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M���@! :/"C'Management of companies and enterprises~ "MA@~ "Y�j�@~ "M�@@~ "Y��@~ "M�@@~ "Z��@~ "Y��@~ "MA@~ " MP�@" :,#_$Administrative and support and waste#M#Y#M#Y#M#Z#Y#M# M# :/$C' management and remediation services~ $M��@~ $YYA~ $M��@~ $Y �A~ $M��@~ $Z�1��~ $Y���@~ $M�l@~ $ M�@$ :(%C Educational services������������~ %M�N@~ %Y�`�@~ %M�N@~ %Y���@~ %MJ@~ %Z¬� %Y*948 %M*39 % M*409% :(&C Healthcare and social assistance~ &M�@~ &Yı3A~ &M��@~ &Y~bT~ &M�@~ &Z�m��~ &Y@F�@~ &M�r@~ & M�J�@& :+'C#Arts, entertainment, and recreation~ 'M��@~ 'Y�#~ 'M��@~ 'Y�&~ 'M��@~ 'Z����~ 'YR�@~ 'M<�@~ ' M�@' :'(CAccommodation and food services~ (M��@~ (Yp A~ (M��@~ (Y��#~ (M��@~ (Z����~ (Y@�@~ (MH�@~ ( M\�@( :)AOther services~ )MЂ@~ )Yh|A~ )MЂ@~ )Y�A~ )M`�@~ )Z����~ )Y4�@~ )M�s@~ ) M��@) :#*DExploited exempt activities~ *M@h@~ *Y`��@~ *M@h@~ *Y@��@~ *M``@~ *Z o@~ *YI�@~ *M[@~ * M��@* <+G Not allocable~ +R n@~ +`@��@~ +R n@~ +`� �@~ +R�m@~ +a ��~ +`��@~ +R@^@~ + R@w@+ 9,E,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$, $, :r-Jj* Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number of sample returns on which it is based.-J-%-%-%-%-%-%-%- %- $�.J�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from .J. &�/J�sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages, /J/ &�0J�and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $2.3 billion.0J�1J|[2] Includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on supporting schedules.1Ja2JY[3] Excludes returns with unrelated business taxable income (less deficit) equal to zero.2J�3J�[4] Total tax is the regular unrelated business income tax after reduction by any tax credits (foreign tax credit, general business credit, prior-year minimum tax credit, and other 3J�4J�allowable credits), plus the "alternative minimum tax," the "proxy" tax on nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures, and "other" taxes. The proxy tax was reported on 4J�5J�Form 990-T and was included in total tax; however, it had no connection to the tax on unrelated business income or an organization's involvement in unrelated business activities. 5Jy6JqFor exempt organizations reporting gross UBI above the $1,000 filing threshold, total proxy tax was $1.4 million.6J�7J�[5] See the Explanation of Selected Terms section of this article for definitions of Unrelated Debt-Financed Income, Investment Income (Less Loss), and Income from Controlled 7J8JOrganizations.8J�9J�[6] Section 501(c)(7) organizations are social and recreational clubs; section 501(c)(9) organizations are voluntary employees' beneficiary associations, and section 501(c)(17) 9JC:J;organizations are supplemental unemployment benefit trusts.:J@;J8NOTE: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding.;JW<JOSOURCE: IRS, Statistics of Income Winter 2004-2005 Bulletin, Publication 1136. <J=J=J>">">">">">">">">"> "= 8<X/�#> ����?�?�?�?m0 �׉�wT��V���T��V��,�� ���*08��� �� ��*0�*0����)� (�� ��(0�� �(0� l��l����(�   X �  l�qq     ��" �������������������������������