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The proxy tax was reported on nNumber of Returns, Gross Unrelated Business Income (UBI), Total Deductions, Unrelated Business Taxable Income �[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit � from sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries � and wages, and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $2.4 billion.� Form 990-T and was included in total tax; however, it had no connection to the tax on unrelated business income or an organization's involvement in unrelated business � activities. For exempt organizations reporting gross UBI above the $1,000 filing threshold, total proxy tax was $1.1 million.Deficit Zero [4] c[2] Includes both expenses and deductions reported on Form 990-T, lines 13(B) and 34, respectively.�[4] The Zero category includes 7,873 returns with equal amounts of gross unrelated business income and total deductions. These returns are not included in the data shown in column 5.e(Less Deficit), and Total Tax, by Size of Unrelated Business Taxable Income or Deficit, Tax Year 20028SOURCE: IRS, Statistics of Income Division, March 2006.�2� p��2n� jpccb ���� $�ko( +-+5+i,  d����MbP?_*+��%�����M�\\SOI-FOUR\Jan��?�� od��Letter�.HP LaserJet 4100 PCL 62��x�e��KUQ������糄�,�n�/��G��V 8�hR���k��y �H}CؤA�$�h�}�4�?�7��� >�����Y�����&�����@��T썴?�1�5�$: ����������a��S�l)π�a � ����,��a�#𺓠M`@8 f���8��yǖ�7]M.,ʅ���n8 � i\��#�� �~Ж�O�HUaf��>��/Y�.�)<�*�C�[l[ �O�R�t-�~� ��w������'`��s�m���P�T��Y"�k`/dχ�f�� ���/��{����jC���tz��\��t���|z�q�Z{�,�i3˛Y���7��K�#��%ğ�����~��s�>� >  >� > >� >  > @�6 A�?A@A@A@A@A@A@A @ "� B�6 C�#�@CF��C �@C�8^AC���@Cx��C�W�@CX�A $� D#�6 E���@En��E���@E�E���@E�6(�E[@EP�@ &� D$� E��@EvCrE��@IvCr� F� F� E�^@E@�@ &� D�6E@�@E���@E@�@E ��@E@�@Ep�@E6�@E�h@�  &# � D�6E��@E�AEι@E�� AE��@E�Y�@Ez�@E�@�  ()) � D�6E��@E�I$AE�@E~9!E��@Ef�@E�@E��@�  () � D�6E(�@ED�#AE �@E��AE(�@E�)AE�@E@*�@�  () � D�6EW@E�s AE�V@E(�AEW@E�Y�@E�V@E@V�@�  &# � O�6P�\@Pn�"P\@PܬAP�\@P� AP@\@P0�@�  () �,+++++++++ � G�  .. � G 0� G � G%� H� H� H!� H"� G&� G'� N�D� l((<d\VrpXNRRlVXVVVV ��-! ��-" ��-# �$ �% �& �' �( �) ,@* �+ �, �- �� N)"1#-�$JJJJJJJJ�%NKKKKKKKK�&KKKKLLKK�'KKKKKKKK�(KKKKKKKK�)MKKKKKKKK�*KKKKKKKK�+KKKKKKKK�,KKKKKKKK�-++++++++� R ��� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@� �@�",���*� ��( � ���� � � �D�� ��@�A��@����Text 7�5j�]� l� � ��<4< ������� � � �D�`� ��@�A��@����Text 8�5j�]`� � � ��<4< ������� � � �F��� ��@�A��@����Text 10�5j�]�� H� � ��<4< ������ � � �P�� �� �@�A��@����Text 9��:�*;��]� �� � ��<5<O������ �  � �R�P� �� �@�A��@����Text 11�5��] P� �� � ��<4< ��>�@  ��7 ���� |2  d����MbP?_*+��%������"��?�?U>�@�7 ���� �3  d����MbP?_*+��%������"��?�?U>�@�7 �������Oh��+'��0�HPdx � � ��� mmrile00 jnwill00Microsoft Excel@� ��8�@��&�@s�5A�����՜.��+,��0� PXx ���� � ��Statistics of Income� Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  Worksheets ���� !����#$%&'()������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Root Entry�������� �F����Workbook�������������3SummaryInformation(����DocumentSummaryInformation8������������"