9(B)lndbldgsequipend)Land, buildings, & equipment (net) -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-10(B) invstmntsend0Investments in publicly traded securities -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-11(B)invstmntsothrend990 Core_Pt X-12(B)invstmntsprgmend"Program-related investments -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-13(B)intangibleassetsendIntangible assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-14(B) othrassetsendOther assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-15(B) totassetsendTotal assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-16(B)accntspayableend,Accounts payable and accrued expenses -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-17(B)grntspayableendGrants payable -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-18(B)deferedrevnuendDeferred revenue -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-19(B)txexmptbndsend"Tax-exempt bond liabilities -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-20(B)escrwaccntliabendEscrow account liability -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-21(B)paybletoffcrsend,Payables to officers, directors, etc. -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-22(B) secrdmrtgsend*Secured mortgages and notes payable -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-23(B)unsecurednotesend,Unsecured mortgages and notes payable -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-24(B) othrliabendOther liabilities -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-25(B) totliabendTotal liabilities -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-26(B)unrstrctnetasstsendUnrestricted net assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-27(B)temprstrctnetasstsend(Temporarily restricted net assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-28(B)permrstrctnetasstsend(Permanently restricted net assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-29(B)capitalstktrstendRetained earnings -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-30(B)paidinsurplusend990 Core_Pt X-31(B)retainedearnend!Paid-in or capital surplus -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-32(B)totnetassetendTotal Net Assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-33(B)totnetliabastend%Total Liabilities + Net Assets -- eoy990 Core_Pt X-34(B)nonpfreaReason for non-PF status990 Sch A_Pt I-1-11totnooforgscnt!Number of organizations supported990 Sch A_Pt I-11h totsupportSum of amounts of support990 Sch A_Pt I-11h(vii)gftgrntsrcvd170+Gifts grants membership fees received (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-1(f)txrevnuelevied170Tax revenues levied (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-2(f) srvcsval170-Services or facilities furnished by gov (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-3(f)pubsuppsubtot170Public support subtotal (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-4(f)exceeds2pct170"Amount support exceeds total (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-5(f)pubsupplesspct170Public support (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-6(f)samepubsuppsubtot170 Public support from line 4 (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-7(f) grsinc170$Gross income from interest etc (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-8(f)netincunreltd170 Net UBI (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-9(f) othrinc170Other income (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-10(f) totsupp170Total support (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-11(f)grsrcptsrelated170,Gross receipts from related activities (170)990 Sch A_Pt II-12totgftgrntrcvd509+Gifts grants membership fees received (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-1(f)grsrcptsadmissn509.Receipts from admissions merchandise etc (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-2(f)grsrcptsactivities509,Gross receipts from related activities (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-3(f)txrevnuelevied509Tax revenues levied (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-4(f) srvcsval509-Services or facilities furnished by gov (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-5(f)pubsuppsubtot509Public support subtotal (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-6(f)rcvdfrmdisqualsub509990 Sch A_Pt III-7a(f)exceeds1pct509"Amount support exceeds total (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-7b(f) subtotpub509990 Sch A_Pt III-7c(f)pubsupplesub509Public support (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-8(f)samepubsuppsubtot509 Public support from line 6 (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-9(f) grsinc509$Gross income from interest etc (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-10a(f)unreltxincls511tx509 Net UBI (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-10b(f)< subtotsuppinc509Subtotal total support (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-10c(f)netincunrelatd509$Net income from UBI not in 10b (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-11(f) othrinc509Other income (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-12(f) totsupp509Total support (509)990 Sch A_Pt III-13(f) Element Name DescriptionLocationTypeLength0Data Items on Form 990 Annual Masterfile Extract3Data Items on Form 990-EZ Annual Masterfile ExtractForm 990-EZ Header totcntrbs*Contributions, gifts, grants, etc received 990-EZ_Pt I-1 prgmservrev 990-EZ_Pt I-2 duesassesmntsMembership dues and assessments 990-EZ_Pt I-3 othrinvstinc 990-EZ_Pt I-4grsamtsalesastothr!Gross amount from sale of assets 990-EZ_Pt I-5abasisalesexpnsothr&Cost or other basis and sales expenses990-EZ_Pt I-5bgnsaleofastothr"Gain or (loss) from sale of assets990-EZ_Pt I-5c990-EZ_Pt I-6agrsrevnuefndrsngSpecial events gross revenue990-EZ_Pt I-6bdirexpnsSpecial events direct expenses990-EZ_Pt I-6c#Special events net income (or loss)990-EZ_Pt I-6dgrsalesminusret990-EZ_Pt I-7a costgoodsoldLess: cost of goods sold990-EZ_Pt I-7bgrsprft.Gross profit (or loss) from sales of inventory990-EZ_Pt I-7c othrevnueOther revenue - total 990-EZ_Pt I-8 totrevnue 990-EZ_Pt I-9totexpnsTotal expenses990-EZ_Pt I-17 totexcessyrExcess or deficit990-EZ_Pt I-18othrchgsnetassetfndOther changes in net assets990-EZ_Pt I-20 networthendNet assets EOY990-EZ_Pt I-21Total assets e-o-y990-EZ_Pt II-25BTotal liabilities e-o-y990-EZ_Pt II-26BtotnetassetsendTotal net worth e-o-y990-EZ_Pt II-27Bactvtynotprevrptcd!Activity not previously reported?990-EZ_Pt V-33 chngsinorgcd&Significant changes to governing docs?990-EZ_Pt V-34 unrelbusincdUBI over $1,000?990-EZ_Pt V-35aOrganization Filed 990T990-EZ_Pt V-35b contractioncd5Liquidation, dissolution, termination, or contraction990-EZ_Pt V-36politicalexpend*Direct or indirect political expenditures.990-EZ_Pt V-37afiledf1120polcdFile Form 1120-POL?990-EZ_Pt V-37bloanstoofficerscd.Loans to/from officers, directors or trustees?990-EZ_Pt V-38aloanstoofficers Amount of loans to/from officers990-EZ_Pt V-38b initiationfee)Initiation fees and capital contributions990-EZ_Pt V-39agrspublicrcpts0Gross receipts for public use of club facilities990-EZ_Pt V-39bs4958excessbenefcd)Section 4958 excess benefit transactions?990-EZ_Pt V-40b.Party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction?990-EZ_Pt V-40e990-EZ Sch A_Pt I-1-11990-EZ Sch A_Pt I-11h990-EZ Sch A_Pt I-11h(vii)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-1(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-2(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-3(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-4(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-5(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-6(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-7(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-8(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-9(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-10(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-11(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt II-12990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-1(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-2(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-3(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-4(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-5(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-6(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-7a(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-7b(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-7c(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-8(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-9(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-10a(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-10b(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-10c(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-11(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-12(f)990-EZ Sch A_Pt III-13(f)3Data Items on Form 990-PF Annual Masterfile ExtracteinForm 990-PF, Item Atax_prdTax period (YYYYMM format) Top of formeostatusEO Status Coden/a (IRS-Coded)tax_yrSOI Year 990-PF Header operatingcdOperating foundation codesubcdfairmrktvalamt'Total assets  e-o-y fair market value 990-PF Header, Item I grscontrgiftsContributions received990-PF Pt I Line 1, column (a) schedbindSchedule B indicatorGn/a (IRS-Coded based on presence of Schedule B contributor information) intrstrvnueInterest revenue990-PF Pt I Line 3, column (a) dividndsamt Dividends990-PF Pt I Line 4, column (a)grsrents Gross rents 990-PF Pt I, Line 5a, column (a) grsslspramtGross sales price for assets 990-PF Pt I, Line 6bcostsoldCost-of-goods-sold990-PF Pt I, Line 10b grsprofitbus Gross profit!990-PF Pt I, Line 10c, column (a) otherincamt Other income 990-PF Pt I, Line 11, column (a) totrcptperbks 990-PF Pt I, Line 12, column (a) compofficersCompensation of officers 990-PF Pt I, Line 13, column (a)pensplemplbenf!Pension plans, employee benefits 990-PF Pt I, Line 15, column (a) legalfeesamt!990-PF Pt I, Line 16a, column (a)accountingfees!990-PF Pt I, Line 16b, column (a)Interest 990-PF Pt I, Line 17, column (a)depreciationamtDepreciation and depletion 990-PF Pt I, Line 19, column (a) occupancyamt 990-PF Pt I, Line 20, column (a)travlconfmtngs!Travel, conferences, and meetings 990-PF Pt I, Line 21, column (a) printingpublPrinting and publications 990-PF Pt I, Line 22, column (a)topradmnexpnsa5Total operating and administrative expenses column a 990-PF Pt I, Line 24, column (a) contrpdpbks!Contributions, gifts, grants paid 990-PF Pt I, Line 25, column (a) totexpnspbks 990-PF Pt I, Line 26, column (a) excessrcptsNet income less deficit990-PF Pt I, Line 27a totrcptnetinc$Total receipts net investment income 990-PF Pt I, Line 12, column (b)topradmnexpnsb5Total operating and administrative expenses column b 990-PF Pt I, Line 24, column (b)totexpnsnetinc$Total expenses net investment income 990-PF Pt I, Line 26, column (b) netinvstincNet investment income990-PF Pt I, Line 27btrcptadjnetinc"Total receipts adjusted net income 990-PF Pt I, Line 12, column (c)totexpnsadjnet"Total expenses adjusted net income 990-PF Pt I, Line 26, column (c) adjnetincAdjusted net income990-PF Pt I, Line 27ctopradmnexpnsd4Total operating and administrative expenses column d 990-PF Pt I, Line 24, column (d)totexpnsexemptTotal expenses  exempt purpose 990-PF Pt I, Line 26, column (d) othrcashamt,Cash non-interest-bearing  e-o-y book value 990-PF Pt II, Line 1, column (b)invstgovtobligEInvestments in U.S. & state government obligations  e-o-y book value"990-PF Pt II, Line 10a, column (b) invstcorpstk1Investments in corporate stock  e-o-y book value"990-PF Pt II, Line 10b, column (b) invstcorpbnd0Investments in corporate bonds e-o-y book value"990-PF Pt II, Line 10c, column (b) totinvstsec2Total investments in securities  e-o-y book value+990-PF Pt II, Lines 10a+10b+10c, column (b) mrtgloans-Investments mortgage loans  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 12, column (b) othrinvstend$Other investments  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 13, column (b) othrassetseoyOther assets  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 15, column (b)Total assets  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 16, column (b) mrtgnotespay)Mortgage loans payable  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 21, column (b)othrliabltseoy$Other liabilities  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 22, column (b)$Total liabilities  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 23, column (b) tfundnworth'Total fund net worth  e-o-y book value!990-PF Pt II, Line 31, column (b)fairmrktvaleoy!990-PF Pt II, Line 16, column (c) totexcapgnlsCapital gain net income990-PF Pt IV, Line 2 totexcapgn< Net gain  sales of assets990-PF Part IV, Line 2 > 0 totexcaplsNet loss  sales of assets990-PF Part IV, Line 2 < 0 invstexcisetx#Excise tax on net investment income990-PF Pt IV, Line 11 sec4940notxcdSection 4940  no tax!990-PF Pt VI, Line 1b not checkedsec4940redtxcdSection 4940  1 % tax990-PF Pt VI, Line 1b checked sect511txSection 511 tax subtitleatxSubtitle A tax990-PF Pt IV, Line 4totaxpyrTotal excise tax990-PF Pt IV, Line 5esttaxcrEstimated tax credit990-PF Pt IV, Line 6a txwithldsrcTax withheld at source990-PF Pt IV, Line 6b txpaidf2758*Tax paid with Form 2758 (filing extension)990-PF Pt IV, Line 6cerronbkupwthld*Erroneous backup withholding credit amount990-PF Pt IV, Line 6destpnltyEstimated tax penalty990-PF Pt IV, Line 8Tax due 990-PF Pt IV, Line 9 overpay Overpayment990-PF Pt IV, Line 10 crelamtCredit elect amountinflegInfluence legislation question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 1aactnotpr+Activities not previously reported question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 2 chgnprvrptcd(Changes not previously reported question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 3Filed 990-T question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 4b contractncdContraction question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 5 furnishcpycd+Furnished copy to Attorney General question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 8b claimstatcdClaiming status question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 9cntrbtrstxyrcd!Substantial contributors question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 10acqdrindrintcd:Acquire interest in applicable insurance contract question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 12 orgcmplypubcd&Comply with public inspection question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 13filedlf1041ind7Section 4947(a)(1) filing in lieu of Form 1041 question990-PF Pt VII-A, Line 15 propexchcdProperty exchange question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1a(1) brwlndmnycdBorrow lend money question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1a(2) furngoodscdFurnished goods question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1a(3) paidcmpncdPaid compensation question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1a(4)trnsothasstscdTransfer question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1a(5) agremkpaycdAgree to make pay question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1a(6) exceptactsind8Acts fail to qualify under section 53.4941(d)-3 question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1b prioractvcd%Engage in acts in prior year question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 1c undistrinccdUndistributed income question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 2a applyprovind3Not applying section 4942(a)(2) provisions question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 2b dirindirintcd!Direct indirect interest question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 3a excesshldcd!Excess business holdings question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 3b invstjexmptcd!Jeopardizing investments question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 4a prevjexmptcd,Prior year jeopardizing investments question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 4b propgndacdPropaganda question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 5a(1) ipubelectcd"Influence public election question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 5a(2) grntindivcdGrant individual question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 5a(3) nchrtygrntcdNon-charity grant question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 5a(4) nreligiouscdNon-religious question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 5a(5) excptransind;Transactions fail to qualify under section 53.4945 question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 5brfprsnlbnftindCReceive funds to pay premiums on personal benefit contract question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 6apyprsnlbnftind2Pay premiums on personal benefit contract question990-PF Pt VII-B, Line 6btfairmrktunuse=Fair market value of assets not used for charitable purposes 990-PF Pt X, Line 1dvalncharitassets%Net value of noncharitable-use assets990-PF Pt X, Line 5cmpmininvstretMinimum investment return990-PF Pt X, Line 6 distribamtDistributable amount6990-PF Pt XI, Line 7 and Part XIII, Line 1, column (d)undistribincyrUndistributed income#990-PF Pt XIII, Line 6f, column (d) adjnetinccolaAdjusted net income column a"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2a, column (a) adjnetinccolbAdjusted net income column b"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2a, column (b) adjnetinccolcAdjusted net income column c"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2a, column (c) adjnetinccoldAdjusted net income column d"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2a, column (d) adjnetinctotAdjusted net income total"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2a, column (e) qlfydistriba!Qualifying distributions column a"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2e, column (a) qlfydistribb!Qualifying distributions column b"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2e, column (b) qlfydistribc!Qualifying distributions column c"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2e, column (c) qlfydistribd!Qualifying distributions column d"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2e, column (d)qlfydistribtotQualifying distributions total"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 2e, column (e) valassetscolaValue assets column a%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(1), column (a) valassetscolbValue assets column b%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(1), column (b) valassetscolcValue assets column c%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(1), column (c) valassetscoldValue assets column d%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(1), column (d) valassetstotValue assets total%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(1), column (e) qlfyassetaQualifying assets column a%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(2), column (a) qlfyassetbQualifying assets column b%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(2), column (b) qlfyassetcQualifying assets column c%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(2), column (c) qlfyassetdQualifying assets column d%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(2), column (d) qlfyassettotQualifying assets total%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3a(2), column (e) endwmntscolaEndowments column a"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3b, column (a) endwmntscolbEndowments column b"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3b, column (b) endwmntscolcEndowments column c"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3b, column (c) endwmntscoldEndowments column d"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3b, column (d) endwmntstotEndowments total"990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3b, column (e) totsuprtcolaTotal support column a%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(1), column (a) totsuprtcolbTotal support column b%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(1), column (b) totsuprtcolcTotal support column c%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(1), column (c) totsuprtcoldTotal support column d%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(1), column (d) totsuprttotTotal support total%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(1), column (e) pubsuprtcolaPublic support column a%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(2), column (a) pubsuprtcolbPublic support column b%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(2), column (b) pubsuprtcolcPublic support column c%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(2), column (c) pubsuprtcoldPublic support column d%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(2), column (d) pubsuprttotPublic support total%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(2), column (e) grsinvstinca Gross investment income column a%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(4), column (a) grsinvstincb Gross investment income column b%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(4), column (b) grsinvstincc Gross investment income column c%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(4), column (c) grsinvstincd Gross investment income column d%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(4), column (d)grsinvstinctotGross investment income total%990-PF Pt XIV, Line 3c(4), column (e) grntapprvfut"Grants approved for future payment990-PF Pt XV, Line 3b progsrvcacold*Program service revenue line 1a (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1a, column (d) progsrvcacole(Program service revenue line 1a (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1a, column (e) progsrvcbcold*Program service revenue line 1b (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1b, column (d) progsrvcbcole(Program service revenue line 1b (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1b, column (e) progsrvcccold*Program service revenue line 1c (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1c, column (d) progsrvcccole(Program service revenue line 1c (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1c, column (e) progsrvcdcold*Program service revenue line 1d (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1d, column (d) progsrvcdcole(Program service revenue line 1<`d (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1d, column (e) progsrvcecold*Program service revenue line 1e (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1e, column (d) progsrvcecole(Program service revenue line 1e (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1e, column (e) progsrvcfcold*Program service revenue line 1f (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1f, column (d) progsrvcfcole(Program service revenue line 1f (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1f, column (e) progsrvcgcoldNProgram service revenue--fees and contracts from government line 1g (excluded)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1g, column (d) progsrvcgcoleLProgram service revenue--fees and contracts from government line 1g (exempt)$990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 1g, column (e)membershpduesd*Membership dues and assessments (excluded)#990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 2, column (d)membershpduese(Membership dues and assessments (exempt)#990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 2, column (e) intonsvngsd=Interest on savings and temporary cash investments (excluded)#990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 3, column (d) intonsvngse;Interest on savings and temporary cash investments (exempt)#990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 3, column (e) dvdndsintd1Dividends and interest from securities (excluded)#990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 4, column (d) dvdndsinte/Dividends and interest from securities (exempt)#990-PF Pt XVI-A, Line 4, column (e) trnsfrcashcd;Transfer cash to noncharitable exempt organization question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1a(1)CTransfer other assets to noncharitable exempt organization question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1a(2) salesasstscd<Sale of assets to noncharitable exempt organization question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1b(1) prchsasstscdBPurchase of assets from noncharitable exempt organization question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1b(2)rentlsfacltscd-Rental of facilities or other assets question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1b(3) reimbrsmntscd$Reimbursements arrangements question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1b(4) loansguarcd"Loans or other guarantees question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1b(5)perfservicescdKPerformance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1b(6) sharngasstscdYSharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees question990-PF Pt XVII, Line 1cScientific Organization Religious Organization &Organization for Public Safety Testing+Organization to Prevent Cruelty to Children*Organization to Prevent Cruelty to AnimalsLiterary Organization Educational Organization Charitable CorporationNonoperating FoundationNOperating FoundationY@Formal exemption not granted (Form 990-PF under IRC 4947(a)(1)) Unconditional exemption - active%https://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/ Social welfare organizations% Labor and agriculture organizations Business leagues Social and recreation clubs! Fraternal beneficiary societies/ Voluntary employees beneficiary associations* Domestic fraternal beneficiary societies( Benevolent life insurance associations Cemetery companies State-chartered credit unions Mutual insurance companies/ Supplemental unemployment compensation trusts Veterans organizations3 Holding companies for pensions and other entities0State-sponsored high-risk health insurance plans7State-sponsored workers' compensation reinsurance plans( Teachers' retirement fund associations3 Corporations organized to finance crop operations Employee-funded pension trusts Black lung benefit trusts$ Withdrawal liability payment funds@ Associations of past and present members of the armed services. Trusts (described in section 4049 of ERIS74) Group legal services plans Not reportedChurch$School (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i))3Hospital organization (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i))FFederal, state, or local government unit (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i));Medical research organization (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i))eOrganization operated for the benefit of a public college or university (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i))jOrganization that receives a substantial part of its support from government (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i))-Community trust (described in 170(b)1)(A)(i))Section 509(a)(2) organizationGOrganization testing for public safety (described in section 509(a)(4))0Type I Section 509(a)(3) supporting organization1Type II Section 509(a)(3) supporting organizationKType III--Functionally integrated Section 509(a)(3) supporting organization9Type III--Other Section 509(a)(3) supporting organizationtaxdue2Codes on Form 990-series Annual Masterfile Extract transfercdschedbind (Form 990-PF)Schedule B provided by filer Schedule B not provided by filer'Amounts from disqualified persons (509).Included in consolidated financial statements?&Investments in other securities -- eoyMSection 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust (Treated as Private Foundation)Calendar Year 2014#Total record count (2014): 299,405#Total record count (2014): 234,829"Total record count (2014): 101,381'Capital stock or trust principal -- eoy�� �9 �:��;��<��=��> �?�A(B) C D& 9EK ZFl MG_ hHzqI�sJ�lK~bLtAMS=NO=OOwP��Q��R��S*U<KV]DWVkX}wY��Z��[w}\k�]}�^��_��`��a��b��c� �d� �e� �f� �g� �h�j�TkB�ln�m}�n��o�.q@r.isW�t��u��v�5x#UyC�zPx{C�|j�}z�~t�Xn�9z�E��h߃� #�� ^�) ��w ��m�������#��p�;��~��j�5Ŕ� ��L���e%����!����P��¡qߢ�%�� k� ��Q �� v�%��X���U���Hٯ���?��|�+��j ��v�%�������p��"f����o�� ;�� V�� M�����cc��B����� g2�ɂ 0�3������ '�$g-  d����MbP?_*+��%,����&ffffff�?'ffffff�?(�?)�?�",B�333333�?333333�?in�&�<3U} mV} �0V} V} $ V�Y�UY�UY�UY@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@ Y@ Y@ Y@ Y@ Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@Y@� b��bbbc� b��bbbc� ]�� 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