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"Gross #Total$6%. Unrelated business taxable income &!4', Total !!Internal Revenue"Number" unrelated(deductions [1,2])((less deficit))* Unrelated 5+- tax [4] )! Code section "of"business"Number""Number"* business "Number " ! "returns "income "of "Amount "of "Amount *taxable "of "Amount , - .(UBI) -returns - - returns [3] - - income  -returns - /~ 0�?~ 0@~ 0@~ 0@~ 0@~ 0@~ 0@~ 0 @~ 0"@ 1 All sections~ 2�Z�@~ 2L#^A~ 2@Q�@~ 2n"�~ 2@!�@~ 2@%�@~ 2nV0~ 2��@~ 2� A 3220(e) 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4--3401(a)~ 4�r@~ 4p��@~ 4�r@~ 4 0�@~ 4�p@~ 4�*�@~ 4���@~ 4`g@~  4@ �@3408(e)~ 4��@~ 4���@~ 4��@~ 4N�@~ 4$�@~ 4��@~ 4+�@~ 4��@~  4�@ 3408A 5-- 5-- 5-- 5-- 5-- 5-- 5-- 5--  5--3 501(c)(2) [5]~ 4@o@~ 4���@~ 4@o@~ 4�h�@~ 4m@~ 4�!�@~ 4t�@~ 4@^@~  4y�@3 501(c)(3)~ 4��@~ 4��%~ 4���@~ 4 ,~@ 3 501(c)(17) 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4-- 4--!3 501(c)(18) !4-- !4-- !4-- !4-- !4-- !4-- !4-- !4-- ! 4--"3 501(c)(19)~ "4(�@~ "4�0�@~ "4(�@~ "4���@~ "4ē@~ "4x�@~ "4��@~ "4`�@~ " 4��@#3501(c)(21) [6] #4-- #4-- #4-- #4-- #4-- #4-- #4-- #4-- # 4--$3 501(c)(22) $4-- $4-- $4-- $4-- $4-- $4-- $4-- $4-- $ 4--%3 501(c)(23) %4-- %4-- %4-- %4-- %4-- %4-- %4-- %4-- % 4--&3 501(c)(24) &4** &4** &4** &4** &4** &4** &4** &4** & 4**'3 501(c)(25) '4** '4** '4** '4** '4** '4** '4** '4** ' 4**(3 501(c)(26) (4-- (4-- (4-- (4-- (4-- (4-- (4-- (4-- ( 4--)3 501(c)(27) )4** )4** )4** )4** )4** )4** )4** )4** ) 4***3529(a) *4-- *4-- *4-- *4-- *4-- *4-- *4-- *4-- * 4--+6530(a) +7-- +7-- +7-- +7-- +7-- +7-- +7-- +7-- + 7--,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9, 9q-:i*Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number of sample returns on which it is based.-:-:-;-;-;-;-;-;- ;�.:�**Data deleted to avoid disclosure of information for specific taxpayers. However, data are included in the appropriate totals..:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;. ;�/:�[1] Excludes cost of sales and services, which was subtracted from gross receipts from sales and services in computing gross profit from sales and services. Gross profit from /</</////// �0:�sales and services was a component of gross unrelated business income (UBI). Cost of sales and services can include amounts attributable to depreciation, salaries and wages, 0<0<0000000 �1:�and certain other deductible items. For all exempt organizations reporting gross UBI, cost of sales and services was $2.3 billion.1<1<1111111 �2:|[2] Includes both deductions reported on the main part of the tax return and expense items reported on supporting schedules.2<2<2222222 a3:Y[3] Excludes returns with unrelated business taxable income (less deficit) equal to zero.3:3:3=3=3=3=3=3=3 �4:�[4] Total tax is the regular unrelated business income tax after reduction by any tax credits (foreign tax credit, general business credit, prior-year minimum tax credit, and other allowable 4:4:4>4>4>4>4>4>4 �5:�credits), plus the "alternative minimum tax," the "proxy" tax on nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures, and "other" taxes. The proxy tax was reported on Form 990-T and 5:5:5>5>5>5>5>5>5 �6:�was included in total tax; however, it had no connection to the tax on unrelated business income or an organization's involvement in unrelated business activities. For exempt 6:6:6>6>6>6>6>6>6 n7:forganizations reporting gross UBI above the $1,000 filing threshold, total proxy tax was $1.4 million.7:7:7=7=7=7=7=7=7 =�8<�[5] Corporations that are organized under an Act of Congress and are instrumentalities of the United States, described in section 501(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, are not 8:8:8=8=8=8=8=8=8 =69<.subject to unrelated business income taxation.9:9:9=9=9=9=9=9=9 =�::�[6] Prepaid legal service funds, previously described in section 501(c)(20) of the Internal Revenue Code, were no longer tax-exempt, beginning with tax years after June 30, 1992. :<:<::::::: D;:<Therefore, these organizations are not listed in this table.;<;<;;;;;;; �<:�NOTES: Detail may not add to totals because of rounding. See the Appendix to this article for a listing of the types of tax-exempt organizations, by the Internal Revenue Code <<<<<<<<<<<  =:section describing them.=<=<======= W>?OSOURCE: IRS, Statistics of Income Winter 2004-2005 Bulletin, Publication 1136. ><><>>>>>>> ]P@7�8�� H�� 4 ��]P@7�8�� `�� 4 ��]P@7�8�� x�� 4 ��= �i[,�> ��" �������������������������������