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 ;����`i�Z�R�3 ��� �@@�  ���,ZAll organizationsOrganizations with grossunrelated business incomeTotal Total!(UBI) of $1,000 under $10,001 [3]Size of gross unrelatednumber deductions [1,2] Net operatingSpecificbusiness income (UBI)ofdeductions [2,4]loss deduction deductionreturnsNumberof Amount$1,000 under $10,001 [3]$10,001 under $100,000 [3]$100,000 under $500,000$500,000 under $1,000,000$1,000,000 under $5,000,000$5,000,000 or moreOOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) of $10,001 or more [3]&Deductions directly connected with UBI Allocable toAllocable to unrelateddeductions [2,5]rental debt-financed income [6]ZOrganizations with gross unrelated business income (UBI) of $10,001 or more [3]--Continued1Deductions directly connected with UBI--ContinuedAllocable to incomeAllocable to exploitedDirectCompensation offrom controlledexempt activity income, advertisingofficers, directors,organizations [6]except advertising [6] costs [6] and trusteesSalaries and wagesRepairs and maintenance Bad debtsInterest Taxes and Contributions Depreciation Depletion to deferredcompensation plans to employeelossbenefit programsOther deductionsSpecific deductionSet-asides [7]j* Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number of sample returns on which it is based.7NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.licenses paid .[All figures are estimates based on samples-- *money amounts are in thousands of dollars]***Deductions not directly connected with UBICharitable contributions�[8] Includes excess exempt-activity expenses from Form 990-T, Schedule I, and excess readership costs from Form 990-T, Schedule J.�[4] Excludes $51.5 million of cost of sales and services reported by organizations with gross UBI of $10,000 or less. See footnote 1 for explanation.�[5] Excludes $2.5 billion of cost of sales and services reported by organizations with gross UBI over $10,000. See footnote 1 for explanation.�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages, and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $2.5 billion.�[3] Organizations with gross UBI between $1,000 (the filing threshold) and $10,000 were required to report only totals for expenses and deductions (except for the specific deduction and net operating loss deduction, which all organizations reported separately). Organizations with gross UBI over $10,000 were required to report each expense and deduction item separately, as shown in columns 14 through 45, 48, 49, and 54 through 59.�[6] This deduction was required to be reported as a lump-sum total only and may have included component deductions that were of the same type shown elsewhere in this table. For example, if deductions "allocable to rental income" included depreciation, then that amount of depreciation would not be included in the separately reported item, "depreciation." Therefore, the total amount shown for some of the separately reported deductions may be understated.#by Size of Gross Unrelated Business#Table 7: Unrelated Business Income !Tax Returns: Types of DeductionsIncome (UBI), Tax Year 2003$Allocable to investment income [6,7]#Excess exempt-activity expenses [8]N/A�[7] Reported by Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(7) social and recreational clubs, section 501(c)(9) voluntary employees' beneficiary associations, and section 501(c)(17) supplemental unemployment benefit trusts only.i**Data in adjacent size classes are combined to avoid disclosure of information about specific taxpayers.N/A - Not applicable.^[2] Includes both expenses and deductions reported on Form 990-T, lines 13(B), 29, 31, and 33.:SOURCE: IRS, Statistics of Income Division, February 2007.�b� ��+����}� >� �!@{"��)�+ccN ���� E�2+\Wo�r  d����MbP?_*+��%���  ��!!(!2!��& ףp= �?'�G�z�?(�(\����?){�G�z�?M�\\SOI-FOUR\Bopper��?�� od��Letter�.HP LaserJet 4100 PCL 62g�x�e��/DQ�绳ok#6�g�p��F�P��D!�(Ի�Wf���nIA� �@���@�� ���q�Ml$����7��w�|�y�Y���EȬD�,d��~�tA.�(z�  �G,q�x9 �x�]�t�x�� �&�)�����v��� ���.� }�%��;���� [��~���/+GJ��_��$�ds� J'����\.��L�N�C����J~N�O�t��d���JQ�Q�Ex�a�oI��36A��TCjlz��`l���ZlX��"Z��R���Q�?H�z�G�?U} m$} 9� } ::� } ;v� E<<�<�<�<�@<��1<��1 <�1<��1<��1 <��1 <��1 <��1 <��1 <��1<��1<��1<��1<��1<��1<��1<��1<��1<h@<h@<�@<7@<w@<�@< @< @<�@<�@� �O� � P� !" � N� !" � Q� !" � -C�......../0 � 2D�3333333334 �X55555555555555555555555555555556655555555;� {8� 89� :�;;;;< �  �� ���������� �"����������� �"����������'� (�"�)���������1� 2�"�3���������;�^_?@� �������>� �  �� �������� �#����������� �#����������'� (�#�)���������1� 2�F�3���������;^� 7� CD� O�====P �  C�  EA7 � CE� CD� �R�� C$E� C%E� C&D� C'�EFHC@E@CE#� $C4�%EFBCD)� *C5+E� ,C5-E� .C �/EFHCDGBFBFB9� :�S;�� ^� 7� J K� ? 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