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Gross profit � from sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, �[4] Total tax is the regular unrelated business income tax after reduction by any tax credits (foreign tax credit, general business credit, prior-year minimum tax credit, and other �[5] The gross unrelated business income (UBI) brackets of "$1,000 under $10,001" and "$10,001 under $100,000" reflect the different filing requirements for organizations with fNumber of Returns, Gross Unrelated Business Income (UBI), Total Deductions, Unrelated Business Taxable Tax Year 2002_Income (Less Deficit), Unrelated Business Taxable Income, and Total Tax, by Size of Gross UBI, � salaries and wages, and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $2.4 billion.� allowable credits), plus the "alternative minimum tax," the "proxy" tax on nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures, and "other" taxes. The proxy tax was reported on � Form 990-T and was included in total tax; however, it had no connection to the tax on unrelated business income or an organization's involvement in unrelated business � activities. For exempt organizations reporting gross UBI above the $1,000 filing threshold, total proxy tax was $1.1 million.� gross UBI of $10,000 or less (not required to report itemized expenses and deductions, or to complete return schedules) and all other Form 990-T filers (required to file a x more detailed "complete" return). Organizations with gross UBI below $1,000 were not required to file Form 990-T.H[3] Includes only positive amounts of unrelated business taxable income.&Unrelated business taxable income [3] c[2] Includes both expenses and deductions reported on Form 990-T, lines 13(B) and 34, respectively. tax [4]8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.7SOURCE: IRS, Statstics of Income Division, March 2006.�2� Y��+�`��! ccR ����  o�\*�, ->.  d����MbP?_*+��%�����M�\\SOI-FOUR\Jan��?�� od��Letter�.HP LaserJet 4100 PCL 62��x�e��KUQ������糄�,�n�/��G��V 8�hR���k��y �H}CؤA�$�h�}�4�?�7��� >�����Y�����&�����@��T썴?�1�5�$: ����������a��S�l)π�a � ����,��a�#𺓠M`@8 f���8��yǖ�7]M.,ʅ���n8 � i\��#�� �~Ж�O�HUaf��>��/Y�.�)<�*�C�[l[ �O�R�t-�~� ��w������'`��s�m���P�T��Y"�k`/dχ�f�� ���/��{����jC���tz��\��t���|z�q�Z{�,�i3˛Y���7��K�#��%ğ�����~��s��< ?�??@?@?@?@?@?@? @?"@ � 7�< 8�#�@8F��8 �@8�8^A8���@8x��8��#A8�W�@8X�A � :�< ;�)�@;�=�@;�@;���@;#�@;����;��@;Ժ@;�@ � :�< ;��@;�A;��@;�� A;�J�@;`j��;Pw�@;�@;��@ � :�<;c�@;6�O;b�@;��Q;r�@;@.��;��A;z�@;���@ � :�<;̑@;^�0;ȑ@;�[(A;��@;���;@�@;�y@;���@ � :�<;8�@;>t{;(�@;��|;�@;���;��A;�t@;�z�@ � N�<O@n@OҚ�O@n@O֑�O`g@O ���O��AO�T@O���@ � M� <� <� M&�((((((((( � M$�((((((((( � M�((((((((( � <�((((((((( � < �((((((((( � <!�((((((((( � M�((((((((( � <"�((((((((( � <#�((((((((( � K(�((((((((( � K)�D� l***>hjXvz`JNNNNNNN********** ��&! ��&" ��&# ��)$ ��)% ��)& ��)' ,�)( ��)) ��)* ��)+ ��), ��)� ABBBBBBBBBB �!CDDDDDDEDFB �"B999999G9HB �#I999999G9HI �$I999999G9HI �%I999999G9HI �&I999999G9HI �'J999999G9HI �(IIIIIIIIIII �)IIIIIIIIIII �D� �` �@a �@b �@c �@d �@e �@f �@g �@h �@i �@j �@k �@l �@m �@n �@�",���V� �>�( � ���� � � �D��� ��@�A��@����Text 4�  ��]�� �;� � ������� � � �D��כ ��@�A��@����Text 5��.��/x�]�כ <=� � ������� � � �D� ؛ ��@�A��@����Text 6�:2t2�] ؛ x>� � ��<4<������� � � �D�p؛ ��@�A��@����Text 7�:t�]p؛ (1� � ��<4<������� �  � �D��؛ ��@�A��@����Text 7��2*2�] �؛ �� � ��<4< ������� �  � �D�ٛ ��@�A��@����Text 8��2*2�] ٛ � � ��<4< ������� �  � �F�`ٛ ��@�A��@����Text 10��2*2�] `ٛ (_� ��<4< ������� �  � �F��ٛ ��@�A��@����Text 11�t2 2�] �ٛ �_� ��<4 < ������ � � �P�ڛ �� �@�A��@����Text 9�(2�2�]ڛ _� ��<6< ��>�@� �7 ���� �7  d����MbP?_*+��%������"��?�?U>�@�7 ���� �8  d����MbP?_*+��%������"��?�?U>�@�7 �������Oh��+'��0�HPdx � � ��� mmrile00 jnwill00Microsoft Excel@�X�y8�@����@�K�4A�����՜.��+,��0� PXx ���� � ��Statistics of Income� Sheet1Sheet2Sheet3  Worksheets ���� !"#$����&'()*+,������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Root Entry�������� �F����Workbook�������������8SummaryInformation(����DocumentSummaryInformation8������������%